net stop "Temporizador do Windows SharePoint Services"
net start "Temporizador do Windows SharePoint Services"
Como reinicio o Serviço de Timer do SharePoint na linha de comando?
SharePoint 2010:
net stop SPTimerV4
net start SPTimerV4
Sei que o OP está solicitando uma solução de linha de comando, mas usando o PowerShell (executado como administrador), reiniciar o serviço de timer é tão fácil quanto a execução:
restart-service sptimerv4
SharePoint 2013: net stop SPTimerV4 / início da rede SPTimerV4
SharePoint 2007: net stop SPTimerV3 / net start SPTimerV3
SharePoint 2003: SPTimer net stop / net start SPTimer
E para o SP2010 / 2013 fazer isso em todas as máquinas:
$farm = Get-SPFarm
$farm.TimerService.Instances | foreach { $_.Stop(); $_.Start(); }
REM - Save this in a .BAT file and set up a scheduled task that runs it periodically.
REM - This will recycle the SharePoint Timer Service, and also log it in the Event Viewer.
EVENTCREATE /T INFORMATION /L APPLICATION /ID 777 /D "Starting scheduled task: SP timer restart."
net stop SPTimerV4
net start SPTimerV4
if %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 (
EVENTCREATE /T INFORMATION /L APPLICATION /ID 777 /D "Scheduled task: Restart succeeded for the SharePoint Timer Service (SPTimerV4 AKA 'SharePoint 2010 Timer'). ERRORLEVEL=%ERRORLEVEL%. The restart is done by Scheduled Task, which runs the batch file: C:\_________________ every _ hours."
exit /b
) else (
EVENTCREATE /T ERROR /L APPLICATION /ID 777 /D "Scheduled task: Restart failed for the SharePoint Timer Service (SPTimerV4 AKA 'SharePoint 2010 Timer'). ERRORLEVEL=%ERRORLEVEL%. Please stop and restart the service manually and investigate the issue preventing the restart. The restart is done by Scheduled Task, which runs the batch file: C:\___________________ every _ hours."