Por que o r10k é chamado r10k? [fechadas]


Estou usando o r10k há algum tempo. Eu me pergunto o que significa r10k.


Por que a ferramenta é chamada r10k? Onde está?

Tenta responder à pergunta

Nem os docs de fantoches nem a internet indicam onde r10k significa

por 030 09.07.2016 / 21:17

1 resposta


Neither the puppet docs, nor the internet indicates where r10k stands for

Bem, é explicado aqui :

It’s called R10K because I’m terrible at names. When I started working on R10K I couldn’t come up with a decent name. While trying to come up with something clever, I recalled that Randall Munroe wrote a bot for controlling IRC chatter, and gave it the most generic name he could think of - Robot 9000. Since I just needed a name, any name, I decided to go with an equally generic name by incrementing the robot index.

por 09.07.2016 / 21:20
