DFS: Arquivo aleatoriamente ausente?


Temos um DFS instalado em dois servidores diferentes.

A execução de relatórios de integridade não encontra erros e geralmente tudo parece OK, mas:

  1. Em alguns computadores, os arquivos serão salvos em uma pasta DFS aleatoriamente, mas não aparecerão em outros computadores ou fisicamente no servidor. Às vezes, eles aparecerão em outros computadores se estiverem registrados sob o mesmo usuário, mas outros usuários, incluindo o administrador, não poderão vê-los.

  2. Outros arquivos acabaram de desaparecer.


DFS Replication Health Report (Show All) 

Data collected on: 15 December 2015 at 11:43:32 (GMT0:00) 
Replication Group: TeachingData (NSNET.NET) 
Reference member: SRV-FS02 (srv-fs02.nsnet.net) 
Server scope: Selected 2 of 2 servers 
DFS Replication bandwidth savings: 0.00% 
Server health:  Servers with no errors or warnings (1)  Servers unavailable for reporting (0)   
Servers with DFS Replication errors (1)  Servers with DFS Replication warnings (1) 

Report Loading. Please wait . . .
ERRORS  (1 server with errors)(Show All)
SRV-FS02   (1 error)    (View Server Details) 
Cannot access the local WMI repository.  

WARNINGS  (1 server with warnings)(Show All)
SRV-FS02   (1 warning)    (View Server Details) 
Reference member returned no replicated folders.  

SERVER DETAILS  (2 servers)(Show All)
Rendering content. Please wait . . .
SRV-FS02(Show All)
DNS name: srv-fs02.nsnet.net 
Domain name: NSNET.NET 
Reference domain controller: -- 
IP address: fe80::a888:789d:b82:1354%16, 
Site: Default-First-Site-Name 
Time zone: (GMT0:00) 
ERRORS (There is 1 error to report)

Cannot access the local WMI repository.  
Affected replicated folders: All replicated folders on this server. 
Description: Due to the following error, the DFS Replication reporting mechanism cannot access the WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation) namespace to retrieve certain reporting information. Error ID: 0x80041002.  
Last occurred: 15 December 2015 at 11:43:32 (GMT0:00) 
Suggested action: For information about troubleshooting WMI errors, see WMI help.  

WARNINGS (There is 1 warning to report)

Reference member returned no replicated folders.  
Description: Backlog calculations cannot be performed because the reference member returned zero replicated folders.  
Last occurred: 15 December 2015 at 11:43:33 (GMT0:00) 
Suggested action: For information about troubleshooting backlog problems, see The Microsoft Web Site.
por Jason Staples 14.12.2015 / 15:45

1 resposta


Tivemos o mesmo problema e abrimos um caso da Microsoft. Eles acabaram excluindo a exclusão de extensão de arquivo .TMP e configurando-a novamente. Isso resolveu nosso problema.

por 21.06.2017 / 21:27