Inicie o SQL Server com sinalizador de rastreamento 902 . Isso irá ignorar a execução do script de atualização.
Start -> All Programs -> Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 or the highest version installed -> Configuration Tools -> SQL Server Configuration Manager
In SQL Server Configuration Manager, click SQL Server Services.
In the right pane, right-click SQL Server (), and then click Properties.
On the Startup Parameters tab, in the Specify a startup parameter box, type the parameter (in this case the trace flag -T902), and then click Add. You will now see the parameters similar to below SQL Server Istance Startup Parameters SQL Server Istance Startup Parameters
Click OK.
- Restart the Database Engine.
- Connect to SQL Server instance from SQL Server Management Studio and take corrective actions to resolve the errors causing script upgrade to fail.
- Now finally remove the -T902 trace flag from SQL Server Configuration manager
- Restart SQL Server Instance
- Verify Errorlog to make sure script upgrade finished successfully
Em seguida, execute manualmente o script SSIS_hotfix_install.sql (depois de ter adicionado SSISDB.
na linha 3188).