Qual é a ordem de início dos serviços no servidor Windows?


Eu tenho um serviço do Windows que funciona bem na maioria dos servidores. Mas em um servidor, vejo que ele é iniciado antes dos serviços de rede serem iniciados. Isso está causando os serviços para travar e como resultado o sistema operacional não está inicializando. Também fica preso. Qual é a ordem de início usual dos serviços? Meu serviço do Windows faz conexões TCP. Devo adicionar um início atrasado? Se esse for o caso, todos os serviços não devem ter um início atrasado após esses serviços de rede? Qualquer ajuda seria muito apreciada.

por mayooran 06.07.2017 / 16:47

1 resposta


O uso do Início atrasado pode ser uma solução possível.

Outra possibilidade é adicionar uma dependência para que os serviços sejam iniciados na ordem desejada. Por exemplo, você não desejaria que seu serviço fosse iniciado antes, digamos, do serviço NSI, porque a conectividade de rede não pode acontecer até que o serviço NSI esteja em execução. Então, adicione uma dependência.


if an auto-start service depends on a demand-start service, the demand-start service is also started automatically.

(Mais detalhes sobre a ordem de início também estão nesse artigo do MSDN).

Qualquer uma dessas duas coisas pode funcionar, se eu fosse você, estaria mais interessado em descobrir o que há de diferente nesse servidor. É uma boa ideia entender sempre o que está acontecendo e por que antes de você modificar as configurações do sistema e tornar esse servidor um "floco de neve especial" em comparação com os outros.

Editar :

Você me fez pensar mais sobre a pergunta "qual é a ordem de início dos serviços no Windows", ou seja, a ordem exata , e não acho que a pergunta tenha sido bem detalhada. respondeu, pelo menos não publicamente.

Eu acho que isso se deve em parte ao fato de que é muito complicado. A ordem exata de inicialização dos serviços do Windows está sempre mudando. Há "serviços de início antecipado", "serviços de fase 1", "serviços de fase 2", grupos de serviços, serviços iniciados porque são dependências, etc. etc. Será um pouco diferente em todas as versões e edições do Windows e também irá variar em diferentes configurações e opções de implantação. Portanto, não conte com isso sendo documentado oficialmente em algo que não seja o termo genérico mais genérico, como "serviços de início atrasado após os serviços de início automático".

Eu acho que também é em parte porque é uma situação não determinista. O Service Control Manager (services.exe no modo de usuário) envia o sinal de início para um serviço, e a ordem dessa parte é bastante determinista, mas a hora em que o sinal de início é enviado e a hora em que o serviço é realmente iniciado duas coisas diferentes. Devido à natureza preventiva do Windows, nem sempre podemos garantir que o serviço A será iniciado antes do serviço B, mesmo que o SCM tenha enviado o serviço A ao controle de início primeiro. (A menos que usemos algum tipo de mecanismo de sincronização.)

De qualquer forma, imaginei que poderia pelo menos habilitar algum registro do SCM durante a inicialização e ver o SCM iniciando todos os serviços, cronologicamente.

Este é o Windows 10, RS1 / 1607. Como mencionei antes, seus resultados podem variar um pouco em praticamente qualquer outra compilação. Os resultados foram editados para duração e conteúdo. Primeiro, acho que será muito interessante mostrar a ordem cronológica em que os serviços entraram no estado Em execução, não necessariamente a ordem em que o SCM tentou iniciá-los.

07/06/17-13:05:39.7425860 [SCM] service PlugPlay, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000005
07/06/17-13:05:39.8150411 [SCM] service Power, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000000
07/06/17-13:05:39.8629388 [SCM] service DcomLaunch, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000080
07/06/17-13:05:39.8699565 [SCM] service RpcEptMapper, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000000
07/06/17-13:05:39.8745944 [SCM] service RpcSs, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x000000c0
07/06/17-13:05:39.9107503 [SCM] service BrokerInfrastructure, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00001080
07/06/17-13:05:39.9276072 [SCM] service LSM, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000000
07/06/17-13:05:40.0868049 [SCM] service SystemEventsBroker, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x000012c1
07/06/17-13:05:40.4599977 [SCM] service nsi, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000001
07/06/17-13:05:40.4641823 [SCM] service lmhosts, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000001
07/06/17-13:05:40.4705790 [SCM] service TermService, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000005
07/06/17-13:05:40.4708935 [SCM] service CoreMessagingRegistrar, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000000
07/06/17-13:05:40.4943177 [SCM] service gpsvc, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000141
07/06/17-13:05:40.4975091 [SCM] service gpsvc, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000541
07/06/17-13:05:40.5067210 [SCM] service TimeBrokerSvc, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000241
07/06/17-13:05:40.5877317 [SCM] service UmRdpService, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000085
07/06/17-13:05:40.6327091 [SCM] service Dnscache, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000059
07/06/17-13:05:40.6501216 [SCM] service CertPropSvc, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000085
07/06/17-13:05:40.6716164 [SCM] service Dhcp, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000005
07/06/17-13:05:40.6785583 [SCM] service Schedule, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x000012c5
07/06/17-13:05:40.7442193 [SCM] service LanmanWorkstation, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000043
07/06/17-13:05:40.7560620 [SCM] service EventLog, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000205
07/06/17-13:05:40.8915301 [SCM] service SessionEnv, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000281
07/06/17-13:05:40.9149615 [SCM] service ProfSvc, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000005
07/06/17-13:05:40.9173657 [SCM] service NlaSvc, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x000000c1
07/06/17-13:05:40.9429894 [SCM] service netprofm, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x000000c1
07/06/17-13:05:40.9494092 [SCM] service UserManager, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000001
07/06/17-13:05:41.0502482 [SCM] service NcbService, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000081
07/06/17-13:05:41.2351873 [SCM] service vmickvpexchange, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000003
07/06/17-13:05:41.2897569 [SCM] service vmictimesync, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000003
07/06/17-13:05:41.3259511 [SCM] service vmicshutdown, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000003
07/06/17-13:05:41.3284648 [SCM] service vmicvss, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000103
07/06/17-13:05:41.3444338 [SCM] service Themes, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000001
07/06/17-13:05:41.3548424 [SCM] service vmicrdv, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000003
07/06/17-13:05:41.3823139 [SCM] service WPDBusEnum, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x000004c1
07/06/17-13:05:41.3843401 [SCM] service WinHttpAutoProxySvc, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000041
07/06/17-13:05:41.3856439 [SCM] service vmicheartbeat, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000003
07/06/17-13:05:41.3874138 [SCM] service EventSystem, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000001
07/06/17-13:05:41.5580789 [SCM] service SENS, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000041
07/06/17-13:05:41.6772846 [SCM] service FontCache, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000005
07/06/17-13:05:41.9209576 [SCM] service AudioEndpointBuilder, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x000000c1
07/06/17-13:05:42.0189267 [SCM] service VSS, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000005
07/06/17-13:05:42.0210403 [SCM] service Audiosrv, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x000000c1
07/06/17-13:05:42.0484759 [SCM] service SamSs, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000000
07/06/17-13:05:42.2429764 [SCM] service Wcmsvc, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x000012c5
07/06/17-13:05:42.2906325 [SCM] service ShellHWDetection, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x000000c1
07/06/17-13:05:42.5323497 [SCM] service Spooler, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x000004c1
07/06/17-13:05:42.5431893 [SCM] service ScDeviceEnum, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000481
07/06/17-13:05:42.5485449 [SCM] service wudfsvc, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000000
07/06/17-13:05:42.5989161 [SCM] service NetSetupSvc, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000001
07/06/17-13:05:42.6021970 [SCM] service WbioSrvc, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000441
07/06/17-13:05:42.6391087 [SCM] service SCardSvr, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000481
07/06/17-13:05:42.7007534 [SCM] service NgcCtnrSvc, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000001
07/06/17-13:05:42.7017472 [SCM] service BFE, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000041
07/06/17-13:05:42.7098576 [SCM] service Winmgmt, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000007
07/06/17-13:05:42.7222523 [SCM] service Netlogon, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000003
07/06/17-13:05:42.8153049 [SCM] service iphlpsvc, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x000000c9
07/06/17-13:05:42.8854162 [SCM] service CryptSvc, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000085
07/06/17-13:05:42.8857247 [SCM] service DPS, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000005
07/06/17-13:05:43.0717978 [SCM] service LanmanServer, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000001
07/06/17-13:05:44.1651270 [SCM] service PcaSvc, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000085
07/06/17-13:05:44.3247890 [SCM] service TrkWks, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000005
07/06/17-13:05:44.3303880 [SCM] service DiagTrack, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x000013c5
07/06/17-13:05:44.3364873 [SCM] service MpsSvc, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000001
07/06/17-13:05:44.3497466 [SCM] service SysMain, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x000000c5
07/06/17-13:05:44.3573408 [SCM] service WpnService, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000401
07/06/17-13:05:44.3581205 [SCM] service WdiServiceHost, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000005
07/06/17-13:05:44.7769374 [SCM] service sppsvc, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000005
07/06/17-13:05:45.1100224 [SCM] service wisvc, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000005
07/06/17-13:05:45.2168257 [SCM] service fhsvc, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x000004c5
07/06/17-13:05:45.2489211 [SCM] service WinDefend, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x000000c5
07/06/17-13:05:45.3731715 [SCM] service wuauserv, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x000000c5
07/06/17-13:05:45.3899756 [SCM] service WinHttpAutoProxySvc, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000041
07/06/17-13:05:45.3958062 [SCM] service StateRepository, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x0000000d
07/06/17-13:05:45.6152215 [SCM] service tiledatamodelsvc, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000181
07/06/17-13:05:47.3504859 [SCM] service SCardSvr, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000481
07/06/17-13:05:47.5248612 [SCM] service WdNisSvc, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000001
07/06/17-13:05:47.9543134 [SCM] service SCardSvr, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000481
07/06/17-13:05:47.9543975 [SCM] service SCardSvr, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000481
07/06/17-13:05:48.5741736 [SCM] service CDPUserSvc_33f2e, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x000000c1
07/06/17-13:05:50.7171925 [SCM] service W32Time, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x0000007d
07/06/17-13:05:51.0991216 [SCM] service wlidsvc, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000081
07/06/17-13:05:51.2245142 [SCM] service KeyIso, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000001
07/06/17-13:05:51.4173887 [SCM] service WSearch, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x000010c5
07/06/17-13:05:52.7271615 [SCM] service Appinfo, state 0x00000004(SERVICE_RUNNING), exit 0, sexit 0, controls 0x00000081

E, em seguida, temos uma lista cronológica de serviços do Windows para os quais o SCM enviado inicia o controle. Observe que esta lista é mais curta. E nem sempre pode ser na mesma ordem.

07/06/17-13:05:40.4600357 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service gpsvc, user S-1-5-18
07/06/17-13:05:40.4601289 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service lmhosts, user S-1-5-18
07/06/17-13:05:40.4601542 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service CoreMessagingRegistrar, user S-1-5-90-0-1
07/06/17-13:05:40.4602090 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service TermService, user S-1-5-18
07/06/17-13:05:40.4602341 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service NcbService, user S-1-5-18
07/06/17-13:05:40.4602536 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service W32Time, user S-1-5-18
07/06/17-13:05:40.4660675 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service TimeBrokerSvc, user S-1-5-18
07/06/17-13:05:40.5068238 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service Schedule, user S-1-5-18
07/06/17-13:05:40.5435413 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service RdpVideoMiniport, user S-1-5-20
07/06/17-13:05:40.5877716 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service UmRdpService, user S-1-5-20
07/06/17-13:05:40.6336400 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service CertPropSvc, user S-1-5-20
07/06/17-13:05:40.8919486 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service SessionEnv, user S-1-5-20
07/06/17-13:05:40.9437595 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service netprofm, user S-1-5-18
07/06/17-13:05:40.9437849 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service UserManager, user S-1-5-18
07/06/17-13:05:41.2444548 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service vmickvpexchange, user S-1-5-18
07/06/17-13:05:41.2898074 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service vmicvss, user S-1-5-18
07/06/17-13:05:41.2898367 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service vmicshutdown, user S-1-5-18
07/06/17-13:05:41.2902957 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service vmictimesync, user S-1-5-18
07/06/17-13:05:41.3260049 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service WPDBusEnum, user S-1-5-18
07/06/17-13:05:41.3444823 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service vmicheartbeat, user S-1-5-18
07/06/17-13:05:41.3548887 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service WinHttpAutoProxySvc, user S-1-5-20
07/06/17-13:05:41.3549103 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service vmicrdv, user S-1-5-18
07/06/17-13:05:41.9211318 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service VSS, user S-1-5-18
07/06/17-13:05:42.5324545 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service ScDeviceEnum, user S-1-5-18
07/06/17-13:05:42.5989696 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service NetSetupSvc, user S-1-5-18
07/06/17-13:05:42.7008186 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service NgcCtnrSvc, user S-1-5-18
07/06/17-13:05:44.1651981 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service WdiServiceHost, user S-1-5-19
07/06/17-13:05:44.3231928 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service NcaSvc, user S-1-5-18
07/06/17-13:05:44.7769902 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service sppsvc, user S-1-5-20
07/06/17-13:05:45.1100675 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service wisvc, user S-1-5-18
07/06/17-13:05:45.2169191 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service wuauserv, user S-1-5-18
07/06/17-13:05:45.2169410 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service fhsvc, user S-1-5-18
07/06/17-13:05:45.6471780 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service NcaSvc, user S-1-5-18
07/06/17-13:05:47.3489415 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service WdNisSvc, user S-1-5-18
07/06/17-13:05:49.4258072 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service CDPSvc, user S-1-5-18
07/06/17-13:05:50.9283667 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service WSearch, user S-1-5-18
07/06/17-13:05:51.0034313 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service wlidsvc, user S-1-5-18
07/06/17-13:05:51.1906412 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service KeyIso, user S-1-5-18
07/06/17-13:05:52.5810658 [SCM] Successfully sent start control to service Appinfo, user S-1-5-18
por 06.07.2017 / 16:56