Do blog de engenharia do SCVMM:
Hyper-V hosts expose certain performance counters for a physical host and the virtual machines residing on it. SCVMM Server talks to each Hyper-V host over WSMAN to gather these performance metrics for the host and its VMs. SCVMM collects virtual machine performance metrics directly from its host because of some limitations of what a virtual machine understands about its true performance. Here a few interesting metrics explained.
1- Host CPU Average is exposed in SCVMM console as the “%Total Run Time” counter of “Hyper-V Hypervisor Logical Processors(_Total)” counter set*** averaged over past 9 minutes. This counter captures processor utilization being caused on the host (parent partition) and by the VMs. This value and other host performance metrics could be refreshed on demand as part of Refresh-VMHost or Refresh task in the SCVMM Console. Note that this value is different than what the Host’s Task Manager or %Processor Time(_Total) counter would show, which only considers parent partition utilization.
2- VM CPU Average is exposed in SCVMM console as the “%Guest Run Time” counter of “Hyper-V Hypervisor Virtual Processor(_Total)” counter set . This is the percent of time spent by the virtual processor(s) that run the VM. Since Hyper-V allows control of how many processors and what percent of their capacity can be assigned to a VM, the Guest Run Time counter value can never exceed the specified limit(see image below). Note that this is very different from the VM CPU% displayed in Hyper-V console, in which CPU utilization is displayed as VM Host Logical Processors utilization.
Portanto, o SCVMM usa o WinRM (que é a implementação do Windows do WSMan) para reunir esses contadores de desempenho. Você pode estabelecer uma sessão do WinRM do servidor do SCVMM para o host do Hyper-V? Você pode, então, consultar esses contadores remotamente? (Eles podem estar no espaço de nomes da Virtualização, não no namespace CIMV2.)
Existe algo nos logs sobre o SCVMM não sendo capaz de coletar dados para esses contadores?
Além disso, experimente o "winrm quickconfig" ou o "winrm qc" em seu host do Hyper-V, se ele ainda não estiver ativado e escutando.
Testar a funcionalidade remota do WinRM
Em um prompt de comando elevado, digite:
winrm id –r:remoteserver
Isso deve produzir uma saída semelhante à abaixo:
winrm id -r:vmmr2lab-cl20
ProtocolVersion =
ProductVendor = Microsoft Corporation ProductVersion = OS: 6.1.7201 SP: 0.0 Stack: 2.0
Se, em vez disso, aparecer um erro, como abaixo, isso significa que o WinRM não está configurado corretamente na máquina remota ou há algo impedindo a comunicação na porta do WinRM entre os dois sistemas. Isso pode ser um firewall ou programas antivírus / malware.
Message = The WinRM client cannot complete the operation within the time specified. Check if the machine name is valid and is reachable over the network and firewall exception for Windows Remote Management service is enabled.
Error number: -2144108250 0x80338126
The WinRM client cannot complete the operation within the time specified. Check
if the machine name is valid and is reachable over the network and firewall exception for Windows Remote Management service is enabled.
Neste evento, teste a funcionalidade local do WinRM no sistema remoto. Se o WinRM estiver configurado corretamente no sistema remoto, a causa é provavelmente a comunicação de rede entre as duas máquinas. Solucione isso como você faria com qualquer problema de rede.