Se você estiver usando aliases do mac OSX, o find . -type l
não criará nada.
Você pode usar o seguinte script [Node.js] para mover / copiar os destinos de seus links simbólicos para outro diretório:
fs = require('fs')
path = require('path')
sourcePath = 'the path that contains the symlinks'
targetPath = 'the path that contains the targets'
outPath = 'the path that you want the targets to be moved to'
fs.readdir sourcePath, (err,sourceFiles) ->
throw err if err
fs.readdir targetPath, (err,targetFiles) ->
throw err if err
for sourceFile in sourceFiles
if sourceFile in targetFiles
targetFilePath = path.join(targetPath,sourceFile)
outFilePath = path.join(outPath,sourceFile)
console.log """
Moving: #{targetFilePath}
to: #{outFilePath}
# if you don't want them oved, you can use fs.cpSync instead