Terminou com esta tabela:
**Nginx**: ngx_http_sub_module --> http://p.defau.lt/?A6UukYFKZrYLalJ5KOuTKg
**Nginx**: Nginx + lua. LUA body_filter --> http://p.defau.lt/?0ZxLWENoEkFIRD17QlEtbQ
**Apache**: Apache Module mod_substitute --> http://p.defau.lt/?IS8u2mnAQTSHs4qEl_MSFQ
**Apache**: As of version 2.3 LUA can be used as a scripting language for Apache. Response body rewriting is possible there as well. --> http://p.defau.lt/?tTAqWfA8sezQZkmvI3LnFw
**Varnish**: Possible, but hacky: https://github.com/aivarsk/libvmod-rewrite
**HAproxy**: Not possible. Might be possible with LUA in the future