Tarefas agendadas estranhas no Windows Server 2003


Alguns dias atrás, notei que nosso sistema Windows Server 2003 tem tarefas agendadas estranhas. Eu não sei de onde eles vieram ou quem os configurou. Eu os deletei e eles voltaram hoje. Eles têm nomes como "At1", "At2", "At3" e o status diz que eles estão em execução.

Quando abro suas propriedades, o comando de execução se parece com rundll32.exe zfypspqu.u,ygxjgq .

O que poderia ser? Meu servidor tem algum vírus? Eu fiz uma varredura com nod32 e não reportou nada. Eu não tenho nada incomum configurar neste servidor - é apenas executando o SQL Server 2005 com ReportServer. Dois outros servidores com configuração semelhante não têm essas tarefas agendadas estranhas.

por adopilot 23.08.2009 / 11:55

2 respostas


Essa é uma infecção por Conficker .

Etapas básicas para removê-lo:

Se você tiver vários sistemas, corrija todos eles.

O guia completo da Microsoft para se proteger do Conficker é aqui .

Boa sorte, eu tive que lidar com uma infecção Conficker em um cliente pequeno, cerca de 30 servidores espalhados por 12 sites, não foi divertido.

por 23.08.2009 / 12:31

Tente digitalizar, desinfectar, aplicar patch para todos os computadores da sua rede ao mesmo tempo, se possível, teve uma experiência ruim com ele (versão B, nossa rede tem cerca de 300 computadores em três sites)



Eu atualizo o arquivo de lote para solicitar o GPO (consegui em algum lugar na Internet)

@echo off

REM   ########################################
REM   Version 6 - 10:19pm Pacific Jan 4th, 2009
REM   Created by Ckemper and Shainw
REM   For disabling infection points and potentially removing Conficker.B malware
REM   http://www.microsoft.com/security/portal/Entry.aspx?Name=Worm%3aWin32%2fConficker.B

REM   #####################################

REM   #####################################
REM   Modify <domain.com> to your domain name in the script portion below.
REM   Rename it to .BAT and drop it in the \%windir%\sysvol\sysvol\<domain.com>\scriptsfolder (aka, Netlogon share).
REM   Please drop the following tools\files in the Netlogon share for this to work
REM   Getver.exe - attached with this batch file.
REM   SC.EXE - attached with this batch file (can get from a WS2003 or Windows XP system, not native to Windows 2000)
REM   REG.exe - attached with this batch file (can get from WS2003 or Windows XP system, not native to Windows 2000)
REM   windows-kb890830-v2.6.exe - x86 version of MSRT, available from Microsoft Security Support Engineer
REM   windows-kb890830-x64-v2.6.exe - x64 version of MSRT, available from Microsoft Security Support Engineer
REM   sleep.exe - for use with the MSRT tool, attached with batch file
REM   Hotfix update for Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows 2003, download all updates listed in http://support.microsoft.com/kb/953252, except
REM   the Itanium update as this script does not support Itanium.  Place all 3 updates in the Netlogon directory.
REM   Security update MS08-038 for Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 - http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/Bulletin/MS08-038.mspx
REM   This vulnerability is not being exploited, however, to disable Autorun properly this needs to be applied as it contains a fix related to
REM   autorun, same as the one listed above in KB953252.
REM   Place all above in the netlogon directory and edit the <domain.com> values in the script below.
REM   Create a Startup Script policy and reference this batch file.  This needs to be a Startup Script and not a Logon script, so that the 
REM   script runs under the machine account.
REM   Link the GPO with the Startup Script to the OU and Groups where you want it to apply.
REM   We do not recommend you use this on DC's or critical servers, those should be cleaned manually so that the services
REM   disabled below do not need to be left disabled for an extended period of time.
REM   Also note that you can set both the Server service (lanmanserver) and Task Scheduler server (schedule) to disabled via group policy
REM   If that is done, then those items can be remarked out below 
REM   ###########################################

REM   Methods of spread we will be disabling -
REM   We will disable the Server service and Task Scheduler service.
REM   Why disable the Server service?  This is due to Weak Passwords which the malware attempts to exploit.
REM   The password change will need to be accomplished via password policy for the domain, resetting any local and domain admin password to a 
REM   complex password which includes at least 10 characters and contains, alpha-numeric characters and extended characters such as a question
REM   mark or exclamation point.
REM   Why disable the Task Scheduler service?  This is because the malware creates several AT jobs that run every hour to reinfect the system.
REM   MS08-067 security update.  This security update needs to be applied ASAP via your normal patch management process.
REM   http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/Bulletin/MS08-067.mspx
REM   Why install MS08-067?  This is the main attack vector of the malware.
REM   Autorun - To block the autorun feature, we must apply an and set a registry value.
REM   Why disable Autorun?  This is because the malware drops a binary file called Autorun.inf on all removable drives.

REM   For environments that use Windows Update to deploy updates.  This section will install MS08-067.
REM   You must place the updates that was downloaded from the link above in the Netlogon share and modify <domain.com>
REM   to your domain.  Also, you must remove the REM**** from in front of the lines, note there is one at the bottom also.  Note that the
REM   Windows Vista and WS2008 file is the same for both - Windows6.0-KB958644-x86.msu.

if /i %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% == IA64 goto :End

REM ****IF not exist %windir%\$NtUninstallKB958644$ goto Check
REM ****IF exist %windir%\$NtUninstallKB958644$ goto Clean

REM ****:Check
REM ****IF not exist %windir%\Servicing\Packages\Package_for_KB958644*.* goto Install
REM ****IF exist %windir%\Servicing\Packages\Package_for_KB958644*.* goto Clean

REM ****:Clean

REM  Checking if already run successfully

\<domain.com>\netlogon\sc.exe query wuauserv | find "STOPPED" > nul
if %ErrorLevel% EQU 0 goto INIT
if %ErrorLevel% EQU 1 goto END


REM   Stopping and Disabling services

\<domain.com>\netlogon\GETVER.EXE > nul
if %ErrorLevel% EQU 50 goto SC_Stop
if %ErrorLevel% EQU 51 goto SC_Stop
if %ErrorLevel% EQU 52 goto SC_Stop
if %ErrorLevel% EQU 60 goto Vista_2008Server_SC_Stop

\<domain.com>\netlogon\sc.exe stop lanmanserver
\<domain.com>\netlogon\sc.exe stop schedule
\<domain.com>\netlogon\sc.exe config lanmanserver start= disabled
\<domain.com>\netlogon\sc.exe config schedule start= disabled



\<domain.com>\netlogon\reg.exe add HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Schedule /v Start /t REG_DWORD /d 0x4 /f



REM   Running MSRT locally

REM   Checking for x86 or x64
REM   Make sure to edit the <servername>\<share> in the lines below so the logs can be copied up to a central server if desired.
REM   Otherwise the copying of the mrt.log can be remarked out.
REM   Notice the copy of the MRT.log up to a central location has <servername>\<share with write perms>.  This is on purpose.
REM   In most cases, opening a share with everyone write permissions on a DC is not recommended, it is suggested to use a
REM   member server or workstation.

if /i %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% == x86 goto x86
if /i %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% == AMD64 goto x64

call \<domain.com>\netlogon\Sleep.exe 10
Start /wait \<domain.com>\netlogon\Windows-KB890830-V2.6.exe /q

copy %windir%\debug\mrt.log \<servername>\<share>\Logs\%computername%_%username%_mrt.log

goto Tasks

call \<domain.com>\netlogon\Sleep.exe 10
Start /wait \<domain.com>\netlogon\windows-kb890830-x64-v2.6.exe /q

copy %windir%\debug\mrt.log \<servername>\<share>\%computername%_%username%_mrt.log

goto Tasks

REM   Deleting all scheduled tasks, we have to do this due to the potential random naming of the scheduled task job.
REM   Note, even though we are disabling the Task Scheduler service above, these still need to be remove for when the Task Scheduler service is
REM   started up again.  Erase command is available on Windows 2000 and above OS, so we do not need to make available on Netlogon share.


attrib -h %windir%\tasks\*.job
AT /delete /yes
REM old entry -erase %windir%\tasks\*.job /f /q

REM   Checking for and installing Autorun hotfix. Turning off Autorun for all drives, the malware can spread via this mechanism.
REM   Download all updates listed in http://support.microsoft.com/kb/953252, except the Itanium update as this script does not support Itanium.
REM   Download the Windows Vista and Windows Server 2003 update - http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/Bulletin/MS08-038.mspx

IF not exist %windir%\$NtUninstallKB950582$ goto Next
IF exist %windir%\$NtUninstallKB950582$ goto Autorun

IF not exist %windir%\Servicing\Packages\Package_for_KB950582*.* goto 950582
IF exist %windir%\Servicing\Packages\Package_for_KB950582*.* goto Autorun


REM   Checking OS version for install of KB950582

\<domain.com>\netlogon\GETVER.EXE > nul
if %ErrorLevel% EQU 50 goto Win2K_950582
if %ErrorLevel% EQU 51 goto WinXP_950582
if %ErrorLevel% EQU 52 goto Win2003_950582
if %ErrorLevel% EQU 60 goto Vista_2008Server_950582

REM   WIN2k section

\<domain.com>\netlogon\Windows2000-KB950582-x86-ENU.EXE /quiet /norestart
goto Autorun

REM   WINXP section

if /i %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% == x86 goto WinXP_950582_x86
if /i %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% == AMD64 goto WinXP_950582_x64

\<domain.com>\netlogon\WindowsXP-KB950582-x86-ENU.exe /quiet /norestart
goto Autorun

\<domain.com>\netlogon\WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB950582-x64-ENU.exe /quiet /norestart
goto Autorun

REM   WIN2003 section

if /i %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% == x86 goto Win2003_950582_x86
if /i %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% == AMD64 goto Win2003_950582_x64

\<domain.com>\netlogon\WindowsServer2003-KB950582-x86-ENU.exe /quiet /norestart
goto Autorun

\<domain.com>\netlogon\WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB950582-x64-ENU.exe /quiet /norestart
goto Autorun

REM   Vista_2008 section

if /i %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% == x86 goto Vista_2008Server_950582_x86
if /i %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% == AMD64 goto Vista_2008Server_950582_x64

wusa.exe \<domain.com>\netlogon\Windows6.0-KB950582-x86.msu /quiet /norestart
goto Autorun

wusa.exe \<domain.com>\netlogon\Windows6.0-KB950582-x64.msu /quiet /norestart
goto Autorun


\<domain.com>\netlogon\reg.exe add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer /v NoDriveTypeAuto /t REG_DWORD /d 0xff /f

REM   Removing Hidden setting

\<domain.com>\netlogon\reg.exe add HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Folder\Hidden\SHOWALL /v CheckedValue /t REG_DWORD /d 0x1 /f

REM   Enabling Automatic Updates, Background Intelligent Transfer and Error Reporting services

\<domain.com>\netlogon\sc.exe config wuauserv start= auto
\<domain.com>\netlogon\sc.exe config BITS start= auto
\<domain.com>\netlogon\sc.exe config ERsvc start= auto

REM   Restarting

Shutdown.exe /r

REM ****:Install

REM ****\<domain.com>\netlogon\GETVER.EXE > nul
REM ****if %ErrorLevel% EQU 50 goto Win2K
REM ****if %ErrorLevel% EQU 51 goto WinXP
REM ****if %ErrorLevel% EQU 52 goto Win2003
REM ****if %ErrorLevel% EQU 60 goto Vista_2008Server

REM ****:Win2k
REM ****\<domain.com>\netlogon\Windows2000-KB958644-x86-ENU.EXE /quiet /forcerestart

REM ****:WinXP
REM ****\<domain.com>\netlogon\WindowsXP-KB958644-x86-ENU.exe /quiet /forcerestart

REM ****:Win2003
REM ****\<domain.com>\netlogon\WindowsServer2003-KB958644-x86-ENU.exe /quiet /forcerestart

REM ****:Vista_2008Server
REM ****wusa.exe \<domain.com>\netlogon\Windows6.0-KB958644-x86.msu /quiet

por 23.08.2009 / 15:38