BIND SERVFAIL após atualização para o Debian Jessie


Não fiz absolutamente nada à minha configuração do BIND, mas parece que o Debian Jessie upgrade o quebrou. Talvez algumas novas opções tenham sido introduzidas, ou as coisas antigas agora funcionem de maneira diferente, mas não consigo encontrar o que está errado.

Eu tenho SERVFAIL no meu /var/log/bind/bind.log o tempo todo.

Eu verifiquei minhas zonas com named-checkzone e elas estão todas 'OK'. Eu desabilitei o IPv6 em todo o sistema. Eu recriei rndc key e até criei /etc/rndc.conf . Nada funciona.

Aqui estão algumas configurações:


include "/etc/bind/named.conf.options";
include "/etc/bind/named.conf.log";
include "/etc/bind/named.conf.local";
//include "/etc/bind/named.conf.default-zones";

acl localhost_acl {;

acl internal_10_acl {;

acl internal_150_acl {;

acl vpn_acl {;;

key "rndc-key" {
algorithm hmac-md5;
secret "somesecretkey==";

controls {
inet port 953
       allow {; } keys { "rndc-key"; };


options {
        directory "/var/cache/bind";
        dnssec-validation auto;
        auth-nxdomain no;    # conform to RFC1035
        listen-on-v6 { none; };
        listen-on {
        allow-transfer { none; };
        max-recursion-queries 200;


logging {

    channel update_debug {

            file "/var/log/bind/update_debug.log" versions 3 size 100k;
            severity debug;
            print-severity  yes;
            print-time      yes;


    channel security_info {

            file "/var/log/bind/security_info.log" versions 1 size 100k;
            severity debug;
            print-severity  yes;
            print-time      yes;


    channel bind_log {

            file "/var/log/bind/bind.log" versions 3 size 1m;
            severity debug;
            print-category  yes;
            print-severity  yes;
            print-time      yes;


    category default { bind_log; };
    category lame-servers { security_info; };
    category update { update_debug; };
    category update-security { update_debug; };
    category security { security_info; };


/etc/bind/named.conf.local (este é um longo):

// 1
view "internal_10_view" {

        allow-query-on {;; };
        allow-query { localhost_acl; internal_10_acl; };
        match-clients { localhost_acl; internal_10_acl; };

        zone "myhost.tld" {
                type master;
                file "/etc/bind/db.myhost.tld_10";

        zone "" {
                type master;
                notify no;
                file "/etc/bind/db.192.168.10";

        // formerly named.conf.default-zones

        zone "." {
                type hint;
                file "/etc/bind/db.root";

        zone "localhost" {
                type master;
                file "/etc/bind/db.local";

        zone "" {
                type master;
                file "/etc/bind/db.127";

        zone "" {
                type master;
                file "/etc/bind/db.0";

        zone "" {
                type master;
                file "/etc/bind/db.255";

        // formerly zones.rfc1918

        zone ""      { type master; file "/etc/bind/db.empty"; };
        zone ""  { type master; file "/etc/bind/db.empty"; };
        zone ""  { type master; file "/etc/bind/db.empty"; };
        zone ""  { type master; file "/etc/bind/db.empty"; };
        zone ""  { type master; file "/etc/bind/db.empty"; };
        zone ""  { type master; file "/etc/bind/db.empty"; };
        zone ""  { type master; file "/etc/bind/db.empty"; };
        zone ""  { type master; file "/etc/bind/db.empty"; };
        zone ""  { type master; file "/etc/bind/db.empty"; };
        zone ""  { type master; file "/etc/bind/db.empty"; };
        zone ""  { type master; file "/etc/bind/db.empty"; };
        zone ""  { type master; file "/etc/bind/db.empty"; };
        zone ""  { type master; file "/etc/bind/db.empty"; };
        zone ""  { type master; file "/etc/bind/db.empty"; };
        zone ""  { type master; file "/etc/bind/db.empty"; };
        zone ""  { type master; file "/etc/bind/db.empty"; };
        zone ""  { type master; file "/etc/bind/db.empty"; };


// 2
view "internal_150_view" {

        allow-query-on {; };
        allow-query { internal_150_acl; };
        match-clients { internal_150_acl; };

        zone "myhost.tld" {
                type master;
                file "/etc/bind/db.myhost.tld_150";

        zone "" {
                type master;
                notify no;
                file "/etc/bind/db.192.168.150";

        // formerly named.conf.default-zones

        zone "." {
                type hint;
                file "/etc/bind/db.root";

        zone "localhost" {
                type master;
                file "/etc/bind/db.local";

        zone "" {
                type master;
                file "/etc/bind/db.127";

        zone "" {
                type master;
                file "/etc/bind/db.0";

        zone "" {
                type master;
                file "/etc/bind/db.255";

        // formerly zones.rfc1918

        zone ""      { type master; file "/etc/bind/db.empty"; };
        zone ""  { type master; file "/etc/bind/db.empty"; };
        zone ""  { type master; file "/etc/bind/db.empty"; };
        zone ""  { type master; file "/etc/bind/db.empty"; };
        zone ""  { type master; file "/etc/bind/db.empty"; };
        zone ""  { type master; file "/etc/bind/db.empty"; };
        zone ""  { type master; file "/etc/bind/db.empty"; };
        zone ""  { type master; file "/etc/bind/db.empty"; };
        zone ""  { type master; file "/etc/bind/db.empty"; };
        zone ""  { type master; file "/etc/bind/db.empty"; };
        zone ""  { type master; file "/etc/bind/db.empty"; };
        zone ""  { type master; file "/etc/bind/db.empty"; };
        zone ""  { type master; file "/etc/bind/db.empty"; };
        zone ""  { type master; file "/etc/bind/db.empty"; };
        zone ""  { type master; file "/etc/bind/db.empty"; };
        zone ""  { type master; file "/etc/bind/db.empty"; };
        zone ""  { type master; file "/etc/bind/db.empty"; };


// 3
view "vpn_view" {

        allow-query-on {; };
        allow-query { vpn_acl; };
        match-clients { vpn_acl; };

        zone "myhost.tld" {
                type master;
                file "/etc/bind/db.myhost.tld_vpn";

        // formerly named.conf.default-zones

        zone "." {
                type hint;
                file "/etc/bind/db.root";

        zone "localhost" {
                type master;
                file "/etc/bind/db.local";

        zone "" {
                type master;
                file "/etc/bind/db.127";

        zone "" {
                type master;
                file "/etc/bind/db.0";

        zone "" {
                type master;
                file "/etc/bind/db.255";

        // formerly zones.rfc1918

        zone ""      { type master; file "/etc/bind/db.empty"; };
        zone ""  { type master; file "/etc/bind/db.empty"; };
        zone ""  { type master; file "/etc/bind/db.empty"; };
        zone ""  { type master; file "/etc/bind/db.empty"; };
        zone ""  { type master; file "/etc/bind/db.empty"; };
        zone ""  { type master; file "/etc/bind/db.empty"; };
        zone ""  { type master; file "/etc/bind/db.empty"; };
        zone ""  { type master; file "/etc/bind/db.empty"; };
        zone ""  { type master; file "/etc/bind/db.empty"; };
        zone ""  { type master; file "/etc/bind/db.empty"; };
        zone ""  { type master; file "/etc/bind/db.empty"; };
        zone ""  { type master; file "/etc/bind/db.empty"; };
        zone ""  { type master; file "/etc/bind/db.empty"; };
        zone ""  { type master; file "/etc/bind/db.empty"; };
        zone ""  { type master; file "/etc/bind/db.empty"; };
        zone ""  { type master; file "/etc/bind/db.empty"; };
        zone ""  { type master; file "/etc/bind/db.empty"; };

        // somedomain.tld
        zone "somedomain.tld" {
                type forward;
                forward first;
                forwarders {;; };



key "rndc-key" {
        algorithm hmac-md5;
        secret "somesecretkey==";

options {
        default-key "rndc-key";
        default-port 953;

eu @ jessie: ~ $ sudo netstat -lnptu | grep "named \ W * $"

tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      1871/named      
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      1871/named      
tcp        0      0 *               LISTEN      1871/named      
udp        0      0*                           1871/named      
udp        0      0*                           1871/named      
udp        0      0  *                           1871/named 

me @ jessie: ~ $ ps aux | grep chamado

bind      5843  0.0  1.0 297780 84412 ?        Ssl  00:52   0:16 /usr/sbin/named -f -u bind -4

eu @ jessie: / etc / bind $ chamado -V

BIND 9.9.5-9-Debian (Extended Support Version) <id:f9b8a50e> built by make with '--prefix=/usr' '--mandir=/usr/share/man' '--infodir=/usr/share/info' '--sysconfdir=/etc/bind' '--localstatedir=/var' '--enable-threads' '--enable-largefile' '--with-libtool' '--enable-shared' '--enable-static' '--with-openssl=/usr' '--with-gssapi=/usr' '--with-gnu-ld' '--with-geoip=/usr' '--with-atf=no' '--enable-ipv6' '--enable-rrl' '--enable-filter-aaaa' 'CFLAGS=-fno-strict-aliasing -fno-delete-null-pointer-checks -DDIG_SIGCHASE -O2'                                                                                
compiled by GCC 4.9.2                                                                                                   
using OpenSSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.1k 8 Jan 2015                                                                        
using libxml2 version: 2.9.2    

me @ jessie's_client: ~ $ dig @

; <<>> DiG 9.9.5-9-Debian <<>> @
; (1 server found)
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: SERVFAIL, id: 19673
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4096
;                 IN      A

;; Query time: 0 msec
;; WHEN: Thu May 07 23:29:38 MSK 2015
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 42

E finalmente alguns logs em /var/log/bind/bind.log

07-May-2015 22:52:49.287 resolver: debug 1: createfetch: SRV
07-May-2015 22:52:49.287 resolver: debug 1: createfetch: . NS
07-May-2015 22:52:49.954 resolver: debug 1: createfetch: SRV
07-May-2015 22:52:50.353 resolver: debug 1: createfetch: A
07-May-2015 22:52:51.288 resolver: debug 1: createfetch: SRV
07-May-2015 22:52:51.575 query-errors: debug 1: client ( view internal_10_view: query failed (SERVFAIL) for at query.c:7004
07-May-2015 22:52:53.138 query-errors: debug 1: client ( view internal_10_view: query failed (SERVFAIL) for at query.c:7004
07-May-2015 22:52:53.955 resolver: debug 1: createfetch: SRV
07-May-2015 22:52:54.622 resolver: debug 1: createfetch: SRV
07-May-2015 22:52:55.353 query-errors: debug 1: client ( view internal_10_view: query failed (SERVFAIL) for at query.c:7004
07-May-2015 22:52:55.354 resolver: debug 1: createfetch: A
07-May-2015 22:52:55.956 resolver: debug 1: createfetch: SRV


07-May-2015 00:45:26.055 warning: using built-in root key for view vpn_view
07-May-2015 12:31:37.603 warning: using built-in root key for view internal_10_view
07-May-2015 12:31:37.769 warning: using built-in root key for view internal_150_view
07-May-2015 12:31:37.773 warning: using built-in root key for view vpn_view
07-May-2015 12:31:44.859 warning: using built-in root key for view internal_10_view
07-May-2015 12:31:44.865 warning: using built-in root key for view internal_150_view
07-May-2015 12:31:44.871 warning: using built-in root key for view vpn_view
07-May-2015 12:31:46.005 warning: using built-in root key for view internal_10_view
07-May-2015 12:31:46.011 warning: using built-in root key for view internal_150_view
07-May-2015 12:31:46.016 warning: using built-in root key for view vpn_view
07-May-2015 12:31:47.108 warning: using built-in root key for view internal_10_view
07-May-2015 12:31:47.114 warning: using built-in root key for view internal_150_view
07-May-2015 12:31:47.121 warning: using built-in root key for view vpn_view
07-May-2015 12:31:48.946 warning: using built-in root key for view internal_10_view
07-May-2015 12:31:48.951 warning: using built-in root key for view internal_150_view
07-May-2015 12:31:48.957 warning: using built-in root key for view vpn_view
07-May-2015 14:07:39.729 warning: using built-in root key for view internal_10_view
07-May-2015 14:07:39.737 warning: using built-in root key for view internal_150_view
07-May-2015 14:07:39.743 warning: using built-in root key for view vpn_view
07-May-2015 14:12:05.871 warning: using built-in root key for view internal_10_view
07-May-2015 14:12:05.880 warning: using built-in root key for view internal_150_view
07-May-2015 14:12:05.890 warning: using built-in root key for view vpn_view
07-May-2015 14:27:07.630 warning: using built-in root key for view internal_10_view
07-May-2015 14:27:07.638 warning: using built-in root key for view internal_150_view
07-May-2015 14:27:07.644 warning: using built-in root key for view vpn_view

Alguma sugestão do que pode estar errado?

por TranslucentCloud 07.05.2015 / 21:59

2 respostas


Este é um problema real para solucionar problemas se você não estiver familiarizado com a nova opção max-recursion-queries ou por que ela foi adicionada.

CVE-2014-8500 foi identificado no final de 2014 como impactando vários produtos de servidor de nomes, incluindo o BIND. O exploit permite que servidores de nomes maliciosos criem uma cadeia de referências que serão seguidas infinitamente, levando ao esgotamento de recursos. A correção do ISC para esse problema foi adicionar um limite superior em quantos níveis de recursividade o servidor está disposto a executar em nome de uma única consulta. O teto é controlado por uma nova opção max-recursion-queries , cujo valor padrão é 75.

Como se verifica, 75 níveis de recursão não são muito amigáveis para um cache de nameserver vazio - o qual você sempre terá após uma reinicialização completa do processo. Há muitos domínios que não serão resolvidos com esse padrão devido a quantos níveis de referência acabam sendo percorridos entre um registro solicitado e . (raiz). O domínio é um desses e provavelmente tem algo a ver com a delegação sem glosa do TLD. Aqui está um trecho de dig +trace +additional :

im.                     172800  IN      NS
im.                     172800  IN      NS
im.                     172800  IN      NS
im.                     172800  IN      NS             172800  IN      A          172800  IN      A    172800  IN      A        172800  IN      A             172800  IN      AAAA    2001:630:0:47::42
;; Received 226 bytes from in 29 ms             259200  IN      NS             259200  IN      NS
;; Received 81 bytes from in 98 ms

Os servidores de nomes para im. estão delegando para os servidores de nomes da Cloudflare sem fornecer o endereço de IP . Em um cache vazio, isso significa que o servidor precisa iniciar uma travessia de referência separado para obter o endereço IP desses servidores de nomes, e todas essas referências contam com o número máximo de recursões para o consulta original . Nesse ponto, a consulta só será bem-sucedida se o servidor já conhecer os endereços IP desses servidores de nomes de outras consultas:

# service named restart && sleep 1 && dig @localhost | grep status
Checking named config:
Stopping named:                                        [  OK  ]
Starting named:                                        [  OK  ]
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: SERVFAIL, id: 63173

Tentando novamente, desta vez com tentativas de procurar esses servidores de nomes antes de :

# service named restart && sleep 1 && dig @localhost | grep status
Checking named config:
Stopping named:                                        [  OK  ]
Starting named:                                        [  OK  ]
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: SERVFAIL, id: 26428
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 30491
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 22162

Para encurtar a história, este problema é muito pouco intuitivo para identificar, especialmente porque parece que acabará por "desaparecer" ao longo do tempo se o processo for deixado em execução. Um de nossos parceiros recomendou um valor de 200 com base em cenários de uso do mundo real. Comece com 200 e tempere a gosto se for muito alto para o seu gosto.

por 07.05.2015 / 23:22

Verifique suas permissões de diretório de registro.

Eu encontrei em meus registros:

Jun  5 18:46:38 xsystem named[1116]: isc_stdio_open '/var/log/named.debug.log' failed: permission denied
Jun  5 18:46:38 xsystem named[1116]: configuring logging: permission denied
Jun  5 18:46:38 xsystem named[1116]: loading configuration: permission denied
Jun  5 18:46:38 xsystem named[1116]: exiting (due to fatal error)

E, ao pesquisar, parece que meu /var/log foi alterado para o grupo read-only . Antes do upgrade, ele foi definido para agrupar adm read-write . E como eu tenho tanto bind e /var/log usando o grupo adm , ele falhou.

Solução: sudo chmod g+w /var/log e reinicie o bind (nomeado)

p.s. Meus logs de ligação para /var/log não /var/log/named/

por 06.06.2015 / 01:41