Medir o relógio do sistema (hora) de um servidor remoto


Quais são os protocolos de rede que podem ser usados para medir o relógio do sistema (tempo) de um servidor remoto? Até agora eu tenho:

Existe algum outro?

por vy32 20.04.2016 / 16:35

1 resposta


Existe sempre o Protocolo do dia

Na RFC :

A useful debugging and measurement tool is a daytime service.  A daytime
service simply sends a the current date and time as a character string
without regard to the input.

TCP Based Daytime Service

One daytime service is defined as a connection based application on
TCP.  A server listens for TCP connections on TCP port 13.  Once a
connection is established the current date and time is sent out the
connection as a ascii character string (and any data received is
thrown away).  The service closes the connection after sending the

UDP Based Daytime Service

Another daytime service service is defined as a datagram based
application on UDP.  A server listens for UDP datagrams on UDP port
13.  When a datagram is received, an answering datagram is sent
containing the current date and time as a ASCII character string (the
data in the received datagram is ignored).
por 20.04.2016 / 17:40