A tabela MySQL não existe


Estou recebendo o seguinte erro no arquivo err.

110803  6:51:26  InnoDB: Error: table 'ims'.'temp_discoveryjobdetails' already exists in InnoDB internal
InnoDB: data dictionary. Have you deleted the .frm file
InnoDB: and not used DROP TABLE? Have you used DROP DATABASE
InnoDB: for InnoDB tables in MySQL version <= 3.23.43?
InnoDB: See the Restrictions section of the InnoDB manual.
InnoDB: You can drop the orphaned table inside InnoDB by
InnoDB: creating an InnoDB table with the same name in another
InnoDB: database and copying the .frm file to the current database.
InnoDB: Then MySQL thinks the table exists, and DROP TABLE will
InnoDB: succeed.
InnoDB: You can look for further help from
InnoDB: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/innodb-troubleshooting.html

E quando eu faço o mesmo, como copiar o arquivo frm de outro banco de dados para aqui e soltar a tabela, estou recebendo o seguinte erro,

InnoDB: Error: trying to load index PRIMARY for table ims/temp_discoveryjobdetails
InnoDB: but the index tree has been freed!
110803  6:50:26  InnoDB: Error: table 'ims'.'temp_discoveryjobdetails' does not exist in the InnoDB internal
InnoDB: data dictionary though MySQL is trying to drop it.
InnoDB: Have you copied the .frm file of the table to the
InnoDB: MySQL database directory from another database?
InnoDB: You can look for further help from
InnoDB: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/innodb-troubleshooting.html

Por favor, qualquer um me ajude a sair disso. Também pode alguém me dizer por que esse erro está chegando.


O problema ocorre apenas quando o tamanho do disco está cheio e quando usamos a tabela Truncar. Também isso está ocorrendo apenas na versão 5.1, mas não na versão 5.0.

por Phanindra 03.08.2011 / 16:02

1 resposta


Tentei isso? link

A specific issue with tables is that the MySQL server keeps data dictionary information in .frm files it stores in the database directories, whereas InnoDB also stores the information into its own data dictionary inside the tablespace files. If you move .frm files around, or if the server crashes in the middle of a data dictionary operation, the locations of the .frm files may end up out of synchrony with the locations recorded in the InnoDB internal data dictionary.

por 03.08.2011 / 16:23
