O redirecionamento de pasta só se aplica se eu executar gpupdate / force - Migração de servidor de arquivos


Acabamos de migrar os compartilhamentos residenciais de aproximadamente 2300 usuários para um novo servidor de arquivos. Por algum motivo, o redirecionamento de pastas não está atualizando os caminhos de nenhum perfil de usuário existente (não usamos perfis móveis). No entanto, se eu executar gpupdate /force enquanto esse usuário individual estiver conectado a um PC no qual eles já tinham um perfil, o redirecionamento de pasta será aplicado corretamente. Isso está se tornando um grande problema, já que nossos usuários se movimentam muito.

No diretório ativo na guia Perfil de cada usuário, definimos: %código% Isso funciona bem.

Ainda não alteramos as estruturas de pastas do layout do XP (ou seja, Imagens, Música, etc. ainda estão dentro dos Documentos), apesar de termos removido o XP há muito tempo, portanto, nossa política de redirecionamento é a seguinte:

User Configuration linked to OU containing our user accounts


  • Basic - Redirect everyone's folder to the same location
  • Redirect to the user's home directory
  • Grant the user exclusive rights to Documents
  • Leave the folder in the new location when policy is removed

Pictures Follow the Documents folder

Music Follow the Documents folder

Videos Follow the Documents folder


  • Basic - Redirect everyone's folder to the same location
  • Redirect to the following location: %HOMESHARE%\Desktop
  • Leave the folder in the new location when policy is removed


  • Basic - Redirect everyone's folder to the same location
  • Redirect to the following location: %HOMESHARE%\Favorites
  • Leave the folder in the new location when policy is removed

Computer Configuration linked to OU containing our computers

Policies\Administrative Templates\System\Group Policy:

  • Configure folder redirection policy processing
    Process even if the Group Policy objects have not changed: Enabled

Permissões de compartilhamento:

  • Staff: Full Control
  • Domain Admins: Full Control

Permissões NTFS da pasta compartilhada:

Inheritance: Disabled

  • CREATOR OWNER: Full control (Subfolders and files only)
  • SYSTEM: Full control (This folder, subfolders and files)
  • Administrators: Full control (This folder, subfolders and files)
  • Domain Users: Travers folder/execute file, List folder/read data, Read attributes, Create folders/append data (This folder only)

Aqui está o resultado de Connect: Z: To: \FileServer\Share\Username . Eu removi todas as políticas de excesso para torná-lo mais curto. O motivo pelo qual eu adicionei isso é mostrar que a diretiva de redirecionamento de pasta não está sendo filtrada etc. e que a seção de redirecionamento de pasta do relatório diz gpresult /user username /v . Se você precisar saber alguma coisa sobre qualquer outra política que eu tenha ativado, por favor, pergunte.

RSOP data for DomainRemoved\UserRemoved on F701 : Logging Mode

OS Configuration:            Member Workstation
OS Version:                  10.0.14393
Site Name:                   Removed
Roaming Profile:             N/A
Local Profile:               C:\Users\UserRemoved
Connected over a slow link?: No

    CN=F701,OU=F7,OU=IT Computers,OU=First Floor,OU=Main Block,OU=Computers,OU=Company,DC=domain,DC=removed
    Last time Group Policy was applied: 08/07/2017 at 13:11:32
    Group Policy was applied from:      DCName.domain.removed
    Group Policy slow link threshold:   500 kbps
    Domain Name:                        DomainRemoved
    Domain Type:                        Windows 2008 or later

    Applied Group Policy Objects
        Internet Connection & Firewall Policy
        BootCamp Fixes
        Interactive Logon Policy
        Fix Daylight Savings
        Win10 Computer Policy
        Computer Software Restrictions (AppLocker)
        Apogee Printers
        Temp Fix for Folder Redirection
        Default Domain Policy

    The following GPOs were not applied because they were filtered out
        Whole School Software Win7
            Filtering:  Denied (WMI Filter)
            WMI Filter: Apply to Windows 7 Only

        Win 7 Computer Policy Extension
            Filtering:  Denied (WMI Filter)
            WMI Filter: Apply to Windows 7 Only

        Local Group Policy
            Filtering:  Not Applied (Empty)

        Computer Policy
            Filtering:  Denied (WMI Filter)
            WMI Filter: Apply to Windows 7 Only

    The computer is a part of the following security groups
        NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users
        This Organization
        Domain Computers
        Authentication authority asserted identity
        System Mandatory Level

    Resultant Set Of Policies for Computer

         Administrative Templates


            GPO: Win10 Computer Policy
                Folder Id: Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\NetCache\NoMakeAvailableOffline
                Value:       1, 0, 0, 0
                State:       Enabled

            GPO: Temp Fix for Folder Redirection
                Folder Id: Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Group Policy\{25537BA6-77A8-11D2-9B6C-0000F8080861}\NoSlowLink
                Value:       1, 0, 0, 0
                State:       Enabled

            GPO: Default Domain Policy
                Folder Id: Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\SyncForegroundPolicy
                Value:       1, 0, 0, 0
                State:       Enabled

            GPO: Temp Fix for Folder Redirection
                Folder Id: Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Group Policy\{25537BA6-77A8-11D2-9B6C-0000F8080861}\NoGPOListChanges
                Value:       0, 0, 0, 0
                State:       Enabled

    CN=Users Name,OU=Teaching Staff,OU=Staff,OU=Company,DC=domain,DC=removed
    Last time Group Policy was applied: 08/07/2017 at 12:22:59
    Group Policy was applied from:      N/A
    Group Policy slow link threshold:   500 kbps
    Domain Name:                        DomainRemoved
    Domain Type:                        Windows 2008 or later

    Applied Group Policy Objects
        Internet Connection & Firewall Policy
        Folder Redirection Policy
        Smoothwall Staff Proxy Settings
        Win10 Base User Policy
        Win10 Staff Policy
        Apogee Printers
        Default Domain Policy

    The following GPOs were not applied because they were filtered out
            Filtering:  Denied (WMI Filter)
            WMI Filter: Apply to Windows 7 Only

        Win 7 Staff Policy
            Filtering:  Denied (WMI Filter)
            WMI Filter: Apply to Windows 7 Only

        Local Group Policy
            Filtering:  Not Applied (Empty)

    The user is a part of the following security groups
        Domain Users
        NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users
        This Organization
        WiFi Access
        PaperCut Welsh Bacc
        PaperCut Welsh Bacc Adv
        Smoothwall Staff
        Admin Network Users
        PaperCut Computing
        Medium Mandatory Level

    The user has the following security privileges

        Bypass traverse checking
        Increase a process working set
        Shut down the system
        Remove computer from docking station

    Resultant Set Of Policies for User

        Administrative Templates


        Folder Redirection

Estamos no processo de migração para servidores virtuais e ainda não removemos nossos antigos DCs. Por esse motivo, atualmente temos 5 DC's com sistema operacional misto:

2 x Server 2016
1 x Server 2012
2 x Server 2008 R2

Nossos níveis funcionais de floresta e domínio são atualmente 2008 R2.

Nossos computadores clientes são o Windows 10 1607 64 Bit.

Eu tentei incluir o máximo de informações possível, mas se precisar de mais alguma coisa, por favor, pergunte.


O processamento de loopback NÃO está habilitado.
RSoP.msc não está mostrando nenhum erro.
A saída HTML gpresult mostra: Sucesso de Redirecionamento de Pastas 703 Milissegundos (s)

por Daniel 08.07.2017 / 17:57

0 respostas