Velocidade de leitura lenta do ZFS em 8 unidades 4 espelhos listrados vdev


Eu tenho 8 drives WD Red SATA de 3 TB sdb através do SDI que eu uso no meu pool.

Minha inicialização e a unidade do sistema operacional são um SSD 850 EVO em sda.

As unidades 8 WD estão em uma Placa Complementar Supermicro AOC-SAS2LP-MV8, Adaptador SAS / SATA de 8 Canais com 600MB / s por Canal em um PCIE 3.0 x16 rodando a x8 em um Supermicro ATX DDR4 LGA 1151 C7Z170 -OCE-O Motherboard.

Meu servidor e a configuração do ZFS são os seguintes:

[root@nas ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release
CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511 (Core)

[root@nas ~]# uname -a
Linux nas.whittenberg.domain 3.10.0-327.28.2.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Aug 3 11:11:39 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

[root@nas ~]# cat /var/log/dmesg | grep ZFS
[    0.793572] ZFS: Loaded module v0.6.5.7-1, ZFS pool version 5000, ZFS filesystem version 5
[root@nas ~]# cat /var/log/dmesg | grep SPL
[    0.777144] SPL: Loaded module v0.6.5.7-1

[root@nas ~]# cat /etc/modprobe.d/zfs.conf
# disable prefetch = 1
options zfs zfs_prefetch_disable=0
# set arc max to 48GB. I have 64GB in my server
options zfs zfs_arc_max=51539607552
# set size to 128k same as file system block size
options zfs zfs_vdev_cache_size=1310720
options zfs zfs_vdev_cache_max=1310720
options zfs zfs_read_chunk_size=1310720
options zfs zfs_vdev_cache_bshift=12
options zfs zfs_read_chunk_size=1310720
# Set thes to 10 so we get better IO at cost of banwidth
options zfs zfs_vdev_async_read_max_active=10
options zfs zfs_vdev_async_read_min_active=10
options zfs zfs_vdev_async_write_max_active=10
options zfs zfs_vdev_async_write_min_active=10
options zfs zfs_vdev_sync_read_max_active=10
options zfs zfs_vdev_sync_read_min_active=10
options zfs zfs_vdev_sync_write_max_active=10
options zfs zfs_vdev_sync_write_min_active=10

[root@nas ~]# zpool status
  pool: myraid
 state: ONLINE
  scan: scrub repaired 0 in 0h16m with 0 errors on Sun Aug  7 01:40:49 2016

        NAME        STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
        myraid      ONLINE       0     0     0
          mirror-0  ONLINE       0     0     0
            sdb     ONLINE       0     0     0
            sdc     ONLINE       0     0     0
          mirror-1  ONLINE       0     0     0
            sdd     ONLINE       0     0     0
            sde     ONLINE       0     0     0
          mirror-2  ONLINE       0     0     0
            sdf     ONLINE       0     0     0
            sdg     ONLINE       0     0     0
          mirror-3  ONLINE       0     0     0
            sdh     ONLINE       0     0     0
            sdi     ONLINE       0     0     0

errors: No known data errors

[root@nas ~]# zpool iostat -v
               capacity     operations    bandwidth
pool        alloc   free   read  write   read  write
----------  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----
myraid       382G  10.5T    119     35  14.0M   606K
  mirror    95.5G  2.63T     29      8  3.49M   149K
    sdb         -      -     28      8  3.50M   153K
    sdc         -      -     28      8  3.50M   153K
  mirror    95.5G  2.63T     29      8  3.49M   151K
    sdd         -      -     28      8  3.50M   155K
    sde         -      -     28      8  3.50M   155K
  mirror    95.5G  2.63T     29      8  3.49M   152K
    sdf         -      -     28      8  3.50M   156K
    sdg         -      -     28      8  3.50M   156K
  mirror    95.5G  2.63T     29      9  3.49M   155K
    sdh         -      -     28      9  3.50M   159K
    sdi         -      -     28      9  3.50M   159K
----------  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----

[root@nas ~]# zfs get all
NAME    PROPERTY              VALUE                  SOURCE
myraid  type                  filesystem             -
myraid  creation              Sat Aug  6 21:01 2016  -
myraid  used                  382G                   -
myraid  available             10.2T                  -
myraid  referenced            382G                   -
myraid  compressratio         1.05x                  -
myraid  mounted               yes                    -
myraid  quota                 none                   default
myraid  reservation           none                   default
myraid  recordsize            128K                   local
myraid  mountpoint            /myraid                default
myraid  sharenfs              off                    default
myraid  checksum              fletcher4              local
myraid  compression           lz4                    local
myraid  atime                 off                    local
myraid  devices               on                     default
myraid  exec                  on                     default
myraid  setuid                on                     default
myraid  readonly              off                    default
myraid  zoned                 off                    default
myraid  snapdir               hidden                 default
myraid  aclinherit            restricted             default
myraid  canmount              on                     default
myraid  xattr                 on                     default
myraid  copies                1                      default
myraid  version               5                      -
myraid  utf8only              off                    -
myraid  normalization         none                   -
myraid  casesensitivity       sensitive              -
myraid  vscan                 off                    default
myraid  nbmand                off                    default
myraid  sharesmb              off                    default
myraid  refquota              none                   default
myraid  refreservation        none                   default
myraid  primarycache          all                    local
myraid  secondarycache        all                    default
myraid  usedbysnapshots       0                      -
myraid  usedbydataset         382G                   -
myraid  usedbychildren        1.98M                  -
myraid  usedbyrefreservation  0                      -
myraid  logbias               latency                local
myraid  dedup                 off                    local
myraid  mlslabel              none                   default
myraid  sync                  disabled               local
myraid  refcompressratio      1.05x                  -
myraid  written               382G                   -
myraid  logicalused           403G                   -
myraid  logicalreferenced     403G                   -
myraid  filesystem_limit      none                   default
myraid  snapshot_limit        none                   default
myraid  filesystem_count      none                   default
myraid  snapshot_count        none                   default
myraid  snapdev               hidden                 default
myraid  acltype               off                    default
myraid  context               none                   default
myraid  fscontext             none                   default
myraid  defcontext            none                   default
myraid  rootcontext           none                   default
myraid  relatime              off                    default
myraid  redundant_metadata    all                    default
myraid  overlay               off                    default

[root@nas ~]# zpool get all
NAME    PROPERTY                    VALUE                       SOURCE
myraid  size                        10.9T                       -
myraid  capacity                    3%                          -
myraid  altroot                     -                           default
myraid  health                      ONLINE                      -
myraid  guid                        1068639342092444414         default
myraid  version                     -                           default
myraid  bootfs                      -                           default
myraid  delegation                  on                          default
myraid  autoreplace                 off                         default
myraid  cachefile                   -                           default
myraid  failmode                    wait                        default
myraid  listsnapshots               off                         default
myraid  autoexpand                  off                         default
myraid  dedupditto                  0                           default
myraid  dedupratio                  1.00x                       -
myraid  free                        10.5T                       -
myraid  allocated                   382G                        -
myraid  readonly                    off                         -
myraid  ashift                      0                           default
myraid  comment                     -                           default
myraid  expandsize                  -                           -
myraid  freeing                     0                           default
myraid  fragmentation               1%                          -
myraid  leaked                      0                           default
myraid  feature@async_destroy       enabled                     local
myraid  feature@empty_bpobj         enabled                     local
myraid  feature@lz4_compress        active                      local
myraid  feature@spacemap_histogram  active                      local
myraid  feature@enabled_txg         active                      local
myraid  feature@hole_birth          active                      local
myraid  feature@extensible_dataset  enabled                     local
myraid  feature@embedded_data       active                      local
myraid  feature@bookmarks           enabled                     local
myraid  feature@filesystem_limits   enabled                     local
myraid  feature@large_blocks        enabled                     local

[root@nas ~]# zdb | grep ashift
            ashift: 12
            ashift: 12
            ashift: 12
            ashift: 12

[root@nas ~]# lsblk  -t -e 11,1
sda                         0    512      0     512     512    0 cfq       128 128    0B
├─sda1                      0    512      0     512     512    0 cfq       128 128    0B
├─sda2                      0    512      0     512     512    0 cfq       128 128    0B
└─sda3                      0    512      0     512     512    0 cfq       128 128    0B
  ├─centos_nas-swap         0    512      0     512     512    0           128 128    0B
  ├─centos_nas-root         0    512      0     512     512    0           128 128    0B
  └─centos_nas-home         0    512      0     512     512    0           128 128    0B
sdb                         0   4096      0    4096     512    1 noop      128 128    0B
├─sdb1                      0   4096      0    4096     512    1 noop      128 128    0B
└─sdb9                      0   4096      0    4096     512    1 noop      128 128    0B
sdc                         0   4096      0    4096     512    1 noop      128 128    0B
├─sdc1                      0   4096      0    4096     512    1 noop      128 128    0B
└─sdc9                      0   4096      0    4096     512    1 noop      128 128    0B
sdd                         0   4096      0    4096     512    1 noop      128 128    0B
├─sdd1                      0   4096      0    4096     512    1 noop      128 128    0B
└─sdd9                      0   4096      0    4096     512    1 noop      128 128    0B
sde                         0   4096      0    4096     512    1 noop      128 128    0B
├─sde1                      0   4096      0    4096     512    1 noop      128 128    0B
└─sde9                      0   4096      0    4096     512    1 noop      128 128    0B
sdf                         0   4096      0    4096     512    1 noop      128 128    0B
├─sdf1                      0   4096      0    4096     512    1 noop      128 128    0B
└─sdf9                      0   4096      0    4096     512    1 noop      128 128    0B
sdg                         0   4096      0    4096     512    1 noop      128 128    0B
├─sdg1                      0   4096      0    4096     512    1 noop      128 128    0B
└─sdg9                      0   4096      0    4096     512    1 noop      128 128    0B
sdh                         0   4096      0    4096     512    1 noop      128 128    0B
├─sdh1                      0   4096      0    4096     512    1 noop      128 128    0B
└─sdh9                      0   4096      0    4096     512    1 noop      128 128    0B
sdi                         0   4096      0    4096     512    1 noop      128 128    0B
├─sdi1                      0   4096      0    4096     512    1 noop      128 128    0B
└─sdi9                      0   4096      0    4096     512    1 noop      128 128    0B

Meu problema é quando eu leio um arquivo pela primeira vez, através da minha conexão de 10Gb (DAC PC para Server), ou uso o rsync do pool para o SSD no servidor, eu recebo pouco mais de 100MB. Se eu ler o mesmo arquivo uma segunda vez, recebo 1,2 GB na conexão DAC de 10 Gb e 380 MB no pool para SSD.

Eu reinicio o servidor e executo uma leitura de teste do pool para o SSD

[root@nas ~]# rsync -h --progress /myraid/testmovie.avi /home/samba/testmovie.avi
       1.08G 100%   79.59MB/s    0:00:12 (xfer#1, to-check=0/1)

sent 1.08G bytes  received 31 bytes  80.21M bytes/sec
total size is 1.08G  speedup is 1.00

Então eu faço o mesmo depois de ter sido lido uma vez

[root@nas ~]# rsync -h --progress /myraid/testmovie.avi /home/samba/testmovie.avi
       1.08G 100%  394.54MB/s    0:00:02 (xfer#1, to-check=0/1)

sent 1.08G bytes  received 31 bytes  433.13M bytes/sec
total size is 1.08G  speedup is 1.00

Algum apontador? Não devo ter a velocidade de leitura de quatro unidades na primeira leitura?


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por CB40 07.08.2016 / 18:22

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