Varnish, produzindo ReqEnd usando saída padrão


É possível produzir ReqEnd usando std.log no VCL? Eu gostaria de usar ReqEnd no registro de varnishncsa.

por Justin Hourigan 23.11.2012 / 17:38

1 resposta


Você pode adicionar sinalizadores extras à saída varnishncsa para exibir mais algumas informações, incluindo algumas das temporizações informadas por ReqEnd, consulte o documentação , especificamente a opção -F format :

Supported formatters are:

... snip ...

Time when the request was received, in HTTP date/time format.

Time when the request was received, in the format specified by X. The time specification format is the same as for strftime(3).


  Time to the first byte from the backend arrived

  Whether the request was a cache hit or miss. Pipe and pass are considered misses.

  How the request was handled, whether it was a cache hit, miss, pass, pipe or error.

  Output value set by std.log("key:value") in VCL.
por 20.03.2013 / 19:01