SMTP não funciona quando tentar enviar email do cliente de email


O servidor de e-mail funciona bem quando envia e-mails do servidor, mas quando eu uso algum cliente de e-mail não funciona.

Eu encontrei isso em logs:

Jul 12 19:45:04 tvsite postfix/smtpd[3356]: warning: hostname adsl-bb29-l44 does not resolve to address Name or service not known
Jul 12 19:45:04 tvsite postfix/smtpd[3356]: connect from unknown[]
Jul 12 19:45:04 tvsite postfix/smtpd[3356]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from unknown[]: 454 4.7.1 <[email protected]>: Relay access denied; from=<[email protected]> to=<[email protected]> proto=ESMTP helo=<S>
Jul 12 19:45:04 tvsite postfix/smtpd[3356]: lost connection after RCPT from unknown[]
Jul 12 19:45:04 tvsite postfix/smtpd[3356]: disconnect from unknown[]

Além disso, meu cliente de e-mail retornou esta mensagem:

Client does not have permission to submit mail to this server. The server response was: 4.7.1 <[email protected]>: Relay access denied

Este é o meu para o postfix:

# The myhostname parameter specifies the internet hostname of this
# mail system. The default is to use the fully-qualified domain name
# from gethostname(). $myhostname is used as a default value for many
# other configuration parameters.
myhostname =

# The mydomain parameter specifies the local internet domain name.
# The default is to use $myhostname minus the first component.
# $mydomain is used as a default value for many other configuration
# parameters.
mydomain =

# The myorigin parameter specifies the domain that locally-posted
# mail appears to come from. The default is to append $myhostname,
# which is fine for small sites.  If you run a domain with multiple
# machines, you should (1) change this to $mydomain and (2) set up
# a domain-wide alias database that aliases each user to
# [email protected].
# For the sake of consistency between sender and recipient addresses,
# myorigin also specifies the default domain name that is appended
# to recipient addresses that have no @domain part.
myorigin = $myhostname


# The inet_interfaces parameter specifies the network interface
# addresses that this mail system receives mail on.  By default,
# the software claims all active interfaces on the machine. The
# parameter also controls delivery of mail to user@[ip.address].
# See also the proxy_interfaces parameter, for network addresses that
# are forwarded to us via a proxy or network address translator.
# Note: you need to stop/start Postfix when this parameter changes.
inet_interfaces = all

# The mydestination parameter specifies the list of domains that this
# machine considers itself the final destination for.
# These domains are routed to the delivery agent specified with the
# local_transport parameter setting. By default, that is the UNIX
# compatible delivery agent that lookups all recipients in /etc/passwd
# and /etc/aliases or their equivalent.
# The default is $myhostname + localhost.$mydomain.  On a mail domain
# gateway, you should also include $mydomain.
# Do not specify the names of virtual domains - those domains are
# specified elsewhere (see VIRTUAL_README).
# Do not specify the names of domains that this machine is backup MX
# host for. Specify those names via the relay_domains settings for
# the SMTP server, or use permit_mx_backup if you are lazy (see
# The local machine is always the final destination for mail addressed
# to user@[] of an interface that the mail system
# receives mail on (see the inet_interfaces parameter).
# Specify a list of host or domain names, /file/name or type:table
# patterns, separated by commas and/or whitespace. A /file/name
# pattern is replaced by its contents; a type:table is matched when
# a name matches a lookup key (the right-hand side is ignored).
# Continue long lines by starting the next line with whitespace.
mydestination = $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain, localhost, $mydomain

# The unknown_local_recipient_reject_code specifies the SMTP server
# response code when a recipient domain matches $mydestination or
# ${proxy,inet}_interfaces, while $local_recipient_maps is non-empty
# and the recipient address or address local-part is not found.
# The default setting is 550 (reject mail) but it is safer to start
# with 450 (try again later) until you are certain that your
# local_recipient_maps settings are OK.
unknown_local_recipient_reject_code = 550


# The mynetworks parameter specifies the list of "trusted" SMTP
# clients that have more privileges than "strangers".
# In particular, "trusted" SMTP clients are allowed to relay mail
# through Postfix.  See the smtpd_recipient_restrictions parameter
# in postconf(5).
# You can specify the list of "trusted" network addresses by hand
# or you can let Postfix do it for you (which is the default).
# By default (mynetworks_style = subnet), Postfix "trusts" SMTP
# clients in the same IP subnetworks as the local machine.
# On Linux, this does works correctly only with interfaces specified
# with the "ifconfig" command.
# Specify "mynetworks_style = class" when Postfix should "trust" SMTP
# clients in the same IP class A/B/C networks as the local machine.
# Don't do this with a dialup site - it would cause Postfix to "trust"
# your entire provider's network.  Instead, specify an explicit
# mynetworks list by hand, as described below.
# Specify "mynetworks_style = host" when Postfix should "trust"
# only the local machine.
#mynetworks_style = class
#mynetworks_style = subnet
#mynetworks_style = host
mynetworks =

# The alias_maps parameter specifies the list of alias databases used
# by the local delivery agent. The default list is system dependent.
# On systems with NIS, the default is to search the local alias
# database, then the NIS alias database. See aliases(5) for syntax
# details.
# If you change the alias database, run "postalias /etc/aliases" (or
# wherever your system stores the mail alias file), or simply run
# "newaliases" to build the necessary DBM or DB file.
# It will take a minute or so before changes become visible.  Use
# "postfix reload" to eliminate the delay.
alias_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/aliases

# The alias_database parameter specifies the alias database(s) that
# are built with "newaliases" or "sendmail -bi".  This is a separate
# configuration parameter, because alias_maps (see above) may specify
# tables that are not necessarily all under control by Postfix.
alias_database = hash:/etc/postfix/aliases

# The home_mailbox parameter specifies the optional pathname of a
# mailbox file relative to a user's home directory. The default
# mailbox file is /var/spool/mail/user or /var/mail/user.  Specify
# "Maildir/" for qmail-style delivery (the / is required).
home_mailbox = Maildir/

# The mail_spool_directory parameter specifies the directory where
# UNIX-style mailboxes are kept. The default setting depends on the
# system type.
mail_spool_directory = /var/mail

# The debug_peer_level parameter specifies the increment in verbose
# logging level when an SMTP client or server host name or address
# matches a pattern in the debug_peer_list parameter.
debug_peer_level = 2

# The debugger_command specifies the external command that is executed
# when a Postfix daemon program is run with the -D option.
# Use "command .. & sleep 5" so that the debugger can attach before
# the process marches on. If you use an X-based debugger, be sure to
# set up your XAUTHORITY environment variable before starting Postfix.
debugger_command =
     ddd $daemon_directory/$process_name $process_id & sleep 5

# If you can't use X, use this to capture the call stack when a
# daemon crashes. The result is in a file in the configuration
# directory, and is named after the process name and the process ID.
# debugger_command =
#   PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin; export PATH; (echo cont;
#   echo where) | gdb $daemon_directory/$process_name $process_id 2>&1
#   >$config_directory/$process_name.$process_id.log & sleep 5
# Another possibility is to run gdb under a detached screen session.
# To attach to the screen sesssion, su root and run "screen -r
# <id_string>" where <id_string> uniquely matches one of the detached
# sessions (from "screen -list").
# debugger_command =
#   PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin; export PATH; screen
#   -dmS $process_name gdb $daemon_directory/$process_name
#   $process_id & sleep 1

# The following parameters are used when installing a new Postfix version.
# sendmail_path: The full pathname of the Postfix sendmail command.
# This is the Sendmail-compatible mail posting interface.
sendmail_path = /usr/sbin/sendmail

# newaliases_path: The full pathname of the Postfix newaliases command.
# This is the Sendmail-compatible command to build alias databases.
newaliases_path = /usr/bin/newaliases

# mailq_path: The full pathname of the Postfix mailq command.  This
# is the Sendmail-compatible mail queue listing command.
mailq_path = /usr/bin/mailq

# setgid_group: The group for mail submission and queue management
# commands.  This must be a group name with a numerical group ID that
# is not shared with other accounts, not even with the Postfix account.
setgid_group = postdrop

# html_directory: The location of the Postfix HTML documentation.
html_directory = /usr/doc/postfix-2.10.2/html

# manpage_directory: The location of the Postfix on-line manual pages.
manpage_directory = /usr/man

# sample_directory: The location of the Postfix sample configuration files.
# This parameter is obsolete as of Postfix 2.1.
sample_directory = /etc/postfix

# readme_directory: The location of the Postfix README files.
readme_directory = /usr/doc/postfix-2.10.2/README_FILES
inet_protocols = ipv4

#smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = no
#broken_sasl_auth_clients = no
#smtpd_sasl_authenticated_header = no
por Vladimir 12.07.2014 / 22:34

5 respostas


Não está claro qual porta você usou, se a autenticação foi ativada no MUA e como o se parece

Como você não tem a configuração smtpd_recipient_restrictions no seu arquivo de configuração, o padrão é usado:

smptd_recipient_restrictions = permit_mynetworks, permit_sasl_authenticated, defer_unauth_destination

Parece que as duas primeiras regras não se aplicam e a última corresponde (uma rejeição temporária): Relay access denied .

O envio de e-mails agora é permitido para todos os usuários autenticados e a máquina local (para todos os programas locais que se conectam ao host local).

Para um servidor de email público, por favor, dê uma olhada nos tutoriais / diretrizes em Leiame de configuração básica . Sim, é muito, mas o seu servidor de e-mail público não só traz diversão, mas também responsabilidade!

por 12.07.2014 / 22:55

Você provavelmente tem e deve ter a autenticação por retransmissão ativada. Essa configuração impedirá que usuários anônimos enviem spam.

Suponho que você esteja usando um cliente de desktop para enviar / receber e-mails. Você tem autenticação de login ativada nas configurações do servidor smtp no seu cliente? Caso contrário, fazer login no servidor provavelmente resolverá seu problema.

por 12.07.2014 / 22:45

Eu tive um problema semelhante, notei que o Outlook estava mudando a porta de entrada para 993 automaticamente quando eu selecionei o ssl, mas não alterei a saída de 25. Altere manualmente de 25 a 465 para a saída corrigida.

por 11.03.2016 / 06:16

Passei o dia inteiro solucionando esse problema de um cliente do Outlook. O Outlook foi configurado como:

  • Meu servidor de saída (SMTP) requer autenticação.
  • Faça login no servidor de mensagens recebidas antes de enviar mensagens.

Acontece que esta é a configuração incorreta. Deve ser:

  • Meu servidor de saída (SMTP) requer autenticação.
  • Use as mesmas configurações do meu servidor de e-mail de entrada.

Eu só percebi que este não era um erro de configuração do postfix quando o envio de um email do Thunderbird foi bem-sucedido.

Fazer essa alteração eliminou o erro de retransmissão. Espero que isso ajude alguém.

por 04.07.2015 / 00:31

Como na resposta da @ sebix, mencione o nome de usuário como apenas "nome" e envie por e-mail como endereço de e-mail completo no seu lado do cliente. Talvez seja útil para alguém. insira a descrição da imagem aqui

por 02.11.2016 / 12:09
