Systemd Depois de não iniciar o serviço


letsencrypt.service :

Description=Renews letsencrypt certificates letsencrypt_concat_fullchain_privkey.service

ExecStart=/usr/bin/letsencrypt renew

Quando inicio este serviço manualmente: sudo systemctl start letsencrypt parece não iniciar o serviço letsencrypt_concat_fullchain_privkey.service . Eu corri sudo systemctl start letsencrypt_concat_fullchain_privkey.service e funciona como deveria.

O que eu estou tentando fazer é que quando letsencrypt.service for concluído, eu gostaria que ele iniciasse o serviço letsencrypt_concat_fullchain_privkey.service .

por Karl Morrison 06.03.2017 / 00:35

2 respostas


After= não implica um relacionamento de dependência (somente pedido), você pode estabelecer dependência com a diretiva Requires= ou Wants= .

Configures requirement dependencies on other units. If this unit gets activated, the units listed here will be activated as well. If one of the other units gets deactivated or its activation fails, this unit will be deactivated. This option may be specified more than once or multiple space-separated units may be specified in one option in which case requirement dependencies for all listed names will be created. Note that requirement dependencies do not influence the order in which services are started or stopped. This has to be configured independently with the After= or Before= options. If a unit foo.service requires a unit bar.service as configured with Requires= and no ordering is configured with After= or Before=, then both units will be started simultaneously and without any delay between them if foo.service is activated. Often, it is a better choice to use Wants= instead of Requires= in order to achieve a system that is more robust when dealing with failing services.

Note that this dependency type does not imply that the other unit always has to be in active state when this unit is running. Specifically: failing condition checks (such as ConditionPathExists=, ConditionPathExists=, … — see below) do not cause the start job of a unit with a Requires= dependency on it to fail. Also, some unit types may deactivate on their own (for example, a service process may decide to exit cleanly, or a device may be unplugged by the user), which is not propagated to units having a Requires= dependency. Use the BindsTo= dependency type together with After= to ensure that a unit may never be in active state without a specific other unit also in active state (see below).

Note that dependencies of this type may also be configured outside of the unit configuration file by adding a symlink to a .requires/ directory accompanying the unit file. For details, see above.

A weaker version of Requires=. Units listed in this option will be started if the configuring unit is. However, if the listed units fail to start or cannot be added to the transaction, this has no impact on the validity of the transaction as a whole. This is the recommended way to hook start-up of one unit to the start-up of another unit.

Note that dependencies of this type may also be configured outside of the unit configuration file by adding symlinks to a .wants/ directory accompanying the unit file. For details, see above.

Ref: link

por 06.03.2017 / 02:37

What I'm trying to do is that when letsencrypt.service is finished I'd like it to start the letsencrypt_concat_fullchain_privkey.service service.

Você deseja adicionar isso ao seu arquivo letsencrypt.service e, em seguida:

ExecStartPost=/bin/systemctl start letsencrypt_concat_fullchain_privkey.service

Este comando será executado em série após o comando que você deu em ExecStart= .

Você pode ler mais sobre ExecStartPost= em man systemd.service ou procurar uma diretiva systemd em man systemd.directives .

por 06.03.2017 / 14:47