Existe uma solução muito boa em:
Citado no link:
Here is a nice trick we worked out at Superuser
Add a eval "$BASH_POST_RC" to the end of your .bashrc
Set the BASH_POST_RC environment variable for each tab to that command you like to execute, e.g.: gnome-terminal --working-directory="/home/zardoz/projects/my_rails_app" --tab -e 'bash -c "export BASH_POST_RC=\"rails server\"; exec bash"' --tab -e 'bash -c "export BASH_POST_RC=\"autotest\"; exec bash"'
@Gilles: Thanks for that solution!
Eu criei o seguinte script bash usando essa ideia.
gnome-terminal --working-directory="/home/USER/rails_projects/PROJECT" --tab --title=Terminal --profile=Rails --tab --profile=Rails --title=Console -e 'bash -c "export BASH_POST_RC=\"rails console\"; exec bash"' --tab --profile=Rails --title=Guard -e 'bash -c "export BASH_POST_RC=\"guard\"; exec bash"' --tab --profile=Rails --title=Server -e 'bash -c "export BASH_POST_RC=\"rails server\"; exec bash"' --tab --profile=Rails --title=Tail -e 'bash -c "export BASH_POST_RC=\"tail -f log/development.log\"; exec bash"'