Gerenciar um DC remotamente via powershell em um computador não associado ao domínio


O que deve ser feito? É possível?

por Parsa 31.01.2010 / 15:40

1 resposta


Você pode fazer isso, embora eu não tenha 100% de certeza se você pode especificar um host confiável que não seja um membro de domínio para um controlador de domínio.

De about_remote_troubleshooting

When the local computer is not in a domain, the following procedure is required for remoting.

1. Configure the computer for HTTPS transport or add the names of the
   remote computers to the TrustedHosts list on the local computer.
   For instructions, see "How to Add a Computer to the TrustedHosts
   List" below.

2. Verify that a password is set on the workgroup-based computer. If a
   password is not set or the password value is empty, you cannot run
   remote commands.
   To set password for your user account, use User Accounts in Control

3. Use the Credential parameter in all remote commands.
   This is required even when you are submitting the credentials
   of the current user.


To view the list of trusted hosts, use the following command:

get-item wsman:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts

To add the names of particular computers to the list of trusted hosts,
use the following command format:

set-item wsman:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts -value <ComputerName>
por 31.01.2010 / 16:11