Access ODBC Driver


Eu preciso migrar um monte de dados de um banco de dados do Access para um servidor MySQL. Eu escrevi uma migração no ColdFusion, mas quando fui criar a conexão ODBC no CF Administrator, recebi um erro. O erro exato é:

Connection verification failed for data source: cpep_access
java.sql.SQLException: [Macromedia][SequeLink JDBC Driver][ODBC Socket]internal error: The specified DSN contains an architecture mismatch between the Driver and Application
The root cause was that: java.sql.SQLException: [Macromedia][SequeLink JDBC Driver][ODBC Socket]internal error: The specified DSN contains an architecture mismatch between the Driver and Application

Quando tentei criar a conexão ODBC na ferramenta de gerenciamento ODBC do Windows, descobri que não tinha o driver. Eu suponho que o driver não está lá é a causa raiz para o erro CF Admin.

Estou executando o Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 e fiquei me perguntando se alguém poderia me apontar para o driver ODBC para Windows?

por Dave Long 20.04.2011 / 19:26

1 resposta


No Roteiro de tecnologias de acesso a dados

Microsoft Jet Database Engine 4.0: Starting with version 2.6, MDAC no longer contains Jet components. In other words, MDAC 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, and all future MDAC/WDAC releases do not contain Microsoft Jet, the Microsoft Jet OLE DB Provider, the ODBC Desktop Database Drivers, or Jet Data Access Objects (DAO). The Microsoft Jet Database Engine 4.0 components entered a state of functional deprecation and sustained engineering, and have not received feature level enhancements since becoming a part of Microsoft Windows in Windows 2000.

There is no 64-bit version of the Jet Database Engine, the Jet OLEDB Driver, the Jet ODBC Drivers, or Jet DAO available. This is also documented in KB article 957570. On 64-bit versions of Windows, 32-bit Jet runs under the Windows WOW64 subsystem. For more information on WOW64, see Native 64-bit applications cannot communicate with the 32-bit Jet drivers running in WOW64.

Instead of Microsoft Jet, Microsoft recommends using Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition or Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition when developing new, non-Microsoft Access applications requiring a relational data store. These new or converted Jet applications can continue to use Jet with the intention of using Microsoft Office 2003 and earlier files (.mdb and .xls) for non-primary data storage. However, for these applications, you should plan to migrate from Jet to the 2007 Office System Driver. You can download the 2007 Office System Driver, which allows you to read from and write to pre-existing files in either Office 2003 (.mdb and .xls) or the Office 2007 (*.accdb, *.xlsm, *.xlsx and *.xlsb) file formats

Isso significa que você pode instalar as versões de 32 bits, mas seus aplicativos também devem ser de 32 bits para acessá-los.

Se você quiser configurar o ODBC a partir da ferramenta de gerenciamento do Windows, você precisará usar a versão de 32 bits localizada em% systemdrive% \ Windows \ SysWoW64 \ Odbcad32.exe.

por 20.04.2011 / 19:44