Como faço backup de um banco de dados para uma instrução .sql?


Como faço backup de um banco de dados para um único arquivo SQL? Após o backup, como posso carregá-lo / restaurar o banco de dados com o InnoDB ? Deve ser InnoDB .

por Alex 06.12.2009 / 22:16

1 resposta


Backing up MySQL

MySQL backups are performed using the common mysqldump tool. This is a command line utility that ships with MySQL and you use at as follows:

% mysqldump --user=user --password=pass --opt DBNAME > dumpfile.sql

You may also need to specify the --host= parameter to force the hostname you are connecting to. This depends largely on how you've setup your user security. This will produce a text file with a series of INSERT/DROP/CREATE SQL statements that will recreate the database.

The --opt flag is very important. This is shorthand to pass in many flags at once; --add-drop-table --add-locks --create-options --disable-keys --extended-insert --lock-tables --quick --set-charset. This ensures that your database is in a good state while the backup is performed, including restricting all write access while the backup is in operation. Any locks placed will be automatically removed when this utility finishes.


por 06.12.2009 / 22:41