Mecanismo de bloqueio no pNFS


Como eu sei, em paralelo com o NFS, depois de obter o Layout do Meta Data Server, o Cliente se comunica diretamente com o Data Server. Eu vagueio o que acontecerá se vários clientes lerem ou escreverem na mesma região do Data Server simultaneamente. Existe algum mecanismo para bloquear o pNFS?

por Waveter 10.06.2016 / 13:00

1 resposta


De acordo com a RFC 5661 (nfs 4.1 incl. pnfs)

The requirement of NFSv4.1 that all user access rights MUST be
obtained through the appropriate OPEN, LOCK, and ACCESS operations is not modified with the existence of layouts. Layouts are provided to
NFSv4.1 clients, and user access still follows the rules of the
protocol as if they did not exist. It is a requirement that for a
client to access a storage device, a layout must be held by the

E mais abaixo na mesma seção:

Note, clients are still required to perform the appropriate OPEN, LOCK, and ACCESS operations as described above. The degree to which it is possible for the client to circumvent these operations and the consequences of doing so must be clearly specified by the individual layout type specifications. In addition, these specifications must be clear about the requirements and non-requirements for the checking performed by the server.

In the presence of pNFS functionality, mandatory byte-range locks
MUST behave as they would without pNFS. Therefore, if mandatory file locks and layouts are provided simultaneously, the storage device
MUST be able to enforce the mandatory byte-range locks. For example, if one client obtains a mandatory byte-range lock and a second client accesses the storage device, the storage device MUST appropriately
restrict I/O for the range of the mandatory byte-range lock. If the
storage device is incapable of providing this check in the presence
of mandatory byte-range locks, then the metadata server MUST NOT
grant layouts and mandatory byte-range locks simultaneously.

por 13.06.2016 / 15:40
