Eu recomendo abrir o vídeo em um media player para encontrar a hora em que você deseja dividi-lo. Então você pode usar o ffmpeg com o seguinte script. Ele não recodifica o vídeo.
# Split Video Script
# Usage: script_name file_name split-point
# Example: split_video_script bugs_bunny.mp4 31:23
# Instructions:
# 1. Type the name of your script (if it is already added to ~/bin and marked as executable).
# 2. Type the file name including path to it if necessary.
# 3. Type the time where you want to split the video. It goes in minutes:seconds
# Get length in seconds
length=$(echo "" | awk -F: '{print ( * 60) + }')
# Get filename without extension
# First half
ffmpeg -i "${fname}.mp4" -c copy -t "$length" "${fname}1.mp4"
# Second half
ffmpeg -i "${fname}.mp4" -c copy -ss "$length" "${fname}2.mp4"