Reiniciar o rsyslog reenvia os logs novamente


Estou executando o Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS no EC2. Eu tenho um monte de servidores de aplicativos que estão configurados para encaminhar seus logs para um servidor central via rsyslog.

Desde que coloquei o monitoramento do Nagios nos arquivos de log no servidor central, recebi alertas indicando que determinados servidores de aplicativos não estão conseguindo encaminhar seus logs para o servidor centralizado.

Efetuar login nas máquinas e reiniciar o serviço rsyslog corrige o problema. No entanto, o rsyslog retransmite novamente os logs novamente , resultando em duplicatas no coletor. Por que isso está acontecendo?

por Jay Taylor 12.12.2012 / 00:22

1 resposta


O congelamento do aspecto de transmissão de log deste problema parece ser provavelmente devido a um bug na maneira como o rsyslog é configurado fora da caixa com 'buntu: link

Também consegui encontrar um post interessante sobre intercâmbio de especialistas:

> I recently ran into a problem and was hoping someone could help me figure it out.  I am
> running Ubuntu 10.04 and rsyslog 5.8.1.  I setup rsyslog to monitor a few files and send
> the any changes to those files to Loggly (great service by the way).  Well, it all works
> great, except for the fact that whenever I restart rsyslog it resends everything from those
> files that it had sent in the past.  Now, it is my understanding that rsyslog should use
> the $WorkDirectory and create what file that you set for $InputFileStateFile to save the
> state of the monitored file so that it does not send duplicate entries.
> Here is an example that I'm working with:
> $WorkDirectory /var/log/rsyslog
> # Monit log file
> $InputFileName /var/log/monit.log
> $InputFileTag monit
> $InputFileStateFile monit-state
> $InputFileSeverity info
> $InputRunFileMonitor
> So, from my description above, rsyslog should create a "monit-state" file in 
> "/var/log/rsyslog" which would save the state of the /var/log/monit.log" file so no 
> duplicates are sent.  Is that correct?  If so, this is not happening!
> What should the premission of "/var/log/rsyslog" be?  Do I have to touch "monit-state" in
> "/var/log/rsyslog" (I tried that already and nothing happened)?

Com uma resposta interessante:

> Ok, I found this site (Trouble Shooting Rsyslog) and went through the interactive debugging
> mode using:
> rsyslogd -c5 -dn > logfile
> 1:
> Select all
> Open in new window
> I was able to see that it was in fact a permissions problem.  I opened up permissions to
> 777 for my $WorkDirectory, just to test, and rsyslog did create the state files and
> everything worked as planned.  I will continue to play with the permissions so that it's
> not 777 (obviously), but I wanted to let anyone else that might be having this problem know
> how I solved it.    

Eu ajustei as permissões em / var / spool / rsyslog para pertencer ao usuário "syslog". Eu testei para transmissões duplicadas depois de aplicar essa alteração e parece ter resolvido o problema. Se o problema voltar a surgir ou eu descobrir que isso não resolveu, voltarei aqui e atualizarei a resposta.


$ sudo chown syslog /var/spool/rsyslog
por 12.12.2012 / 00:28