Provedor de Lista de Bloqueio de IPs Fornecendo Resultados Incorretos no Exchange 2010 SP2


Eu tenho configurado como um provedor de lista de bloqueios de IP no meu servidor Exchange 2010 SP2. Notei que vários IPs que deveriam ter suas conexões terminadas ainda podiam enviar e-mails. Eu usei o Test-IPBlockListProvider no PowerShell e obtive alguns resultados dos quais não consigo entender.

[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Test-IPBlockListProvider -Identity "Zen Spamhaus" -IPAddress

RunspaceId     : de0ada31-2415-4ea8-a8af-cf07947dddce
Provider       : Zen Spamhaus
ProviderResult : {}
Matched        : False

Este mesmo endereço IP mostra uma correspondência definitiva quando consultado diretamente do site de Spamhaus - Spamhaus Lookup para . Qual poderia ser o motivo da discrepância? Não parece ser uma coisa de timing.

Aqui está a configuração do IPBlockListProvider no Exchange 2010 -

[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-IPBlockListProvider "Zen Spamhaus" | fl

RunspaceId        : de0ada31-2415-4ea8-a8af-cf07947dddce
RejectionResponse : Your e-mail server's IP address matched the ZEN blocklist maintained by  Please have your administrator visit if you feel your inclusion on this list is in error.
LookupDomain      :
Enabled           : True
AnyMatch          : True
BitmaskMatch      :
IPAddressesMatch  : {}
Priority          : 1
AdminDisplayName  :
ExchangeVersion   : 0.1 (8.0.535.0)
Name              : Zen Spamhaus
DistinguishedName : CN=Zen Spamhaus,CN=IPBlockListProviderConfig,CN=Message Hygiene,CN=Transport Settings,CN=DOMAIN,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=Domain,DC=local
Identity          : Zen Spamhaus
Guid              : 36260444-a4d4-4088-8f30-7f428b4ff4e4
ObjectCategory    : domain.local/Configuration/Schema/ms-Exch-Message-Hygiene-IP-Block-List-Provider
ObjectClass       : {top, msExchMessageHygieneIPBlockListProvider}
WhenChanged       : 7/30/2012 4:12:34 PM
WhenCreated       : 2/15/2010 9:43:37 AM
WhenChangedUTC    : 7/30/2012 9:12:34 PM
WhenCreatedUTC    : 2/15/2010 3:43:37 PM
OrganizationId    :
OriginatingServer : dc.domain.local
IsValid           : True
por pk. 13.08.2012 / 17:08

1 resposta


Parece que está relacionado ao fato de que comecei a usar o DNS do Google como meus encaminhadores.

Your DNSBL blocks nothing at all! First, check our FAQ answer for "Your DNSBL blocks the whole Internet!" and make sure you've not made a spelling mistake in your mailserver configuration.

Check what DNS resolvers you are using: If you are using a free "open DNS resolver" service such as Google Public DNS or Level3's public DNS servers to resolve your DNSBL requests, in most cases you will receive a "not listed" (NXDOMAIN) reply from Spamhaus' public DNSBL servers. Please use your own DNS servers when doing DNSBL queries to Spamhaus.

Fonte: link

por 13.08.2012 / 17:43