sessão de sombra FreeNX


Eu tenho o servidor FreeNX (Ubuntu 10.04) instalado e os usuários podem fazer o login bem. O problema surge quando os usuários gostariam de sombrear uma sessão. Simples e simples não funciona, embora o usuário cuja sessão está solicitando ser sombreado seja apresentado com a caixa de diálogo de confirmação (então, isso é um começo), mas falha logo após a confirmação. Usar a versão NoMachine não é uma opção, pois precisaremos de mais do que o máximo permitido sem pagar um preço absurdo.

Eu verifiquei que a mudança de AGENT_EXTRA_OPTIONS com e sem "-nolisten tcp" não tem efeito. Os usuários têm um limite de 5 sessões (portanto, 1 usuário + 1 sombra não ultrapassa esse limite) e o limite geral da sessão é suficientemente alto para nossos propósitos (por enquanto, estas são as duas únicas sessões).

Se alguém tiver alguma informação adicional para resolver este problema, seria muito apreciado.

A configuração do servidor:

cat /etc/nxserver/node.conf | grep -ve '^#' | grep -ve '^$'

O nxserver.log como o usuário tentando sombrear tentativas: (usuário principal: "xxxx", sombreamento do usuário: "yyyy", no host: "host"):

cat /var/log/nxserver.log
Info: Using fds #4 and #3 for communication with nxnode.
HELLO NXSERVER - Version 3.2.0-74-SVN OS (GPL, using backend: 3.5.0)
NX> 105 hello NXCLIENT - Version 3.2.0
NX> 134 Accepted protocol: 3.2.0
NX> 105 login
NX> 101 User: yyyy
NX> 102 Password:
Info: Auth method: ssh [email protected]'s password:
NX> 1000 NXNODE - Version 3.2.0-74-SVN OS (GPL, using backend: 3.5.0)
NX> 716 Slave mode started successfully.
nxnode_reader: NX> 1000 NXNODE - Version 3.2.0-74-SVN OS (GPL, using backend: 3.5.0)
nxnode_reader: NX> 716 finished
nxnode_reader: NX> 1001 Bye.

NX> 103 Welcome to: host user: yyyy
NX> 105 listsession --type="shadow"
NX> 127 Sessions list of user '.*' for reconnect:

Display Type             Session ID                       Options  Depth Screen         Status      Session Name
------- ---------------- -------------------------------- -------- ----- -------------- ----------- ------------------------------
1001    unix-gnome       5B35808234323A4D8277F794527BFC3E --D--PSA    24 1914x1012      Running     host (xxxx) (Shadowed)
0       Local            639B671210FCE02100D4A90C44850D86 --------                      Running     X0 (Local)
0       Local            98F246415D9EA65BC926E0CA1E8DBC74 --------                      Running     X0 (Local)

NX> 148 Server capacity: not reached for user: .*
NX> 105 listsession --type="shadow"
NX> 105 attachsession  --link="adsl" --backingstore="1" --encryption="1" --cache="16M" --images="64M" --shmem="1" --shpix="1" --strict="0" --composite="1" --media="0" --session="hostshadow" --type="shadow" --client="winnt" --keyboard="pc102/en_US" --id="5B35808234323A4D8277F794527BFC3E" --display="1001" --geometry="1914x1012" --resize="1"

NX> 726 Asking user for authorization to attach to session
Info: Using /etc/nxserver/nxacl to change session parameters or deny session.
nxnode_reader: NX> 1000 NXNODE - Version 3.2.0-74-SVN OS (GPL, using backend: 3.5.0)
NX> 1000 NXNODE - Version 3.2.0-74-SVN OS (GPL, using backend: 3.5.0)
server_nxnode_echo: NX> 1000 NXNODE - Version 3.2.0-74-SVN OS (GPL, using backend: 3.5.0)
nxnode_reader: NX> 700 Session id: host-1001-858B82DD3410A5FA08EE35153B0FD7F6
NX> 700 Session id: host-1001-858B82DD3410A5FA08EE35153B0FD7F6
nxnode_reader: NX> 705 Session display: 1001
nxnode_reader: NX> 703 Session type: shadow
server_nxnode_echo: NX> 700 Session id: host-1001-858B82DD3410A5FA08EE35153B0FD7F6
nxnode_reader: NX> 701 Proxy cookie: 3def610d9e80da114ce1f978fa4d5a2c
nxnode_reader: NX> 702 Proxy IP:
nxnode_reader: NX> 706 Agent cookie: 3def610d9e80da114ce1f978fa4d5a2c
nxnode_reader: NX> 704 Session cache: shadow
nxnode_reader: NX> 707 SSL tunneling: 1
nxnode_reader: Disk quotas for user yyyy (uid 1000): none
nxnode_reader: NX> 1004 Error: NX Agent exited with exit status 1. To troubleshoot set SESSION_LOG_CLEAN=0 in node.conf and investigate "/home/yyyy/.nx/F-C-host-1001-858B82DD3410A5FA08EE35153B0FD7F6/session". You might also want to try: ssh -X myserver; /usr/lib/nx/nxnode --agent to test the basic functionality. Session log follows:
NX> 705 Session display: 1001
NX> 703 Session type: shadow
NX> 701 Proxy cookie: 3def610d9e80da114ce1f978fa4d5a2c
NX> 702 Proxy IP:
NX> 706 Agent cookie: 3def610d9e80da114ce1f978fa4d5a2c
NX> 704 Session cache: shadow
NX> 707 SSL tunneling: 1
Disk quotas for user yyyy (uid 1000): none
NX> 1004 Error: NX Agent exited with exit status 1. To troubleshoot set SESSION_LOG_CLEAN=0 in node.conf and investigate "/home/yyyy/.nx/F-C-host-1001-858B82DD3410A5FA08EE35153B0FD7F6/session". You might also want to try: ssh -X myserver; /usr/lib/nx/nxnode --agent to test the basic functionality. Session log follows:
server_nxnode_echo: NX> 705 Session display: 1001
nxnode_reader: Error: Aborting session with 'Server is already active for display 1001
nxnode_reader: If this server is no longer running, remove /tmp/.X1001-lock
nxnode_reader: and start again'.
nxnode_reader: Session: Aborting session at 'Wed Apr 18 11:19:32 2012'.
nxnode_reader: Session: Session aborted at 'Wed Apr 18 11:19:32 2012'.
nxnode_reader: NX> 1006 Session status: closed
Error: Aborting session with 'Server is already active for display 1001
If this server is no longer running, remove /tmp/.X1001-lock
and start again'.
Session: Aborting session at 'Wed Apr 18 11:19:32 2012'.
Session: Session aborted at 'Wed Apr 18 11:19:32 2012'.
NX> 1006 Session status: closed
server_nxnode_echo: NX> 703 Session type: shadow
server_nxnode_echo: NX> 701 Proxy cookie: 3def610d9e80da114ce1f978fa4d5a2c
server_nxnode_echo: NX> 702 Proxy IP:
server_nxnode_echo: NX> 706 Agent cookie: 3def610d9e80da114ce1f978fa4d5a2c
nxnode_reader: rm: cannot remove '/tmp/.X1001-lock': Operation not permitted
nxnode_reader: rm: cannot remove '/tmp/.X11-unix/X1001': Operation not permitted
rm: cannot remove '/tmp/.X1001-lock': Operation not permitted
rm: cannot remove '/tmp/.X11-unix/X1001': Operation not permitted
server_nxnode_echo: NX> 704 Session cache: shadow
server_nxnode_echo: NX> 707 SSL tunneling: 1
NX> 105 server_nxnode_echo: NX> 596 Session startup failed.
NX> 596 Session startup failed.
server_nxnode_echo: NX> 1004 Error: NX Agent exited with exit status 1. To troubleshoot set SESSION_LOG_CLEAN=0 in node.conf and investigate "/home/yyyy/.nx/F-C-host-1001-858B82DD3410A5FA08EE35153B0FD7F6/session". You might also want to try: ssh -X myserver; /usr/lib/nx/nxnode --agent to test the basic functionality. Session log follows:
session_close 858B82DD3410A5FA08EE35153B0FD7F6
nxnode_reader: rm: cannot remove '/tmp/.X1001-lock': Operation not permitted
rm: cannot remove '/tmp/.X1001-lock': Operation not permitted
server_nxnode_echo: NX> 1006 Session status: closed
nxnode_reader: rm: cannot remove '/tmp/.X11-unix/X1001': Operation not permitted
rm: cannot remove '/tmp/.X11-unix/X1001': Operation not permitted
Info: Closing connection to slave with pid 5123.
nxnode_reader: 1001 Bye.
1001 Bye.
nxnode_reader: NX> 1001 Bye.
NX> 1001 Bye.
server_nxnode_echo: NX> 1001 Bye.
Info: Closing connection to slave with pid 3289.

Eu ainda não encontrei ninguém com isso funcionando corretamente com o Ubuntu e o Gnome em qualquer um dos lançamentos 10.04 e além.

EDIT: incluindo os registros do usuário

criação inicial de sessão do FreeNX:

30.04 04:13:54 PM: startsession (30614): starting with args ""
30.04 04:13:54 PM: startsession (30614): generate "/host-nas/home/xxxx/.nx/C-host-1004-DAD0C12D4D64A595EA43304AA6CC5B55/options"
30.04 04:13:54 PM: startsession (30614): write xauth script file
30.04 04:13:54 PM: node_start_agent (30614): source profile
30.04 04:13:54 PM: node_start_agent (30614): starting
30.04 04:13:54 PM: startsession (30614): call 'node_start_applications'
30.04 04:13:54 PM: startsession (30614): call 'node_start_agent'
30.04 04:13:54 PM: node_start_monitor_2_0_0 (30614): starting
30.04 04:13:54 PM: node_start_applications (30614): source profile
30.04 04:13:54 PM: node_start_monitor (30614): staring
30.04 04:13:54 PM: node_start_applications (30614): source bash profile
30.04 04:13:54 PM: node_start_applications (30614): DISPLAY is 1004
30.04 04:13:54 PM: node_start_applications (30614): starting
30.04 04:13:54 PM: node_start_agent (30614): Start nxagent by command: '/usr/bin/nxagent -persistent -D -name "NX - xxxx@host:1004 - host (GPL Edition)" -option "/host-nas/home/xxxx/.nx/C-host-1004-DAD0C12D4D64A595EA43304AA6CC5B55/options"   -nolisten tcp -dpi 96 :1004'
30.04 04:13:54 PM: node_start_agent (30614): env end
30.04 04:13:54 PM: node_start_agent (30614): env start SSH_AGENT_PID=30215
SSH_CLIENT= 33151 1209
SSH_CONNECTION= 33151 1209
30.04 04:13:54 PM: node_start_agent (30614): source bash profile
30.04 04:13:54 PM: node_start_monitor (30614): call 'node_start_monitor_2_0_0 ""'
30.04 04:13:54 PM: node_start_agent (30614): NXAgent session type
30.04 04:13:54 PM: node_start_agent (30614): Wait for NODE_AGENT_PID (30920)
30.04 04:13:57 PM: node_find_application (30614): return NODE_STARTX="gnome-session"
30.04 04:13:57 PM: node_find_application (30614): starting with args "unix-gnome"
30.04 04:13:57 PM: node_find_application (30614): end
30.04 04:13:57 PM: node_start_applications (30614): Got NODE_APPLICATION is "gnome-session"
30.04 04:13:57 PM: node_start_applications (30614): Start successful. NODE_APP_PID=31209
30.04 04:13:57 PM: node_start_applications (30614): Starting NODE_APPLICATION with /etc/nxserver/Xsession
30.04 04:13:57 PM: node_start_applications (30614): Waiting for NODE_APP_PID
30.04 04:18:56 PM: node_start_monitor_2_0_0 (30614): call node_stop_services
30.04 04:18:56 PM: node_stop_services (30614): call node_umount_smb
30.04 04:18:56 PM: node_umount_smb (30614): starting with ENABLE_SHARE_MULTIMOUNT == 0
30.04 04:18:56 PM: node_stop_services (30614): end
30.04 04:18:56 PM: node_umount_smb (30614): File scripts/mpoint not present. Abort umounting...
30.04 04:18:56 PM: node_stop_services (30614): call node_cupsd_stop
30.04 04:18:56 PM: node_stop_services (30614): starting
30.04 06:01:34 PM: node_start_agent (30614): close session
30.04 06:01:34 PM: node_start_agent (30614): cleanup session information 'host-1004-DAD0C12D4D64A595EA43304AA6CC5B55'
30.04 06:01:34 PM: node_terminate_session (30614): starting
30.04 06:01:34 PM: node_umount_smb (30614): starting with ENABLE_SHARE_MULTIMOUNT == 0
30.04 06:01:34 PM: node_start_applications (30614): Clean pids/apps/31209
30.04 06:01:34 PM: node_start_agent (30614): NODE_AGENT_EXIT_STATUS = "0"
30.04 06:01:34 PM: node_start_agent (30614): remove agent pidfile -- '/host-nas/home/xxxx/.nx/C-host-1004-DAD0C12D4D64A595EA43304AA6CC5B55/pids/agent'
30.04 06:01:34 PM: node_start_agent (30614): call 'node_terminate_session "host-1004-DAD0C12D4D64A595EA43304AA6CC5B55" ""'
30.04 06:01:34 PM: node_terminate_session (30614): call node_stop_services
30.04 06:01:34 PM: node_start_applications (30614): NODE_APP_PID finished
30.04 06:01:34 PM: node_stop_services (30614): starting
30.04 06:01:34 PM: node_terminate_session (30614): Remove display information
30.04 06:01:34 PM: node_stop_services (30614): call node_umount_smb
30.04 06:01:34 PM: node_umount_smb (30614): File scripts/mpoint not present. Abort umounting...
30.04 06:01:34 PM: node_stop_services (30614): end
30.04 06:01:34 PM: node_terminate_session (30614): Start terminating session "host-1004-DAD0C12D4D64A595EA43304AA6CC5B55" with status ""
30.04 06:01:34 PM: node_stop_services (30614): call node_cupsd_stop
30.04 06:01:34 PM: node_terminate_session (30614): Remove magic cookie information
30.04 06:01:34 PM: node_terminate_session (30614): Preserve or remove session information
30.04 06:01:34 PM: node_terminate_session (30614): Session terminated. Rename session directory from "/host-nas/home/xxxx/.nx/C-host-1004-DAD0C12D4D64A595EA43304AA6CC5B55/" to "/host-nas/home/xxxx/.nx/T-C-host-1004-DAD0C12D4D64A595EA43304AA6CC5B55"
30.04 06:01:34 PM: node_start_agent (30614):remove /tmp/.X1004-lock
30.04 06:01:34 PM: node_start_agent (30614): remove /tmp/.X11-unix/X1004
30.04 06:01:34 PM: node_terminate_session (30614): end
30.04 06:01:34 PM: node_start_monitor_2_0_0 (30614): call node_stop_services
30.04 06:01:34 PM: node_stop_services (30614): starting
30.04 06:01:34 PM: node_stop_services (30614): call node_cupsd_stop
30.04 06:01:34 PM: node_umount_smb (30614): starting with ENABLE_SHARE_MULTIMOUNT == 0
30.04 06:01:34 PM: node_stop_services (30614): end
30.04 06:01:34 PM: node_umount_smb (30614): File scripts/mpoint not present. Abort umounting...
30.04 06:01:34 PM: node_stop_services (30614): call node_umount_smb
30.04 06:01:34 PM: node_start_monitor_2_0_0 (30614): end

mesmo usuário tentando sombrear sua própria sessão em uma máquina diferente:

30.04 04:14:07 PM: startsession (32187): starting with args ""
30.04 04:14:07 PM: startsession (32187): generate "/host-nas/home/xxxx/.nx/C-host-1004-79691E83AC7EE7BE3010050157C59440/options"
30.04 04:14:07 PM: startsession (32187): write xauth script file
30.04 04:14:07 PM: startsession (32187): If we have a shadow cookie, we add it to xauth session authority file as well
30.04 04:14:07 PM: node_start_agent (32187): env end
30.04 04:14:07 PM: startsession (32187): call 'node_start_applications'
30.04 04:14:07 PM: node_start_agent (32187): starting
30.04 04:14:07 PM: node_start_monitor (32187): call 'node_start_monitor_2_0_0 ""'
30.04 04:14:07 PM: node_start_applications (32187): source bash profile
30.04 04:14:07 PM: node_start_applications (32187): source profile
30.04 04:14:07 PM: node_start_agent (32187): Type "shadow". Add some args to nxagent
30.04 04:14:07 PM: node_start_monitor (32187): staring
30.04 04:14:07 PM: node_start_agent (32187): source bash profile
30.04 04:14:07 PM: node_start_agent (32187): source profile
30.04 04:14:07 PM: node_start_monitor_2_0_0 (32187): starting
30.04 04:14:08 PM: node_start_agent (32187): close session
30.04 04:14:07 PM: startsession (32187): call 'node_start_agent'
30.04 04:14:08 PM: node_start_agent (32187): Wait for NODE_AGENT_PID (32500)
30.04 04:14:08 PM: node_start_agent (32187): env start SSH_AGENT_PID=30215
SSH_CLIENT= 33160 1209
SSH_CONNECTION= 33160 1209
30.04 04:14:08 PM: node_find_application (32187): starting with args "shadow"
30.04 04:14:08 PM: node_start_applications (32187): DISPLAY is 1004
30.04 04:14:08 PM: node_start_applications (32187): starting
30.04 04:14:08 PM: node_start_agent (32187): NXAgent session type
30.04 04:14:08 PM: node_find_application (32187): end
30.04 04:14:08 PM: node_start_agent (32187): NODE_FAILED = "failed"
30.04 04:14:08 PM: node_start_agent (32187): remove agent pidfile -- '/host-nas/home/xxxx/.nx/C-host-1004-79691E83AC7EE7BE3010050157C59440/pids/agent'
30.04 04:14:08 PM: node_stop_services (32187): call node_cupsd_stop
30.04 04:14:08 PM: node_find_application (32187): return NODE_STARTX=""
30.04 04:14:08 PM: node_start_agent (32187): cleanup session information 'host-1004-79691E83AC7EE7BE3010050157C59440'
30.04 04:14:08 PM: node_start_agent (32187): NODE_AGENT_EXIT_STATUS = "1"
30.04 04:14:08 PM: node_terminate_session (32187): starting
30.04 04:14:08 PM: node_umount_smb (32187): starting with ENABLE_SHARE_MULTIMOUNT == 0
30.04 04:14:08 PM: node_terminate_session (32187): Remove display information
30.04 04:14:08 PM: node_terminate_session (32187): Remove magic cookie information
30.04 04:14:08 PM: node_umount_smb (32187): File scripts/mpoint not present. Abort umounting...
30.04 04:14:08 PM: node_start_agent (32187): Start nxagent by command: '/usr/bin/nxagent -nopersistent -S -shadow :1004 -shadowmode 1 -name "NX - xxxx@host:1004 - hostshadow (GPL Edition)" -option "/host-nas/home/xxxx/.nx/C-host-1004-79691E83AC7EE7BE3010050157C59440/options"   -nolisten tcp -dpi 96 :1004'
30.04 04:14:08 PM: node_stop_services (32187): end
30.04 04:14:08 PM: node_terminate_session (32187): Start terminating session "host-1004-79691E83AC7EE7BE3010050157C59440" with status "failed"
30.04 04:14:08 PM: node_start_agent (32187): call 'node_terminate_session "host-1004-79691E83AC7EE7BE3010050157C59440" "failed"'
30.04 04:14:08 PM: node_stop_services (32187): starting
30.04 04:14:08 PM: node_terminate_session (32187): call node_stop_services
30.04 04:14:08 PM: node_stop_services (32187): call node_umount_smb
30.04 04:14:08 PM: node_terminate_session (32187): Session failed. Rename session directory from "/host-nas/home/xxxx/.nx/C-host-1004-79691E83AC7EE7BE3010050157C59440/" to "/host-nas/home/xxxx/.nx/F-C-host-1004-79691E83AC7EE7BE3010050157C59440"
30.04 04:14:08 PM: node_terminate_session (32187): Preserve or remove session information
30.04 04:14:08 PM: node_terminate_session (32187): end
30.04 04:14:08 PM: node_start_agent (32187):remove /tmp/.X1004-lock
30.04 04:14:08 PM: node_start_agent (32187): remove /tmp/.X11-unix/X1004
30.04 04:14:08 PM: node_start_applications (32187): NODE_APPLICATION is empty
30.04 04:14:08 PM: node_stop_services (32187): starting
30.04 04:14:08 PM: node_umount_smb (32187): starting with ENABLE_SHARE_MULTIMOUNT == 0
30.04 04:14:08 PM: node_start_monitor_2_0_0 (32187): call node_stop_services
30.04 04:14:08 PM: startsession (32187): end
30.04 04:14:08 PM: node_stop_services (32187): call node_cupsd_stop
30.04 04:14:08 PM: node_start_monitor_2_0_0 (32187): end
30.04 04:14:08 PM: node_umount_smb (32187): File scripts/mpoint not present. Abort umounting...
30.04 04:14:08 PM: node_stop_services (32187): end
30.04 04:14:08 PM: node_stop_services (32187): call node_umount_smb
por platinummonkey 27.04.2012 / 06:32

2 respostas


O problema está no patch-getparam-url-decode.patch do time da freenx. Enquanto por si só o patch é som, ele tem um efeito colateral que faz com que getparam () retorne a primeira ocorrência de configuração do parâmetro, enquanto o código original estava retornando por último.

Essa diferença faz um truque sujo nas sessões de sombra, e nxnode tenta iniciar a sessão de sombra na mesma tela da sessão original.

A correção é editar / usr / lib / nx / nxnode: getparam e revertê-lo para o original:

       stringinstring "&$1=" "$CMDLINE" || return 1
       echo "$CMDLINE" |  tr "&" "\n" | egrep "^"$1"=" | awk -F= '{ VAL=$2 } END { print VAL }' | sed 's|%24|$|'
       return 0

A equipe do freenx saberá como corrigir isso corretamente em Python.

== fix-getparam-url-decode.patch ==
Add handling of '=' in the CMDLINE.
This was an issue when we were passing a command line for unix type of
 gnome-session --session=2d-unity
The '=' was not getting decoded and gnome-session would die.
--- a/nxnode
+++ b/nxnode
@@ -72,9 +72,11 @@

-       stringinstring "&$1=" "$CMDLINE" || return 1
-       echo "$CMDLINE" |  tr "&" "\n" | egrep "^"$1"=" | awk -F= '{ VAL=$2 } END { print VAL }' | sed 's|%24|$|'
-       return 0
+       python -c "
+import sys; from urlparse import parse_qs;
+if (v==None): sys.exit(1);
+print v;" "$1" "${CMDLINE}"

por 16.04.2013 / 07:00

Você está tentando liberar o FreeNX para um monitor existente? Tenho certeza de que não está funcionando. Aqui está uma solução adicionando em vnc mas no SUSE.


por 04.05.2012 / 14:07
