Eu sei que esse é um problema bem conhecido, mas tentei tudo o que posso encontrar on-line e ainda não consigo implantar o 1607 ou o 1703 em meus clientes do Windows 10 usando o WSUS no Server 2012 R2. Originalmente, eu sincronizava o WSUS sem instalar o KB3159706, o que significava que nenhuma das minhas atualizações baixadas havia sido descriptografada. Eu finalmente acabei desinstalando o WSUS e excluindo seus diretórios e banco de dados para começar de novo.
Instalei o KB3159706 e o HTTP Activation para o .Net 4.5 e, em seguida, instalei e configurei o WSUS. Eu então tentei implantar o 1607, mas continuei recebendo erros de "Falha no download". Neste ponto, apaguei as pastas SoftwareDistribution e CatRoot2 e tentei novamente sem sucesso. Em seguida, descobri e adicionei o tipo MIME '.esd - application / octet-stream' ao IIS e tentei implantar em alguns PCs Win 10 diferentes, mas ainda não consegui fazê-lo funcionar.
Eu executei a seguinte consulta extraída deste artigo da Microsoft: link
select TotalResults = Count(*)
from tbFile
where (IsEncrypted = 1 and DecryptionKey is NULL) or (FileName like '%14393%.esd' and IsEncrypted = 0)
O resultado que obtive foi '0', o que, de acordo com o artigo, significa que meu banco de dados está correto e minhas atualizações podem ser descriptografadas.
Eu tenho alguns PCs que foram originalmente gravados com 1607, então eu já tentei implantar o 1703 nesses PCs e eles também não funcionam. Eu também tentei pular 1607 implantando o 1703 em um PC executando o 1511.
No momento estou recebendo o erro: 0x8024200D (O manipulador de atualização não instalou a atualização porque ela precisa ser baixada novamente) - Descrição do erro retirada de link .
Aqui está o log do Windows Update de um PC depois de tentar instalar o 1703:
2017/05/14 13:51:28.8879116 852 3544 ComApi *QUEUED* Download ClientId = UpdateOrchestrator
2017/05/14 13:51:28.8879182 852 2916 Agent Obtained a network PDC reference for callID {A1D6AFB9-7784-42E7-91A2-1A2906FB843B} with No-Progress-Timeout set to 4294967295; ActivationID: 25.
2017/05/14 13:51:28.8911111 852 2916 DownloadManager * START * Begin Downloading Updates [CallerId = UpdateOrchestrator] [Call ID = A1D6AFB9-7784-42E7-91A2-1A2906FB843B]
2017/05/14 13:51:28.8911145 852 2916 DownloadManager Priority = 2, NetworkCostPolicy = 0, Interactive = 0, Download on Battery = 0, Bypass Regulation = 0, Owner is system = 1, Proxy session id = -1, ServiceId = 3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7
2017/05/14 13:51:28.8911153 852 2916 DownloadManager Updates to download = 1
2017/05/14 13:51:28.8911157 852 2916 Agent Title = Feature update to Windows 10 Education, version 1703, en-us
2017/05/14 13:51:28.8911188 852 2916 Agent UpdateId = 6C9BC0F9-0912-488D-AE71-85431F407F09.201
2017/05/14 13:51:28.8911192 852 2916 Agent Bundles 1 updates:
2017/05/14 13:51:28.8911222 852 2916 Agent CCDEB1B6-3E0F-4EEF-B67C-BEF6696AF790.201
2017/05/14 13:51:28.8911619 852 2916 DownloadManager No locked revisions found for update 6C9BC0F9-0912-488D-AE71-85431F407F09; locking the user-specified revision.
2017/05/14 13:51:28.9492355 852 2916 DownloadManager No locked revisions found for update CCDEB1B6-3E0F-4EEF-B67C-BEF6696AF790; locking the user-specified revision.
2017/05/14 13:51:28.9718986 852 2916 DownloadManager Regulation: {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7} - Loaded sequence number 65535 for regulation category PerUpdate.
2017/05/14 13:51:28.9718994 852 2916 DownloadManager Regulation: {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7} - Loaded sequence number 65535 for regulation category Low.
2017/05/14 13:51:28.9719002 852 2916 DownloadManager Regulation: {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7} - Loaded sequence number 65535 for regulation category Normal.
2017/05/14 13:51:28.9719005 852 2916 DownloadManager Regulation: {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7} - Loaded sequence number 65535 for regulation category High.
2017/05/14 13:51:29.0460875 852 2916 Handler Loaded state. m_dwState now: <invalid>(0)
2017/05/14 13:51:29.0571159 852 2916 DownloadManager Update CCDEB1B6-3E0F-4EEF-B67C-BEF6696AF790.201 is missing decryption information
2017/05/14 13:51:29.0571190 852 2916 DownloadManager Update CCDEB1B6-3E0F-4EEF-B67C-BEF6696AF790.201 is missing decryption information
2017/05/14 13:51:29.0576622 852 2916 DownloadManager DynamicDownloadDataFetcher: {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7} - added new entry for Update {CCDEB1B6-3E0F-4EEF-B67C-BEF6696AF790}.201
2017/05/14 13:51:29.1209793 852 2916 DownloadManager Queueing update {CCDEB1B6-3E0F-4EEF-B67C-BEF6696AF790}.201 for download handler request generation.
2017/05/14 13:51:29.1223140 852 2916 Handler Loaded state. m_dwState now: <invalid>(0)
2017/05/14 13:51:29.1701210 852 2916 Shared Effective power state: AC
2017/05/14 13:51:29.1701249 852 2916 Agent Released network PDC reference for callId {A1D6AFB9-7784-42E7-91A2-1A2906FB843B}; ActivationID: 25
2017/05/14 13:51:29.1701337 852 2916 Agent Obtained a network PDC reference for callID {A1D6AFB9-7784-42E7-91A2-1A2906FB843B} with No-Progress-Timeout set to 4294967295; ActivationID: 26.
2017/05/14 13:51:29.1703639 852 4028 Agent WU client calls back to download call {A1D6AFB9-7784-42E7-91A2-1A2906FB843B} with code Call progress and error 0
2017/05/14 13:51:29.1705529 852 2992 Handler Loaded state. m_dwState now: <invalid>(0)
2017/05/14 13:51:29.1705749 852 2992 DownloadManager Generating download request for update {CCDEB1B6-3E0F-4EEF-B67C-BEF6696AF790}.201
2017/05/14 13:51:29.1712713 852 2992 DownloadManager Calling into handler 0xa to generate download request for update CCDEB1B6-3E0F-4EEF-B67C-BEF6696AF790.201
2017/05/14 13:51:29.1715284 852 2992 Handler Loaded state. m_dwState now: <invalid>(0)
2017/05/14 13:51:29.1715592 852 2992 Handler Windows Setup handler requesting installer file 'WindowsUpdateBox.exe'
2017/05/14 13:51:29.1715696 852 2992 Handler State changed. was: <invalid>(0), now: Setup360_Phase1DownloadRequest(3)
2017/05/14 13:51:29.1721544 852 2992 Handler Saved state. m_dwState: Setup360_Phase1DownloadRequest(3)
2017/05/14 13:51:29.2185324 852 2916 Shared Effective power state: AC
2017/05/14 13:51:29.2185386 852 2916 Agent Released network PDC reference for callId {A1D6AFB9-7784-42E7-91A2-1A2906FB843B}; ActivationID: 26
2017/05/14 13:51:29.2185470 852 2916 Agent Obtained a network PDC reference for callID {A1D6AFB9-7784-42E7-91A2-1A2906FB843B} with No-Progress-Timeout set to 4294967295; ActivationID: 27.
2017/05/14 13:51:29.2185501 852 2916 DownloadManager * END * Begin Downloading Updates CallerId = UpdateOrchestrator
2017/05/14 13:51:29.2187518 852 4028 Agent WU client calls back to download call {A1D6AFB9-7784-42E7-91A2-1A2906FB843B} with code Call progress and error 0
2017/05/14 13:51:29.2190329 852 2916 DownloadManager DynamicDownloadDataFetcher Refresh Svc: {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}
2017/05/14 13:51:29.2190440 852 2916 DownloadManager Fetching dynamic data from service 3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7 for 1 updates.
2017/05/14 13:51:29.2190706 852 2916 Misc Got WSUS SecuredClient/Server URL: http://servername:8530/ClientWebService/client.asmx/secured""
2017/05/14 13:51:29.2190979 852 2916 WebServices Auto proxy settings for this web service call.
2017/05/14 13:51:29.2671567 852 2916 DownloadManager GetExtendedUpdateInfo2 returned, hr=0x00000000, FileLocations=2, FileDecryptionData=2
2017/05/14 13:51:29.3250743 852 2916 DownloadManager DynamicDownloadDataFetcher Refresh complete. 0x00000000
2017/05/14 13:51:29.3250894 852 2916 DownloadManager DynamicDownloadDataFetcher Refreshed Update {CCDEB1B6-3E0F-4EEF-B67C-BEF6696AF790} SetDynamicResult: 0
2017/05/14 13:51:29.3250897 852 2916 DownloadManager DynamicDownloadDataFetcher HandleDynamicDataRefreshResult HR(0x00000000)
2017/05/14 13:51:32.5878311 852 2916 DownloadManager DO job initialized, JobId = {AADB3662-196D-4C1D-BA94-FCBFEF9C5EBE}
2017/05/14 13:51:32.6090834 852 2916 DownloadManager Downloading from http://servername:8530/Content/C9/A9186BC92CFDACE903B62AB20E6A7F0FCDB533C9.exe to C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Downloaddde1e25bcbfe972aa2306200d63ffb\WindowsUpdateBox.exe (full file).
2017/05/14 13:51:32.6092027 852 2916 Handler Loaded state. m_dwState now: Setup360_Phase1DownloadRequest(3)
2017/05/14 13:51:32.6338581 852 2916 DownloadManager New download job {AADB3662-196D-4C1D-BA94-FCBFEF9C5EBE} for UpdateId CCDEB1B6-3E0F-4EEF-B67C-BEF6696AF790.201
2017/05/14 13:51:32.8269682 852 2916 DownloadManager Download job AADB3662-196D-4C1D-BA94-FCBFEF9C5EBE resumed.
2017/05/14 13:51:32.8272873 852 2916 Handler Loaded state. m_dwState now: Setup360_Phase1DownloadRequest(3)
2017/05/14 13:51:32.8292906 852 2916 Shared Effective power state: AC
2017/05/14 13:51:32.8292983 852 2916 Agent Released network PDC reference for callId {A1D6AFB9-7784-42E7-91A2-1A2906FB843B}; ActivationID: 27
2017/05/14 13:51:32.8293053 852 2916 Agent Obtained a network PDC reference for callID {A1D6AFB9-7784-42E7-91A2-1A2906FB843B} with No-Progress-Timeout set to 4294967295; ActivationID: 29.
2017/05/14 13:51:32.8296075 852 4028 Agent WU client calls back to download call {A1D6AFB9-7784-42E7-91A2-1A2906FB843B} with code Call progress and error 0
2017/05/14 13:51:32.8397716 852 2916 DownloadManager Download job AADB3662-196D-4C1D-BA94-FCBFEF9C5EBE resumed.
2017/05/14 13:51:32.8400615 852 2916 Handler Loaded state. m_dwState now: Setup360_Phase1DownloadRequest(3)
2017/05/14 13:51:32.8515665 852 2916 DownloadManager Download job AADB3662-196D-4C1D-BA94-FCBFEF9C5EBE resumed.
2017/05/14 13:51:32.8519592 852 2916 Handler Loaded state. m_dwState now: Setup360_Phase1DownloadRequest(3)
2017/05/14 13:51:35.6973300 852 4120 DownloadManager DO job {AADB3662-196D-4C1D-BA94-FCBFEF9C5EBE} completed successfully
2017/05/14 13:51:35.7608812 852 4120 Handler Loaded state. m_dwState now: Setup360_Phase1DownloadRequest(3)
2017/05/14 13:51:35.9501590 852 4120 Misc Validating signature for C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Downloaddde1e25bcbfe972aa2306200d63ffb\WindowsUpdateBox.exe with dwProvFlags 0x00000080:
2017/05/14 13:51:37.4282001 852 4120 Misc Microsoft signed: Yes
2017/05/14 13:51:37.4282686 852 4120 Handler State changed. was: Setup360_Phase1DownloadRequest(3), now: Setup360_Phase1DownloadComplete(4)
2017/05/14 13:51:37.4286856 852 4120 Handler Saved state. m_dwState: Setup360_Phase1DownloadComplete(4)
2017/05/14 13:51:37.4291714 852 4120 DownloadManager Download job completion. Progress for update {CCDEB1B6-3E0F-4EEF-B67C-BEF6696AF790} - total = 19989072, transferred = 19989072 bytes. Transfer time=2497, connect time=0 (ms)
2017/05/14 13:51:37.4561134 852 2916 DownloadManager Update CCDEB1B6-3E0F-4EEF-B67C-BEF6696AF790.201 is missing decryption information
2017/05/14 13:51:37.4565846 852 2916 DownloadManager DynamicDownloadDataFetcher: {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7} - added new entry for Update {CCDEB1B6-3E0F-4EEF-B67C-BEF6696AF790}.201
2017/05/14 13:51:37.4672242 852 2916 DownloadManager Queueing update {CCDEB1B6-3E0F-4EEF-B67C-BEF6696AF790}.201 for download handler request generation.
2017/05/14 13:51:37.4680422 852 2992 Handler Loaded state. m_dwState now: Setup360_Phase1DownloadComplete(4)
2017/05/14 13:51:37.4680919 852 2992 DownloadManager Generating download request for update {CCDEB1B6-3E0F-4EEF-B67C-BEF6696AF790}.201
2017/05/14 13:51:37.4682382 852 2992 DownloadManager Calling into handler 0xa to generate download request for update CCDEB1B6-3E0F-4EEF-B67C-BEF6696AF790.201
2017/05/14 13:51:37.4685258 852 2992 Handler Loaded state. m_dwState now: Setup360_Phase1DownloadComplete(4)
2017/05/14 13:51:37.4685589 852 2992 Handler State changed. was: Setup360_Phase1DownloadComplete(4), now: Setup360_CompatToolPhase1(5)
2017/05/14 13:51:37.4689511 852 2992 Handler Saved state. m_dwState: Setup360_CompatToolPhase1(5)
2017/05/14 13:51:37.4755710 852 2916 Shared Effective power state: AC
2017/05/14 13:51:37.4755764 852 2916 Agent Released network PDC reference for callId {A1D6AFB9-7784-42E7-91A2-1A2906FB843B}; ActivationID: 29
2017/05/14 13:51:37.4755829 852 2916 Agent Obtained a network PDC reference for callID {A1D6AFB9-7784-42E7-91A2-1A2906FB843B} with No-Progress-Timeout set to 4294967295; ActivationID: 30.
2017/05/14 13:51:37.4757969 852 4028 Agent WU client calls back to download call {A1D6AFB9-7784-42E7-91A2-1A2906FB843B} with code Call progress and error 0
2017/05/14 13:51:37.4760372 852 2916 DownloadManager DynamicDownloadDataFetcher Refresh Svc: {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}
2017/05/14 13:51:37.4760479 852 2916 DownloadManager Fetching dynamic data from service 3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7 for 1 updates.
2017/05/14 13:51:37.4760722 852 2916 Misc Got WSUS SecuredClient/Server URL: http://servername:8530/ClientWebService/client.asmx/secured""
2017/05/14 13:51:37.4760887 852 2916 WebServices Auto proxy settings for this web service call.
2017/05/14 13:51:37.4846468 852 2916 DownloadManager GetExtendedUpdateInfo2 returned, hr=0x00000000, FileLocations=2, FileDecryptionData=2
2017/05/14 13:51:37.5112347 852 2916 DownloadManager DynamicDownloadDataFetcher Refresh complete. 0x00000000
2017/05/14 13:51:37.5112486 852 2916 DownloadManager DynamicDownloadDataFetcher Refreshed Update {CCDEB1B6-3E0F-4EEF-B67C-BEF6696AF790} SetDynamicResult: 0
2017/05/14 13:51:37.5112493 852 2916 DownloadManager DynamicDownloadDataFetcher HandleDynamicDataRefreshResult HR(0x00000000)
2017/05/14 13:51:37.5370580 852 2916 DownloadManager All files for update {CCDEB1B6-3E0F-4EEF-B67C-BEF6696AF790}.201 were already downloaded and are valid.
2017/05/14 13:51:37.5750862 852 2916 Handler Loaded state. m_dwState now: Setup360_CompatToolPhase1(5)
2017/05/14 13:51:37.6326046 852 2916 DownloadManager * END * Download Call Complete Call 2 for caller UpdateOrchestrator has completed; signaling completion.
2017/05/14 13:51:37.7184340 852 2916 Shared Effective power state: AC
2017/05/14 13:51:37.7184383 852 2916 Agent Released network PDC reference for callId {A1D6AFB9-7784-42E7-91A2-1A2906FB843B}; ActivationID: 30
2017/05/14 13:51:37.7186569 852 4028 ComApi *RESUMED* Download ClientId = UpdateOrchestrator
2017/05/14 13:51:37.7186592 852 4028 ComApi Download call complete (succeeded = 1, succeeded with errors = 0, failed = 0, unaccounted = 0)
2017/05/14 13:51:37.7186619 852 4028 ComApi * END * Download ClientId = UpdateOrchestrator
2017/05/14 13:51:37.7186639 852 4028 Agent WU client calls back to download call {A1D6AFB9-7784-42E7-91A2-1A2906FB843B} with code Call complete and error 0
2017/05/14 13:51:37.7190350 852 3544 ComApi ISusInternal:: DisconnectCall failed, hr=8024000C
2017/05/14 13:51:37.7805501 852 2916 DownloadManager DynamicDownloadDataFetcher Refresh Svc: {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}
2017/05/14 13:51:37.7805532 852 2916 DownloadManager DynamicDownloadDataFetcher Refresh complete. 0x8024000c
2017/05/14 13:51:37.9479974 852 3544 DownloadManager MapToLockedRevision for updateId = {6C9BC0F9-0912-488D-AE71-85431F407F09}.201 failed with 0x80240008
2017/05/14 13:51:37.9482280 852 3544 Handler Loaded state. m_dwState now: Setup360_CompatToolPhase1(5)
2017/05/14 13:51:38.3858839 852 3544 ComApi * START * Install ClientId = UpdateOrchestrator
2017/05/14 13:51:38.3858850 852 3544 ComApi Allow source prompts: Yes; Forced: No; Force quiet: No; Attempt close apps if necessary: No
2017/05/14 13:51:38.3859027 852 3544 ComApi Updates in request: 1
2017/05/14 13:51:38.3859120 852 3544 ComApi ServiceID = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7} Managed
2017/05/14 13:51:38.3865279 852 3544 Agent Beginning install of conventional work item
2017/05/14 13:51:38.3865460 852 3544 ComApi *QUEUED* Updates to install = 1
2017/05/14 13:51:38.3865468 852 3544 ComApi Install ClientId = UpdateOrchestrator
2017/05/14 13:51:38.3868686 852 4336 Agent * START * Installing updates CallerId = UpdateOrchestrator
2017/05/14 13:51:38.3868694 852 4336 Agent Updates to install = 1
2017/05/14 13:51:38.3897454 852 4336 Agent Title = Feature update to Windows 10 Education, version 1703, en-us
2017/05/14 13:51:38.3897508 852 4336 Agent UpdateId = 6C9BC0F9-0912-488D-AE71-85431F407F09.201
2017/05/14 13:51:38.3897512 852 4336 Agent Bundles 1 updates:
2017/05/14 13:51:38.3897543 852 4336 Agent CCDEB1B6-3E0F-4EEF-B67C-BEF6696AF790.201
2017/05/14 13:51:38.8001401 852 4336 Handler Loaded state. m_dwState now: Setup360_CompatToolPhase1(5)
2017/05/14 13:51:38.8442553 852 2916 Misc Got WSUS Client/Server URL: http://servername:8530/ClientWebService/client.asmx""
2017/05/14 13:51:38.8443138 852 2916 ProtocolTalker OK to reuse existing configuration
2017/05/14 13:51:38.8443173 852 2916 ProtocolTalker Existing cookie is valid, just use it
2017/05/14 13:51:38.8443181 852 2916 ProtocolTalker PTInfo: Server requested registration
2017/05/14 13:51:38.8547244 852 2916 Misc Got WSUS Reporting URL: http://servername:8530/ReportingWebService/ReportingWebService.asmx""
2017/05/14 13:51:38.8548572 852 2916 WebServices Auto proxy settings for this web service call.
2017/05/14 13:51:38.9721092 852 4336 DownloadManager Preparing update for install, updateId = {CCDEB1B6-3E0F-4EEF-B67C-BEF6696AF790}.201.
2017/05/14 13:51:38.9728514 1816 3672 Handler * START * Windows Setup Install
2017/05/14 13:51:38.9728522 1816 3672 Handler Updates to install = 1
2017/05/14 13:51:38.9826141 1816 3672 Handler Loaded state. m_dwState now: Setup360_CompatToolPhase1(5)
2017/05/14 13:51:38.9832211 1816 3672 Handler Starting Windows Setup with command line = C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Downloaddde1e25bcbfe972aa2306200d63ffb\WindowsUpdateBox.exe" /ClassId 05c10751-48c3-4b65-8f2a-081073f106ee /ReportId {CCDEB1B6-3E0F-4EEF-B67C-BEF6696AF790}.201 /PreDownload /Update /ClientId 063d30ca-e35d-49aa-a3d0-cc17b0b6a955 /CorrelationVector oXyNQzVMHEG9Vg/"
2017/05/14 13:51:38.9832273 1816 3672 Handler Registering WinSetup COM server as CLSID {05C10751-48C3-4B65-8F2A-081073F106EE} and APPID {AA6BCD57-30F2-439D-888F-EEF1C74C6D2F}
2017/05/14 13:51:38.9849127 1816 3672 Handler Successfully registered WinSetup COM server as CLSID {05C10751-48C3-4B65-8F2A-081073F106EE}
2017/05/14 13:51:53.0577334 852 1272 DataStore Service 1BA85A31-F2A0-4C83-B440-0FE21D81E7FC added
2017/05/14 13:51:53.0578493 852 1272 Agent AddTargetedServiceMapping: 1BA85A31-F2A0-4C83-B440-0FE21D81E7FC -> 3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7
2017/05/14 13:51:53.1913051 2400 4604 ComApi * START * Init Search ClientId = Dynamic Update
2017/05/14 13:51:53.1913136 2400 4604 ComApi * START * Search ClientId = Dynamic Update
2017/05/14 13:51:53.2183930 852 2684 Agent * START * Queueing Finding updates [CallerId = Dynamic Update Id = 4]
2017/05/14 13:51:53.2183988 852 2684 Agent Removing service 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 from sequential scan list
2017/05/14 13:51:53.2184027 852 2684 Agent Added service 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 to sequential scan list
2017/05/14 13:51:53.2186113 2400 4604 ComApi Search ClientId = Dynamic Update
2017/05/14 13:51:53.2311811 852 4664 Agent * END * Queueing Finding updates [CallerId = Dynamic Update Id = 4]
2017/05/14 13:51:53.2436770 852 4664 Agent * START * Finding updates CallerId = Dynamic Update Id = 4
2017/05/14 13:51:53.2436782 852 4664 Agent Online = Yes; AllowCachedResults = No; Ignore download priority = No
2017/05/14 13:51:53.2436789 852 4664 Agent Criteria = ( CategoryIDs contains 'e4b04398-adbd-4b69-93b9-477322331cd3' )""
2017/05/14 13:51:53.2436820 852 4664 Agent ServiceID = {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} Third party service
2017/05/14 13:51:53.2436824 852 4664 Agent Search Scope = {Machine}
2017/05/14 13:51:53.2436855 852 4664 Agent Caller SID for Applicability: S-1-5-18
2017/05/14 13:51:53.2436859 852 4664 Agent RegisterService is set
2017/05/14 13:51:53.2629698 852 4664 Misc Got WSUS Client/Server URL: http://servername:8530/ClientWebService/client.asmx""
2017/05/14 13:51:53.5648593 852 4664 ProtocolTalker ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}, Server URL = http://servername:8530/ClientWebService/client.asmx
2017/05/14 13:51:53.5648604 852 4664 ProtocolTalker OK to reuse existing configuration
2017/05/14 13:51:53.5648639 852 4664 ProtocolTalker Existing cookie is valid, just use it
2017/05/14 13:51:53.5648646 852 4664 ProtocolTalker PTInfo: Server requested registration
2017/05/14 13:51:53.5752440 852 4664 WebServices Auto proxy settings for this web service call.
2017/05/14 13:51:53.6140394 852 4664 ProtocolTalker ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}, Server URL = http://servername:8530/ClientWebService/client.asmx
2017/05/14 13:51:53.6140452 852 4664 ProtocolTalker OK to reuse existing configuration
2017/05/14 13:51:53.6140490 852 4664 ProtocolTalker Existing cookie is valid, just use it
2017/05/14 13:51:53.6140498 852 4664 ProtocolTalker PTInfo: Server requested registration
2017/05/14 13:51:53.6346969 852 4664 ProtocolTalker SyncUpdates round trips: 1
2017/05/14 13:51:53.6668259 852 4664 ProtocolTalker ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}, Server URL = http://servername:8530/ClientWebService/client.asmx
2017/05/14 13:51:53.6668275 852 4664 ProtocolTalker OK to reuse existing configuration
2017/05/14 13:51:53.6668302 852 4664 ProtocolTalker Existing cookie is valid, just use it
2017/05/14 13:51:53.6668309 852 4664 ProtocolTalker PTInfo: Server requested registration
2017/05/14 13:51:53.6831695 852 4664 Agent Found 0 updates and 3 categories in search; evaluated appl. rules of 3 out of 3 deployed entities
2017/05/14 13:51:53.7235279 852 4664 Agent * END * Finding updates CallerId = Dynamic Update Id = 4
2017/05/14 13:51:53.7536027 2400 4540 ComApi *RESUMED* Search ClientId = Dynamic Update
2017/05/14 13:51:53.7553943 2400 4540 ComApi Updates found = 0
2017/05/14 13:51:53.7553951 2400 4540 ComApi * END * Search ClientId = Dynamic Update
2017/05/14 13:51:53.8377106 2400 4604 ComApi ISusInternal:: DisconnectCall failed, hr=8024000C
2017/05/14 13:51:54.1851153 852 2476 DataStore Service 1BA85A31-F2A0-4C83-B440-0FE21D81E7FC removed
2017/05/14 13:51:54.1851369 852 2476 Agent RemoveTargetedServiceMapping: 1BA85A31-F2A0-4C83-B440-0FE21D81E7FC -> 3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7
2017/05/14 13:53:38.7675880 1816 3672 Handler Installer completed. Process return code = 0x00000000, result = 0x00000000, callback pending = True
2017/05/14 13:53:38.7676446 1816 3672 Handler State changed. was: Setup360_CompatToolPhase1(5), now: Setup360_Phase2DownloadRequest(7)
2017/05/14 13:53:38.7681339 1816 3672 Handler Saved state. m_dwState: Setup360_Phase2DownloadRequest(7)
2017/05/14 13:53:38.7686744 1816 3672 Handler Exit code = 0x8024200D
2017/05/14 13:53:38.7686752 1816 3672 Handler * END * Windows Setup Install
2017/05/14 13:53:38.7776610 852 4336 DownloadManager Install failed because the update {CCDEB1B6-3E0F-4EEF-B67C-BEF6696AF790} was not complete; mark update as not downloaded.
2017/05/14 13:53:38.7854214 852 4336 Handler Loaded state. m_dwState now: Setup360_Phase2DownloadRequest(7)
2017/05/14 13:53:38.8517582 852 4336 Agent Installing updates CallerId = UpdateOrchestrator
2017/05/14 13:53:38.8518091 852 4028 ComApi Install ClientId = UpdateOrchestrator
2017/05/14 13:53:38.8518110 852 4028 ComApi Install call complete (succeeded = 0, succeeded with errors = 0, failed = 1, unaccounted = 0
2017/05/14 13:53:38.8519600 852 4028 ComApi Reboot required = False
2017/05/14 13:53:38.8519607 852 4028 ComApi Exit code = 0x00000000; Call error code = 0x80240022
2017/05/14 13:53:38.8519611 852 4028 ComApi * END * Install ClientId = UpdateOrchestrator
Qualquer ajuda seria muito apreciada.