postgres solaris smf relata status de serviço online antes de poder ouvir conexões


Eu tenho um serviço SMF (servidor da web Naviserver) que depende de o postgres estar ativo e em execução (isto é, aceitar conexões) antes de começar. O Postgres informa seu status como "on-line" bem antes de poder aceitar qualquer conexão. Isso faz com que o servidor da Web falhe ao iniciar corretamente. Tanto quanto eu posso dizer SMF está relatando on-line, logo que o método postgres start é chamado em vez de esperar por algum tipo de status de postgres indicando que está pronto.

Manifesto SMF:

 <?xml version=1.0?>
 <!DOCTYPE service_bundle SYSTEM /usr/share/lib/xml/dtd/service_bundle.dtd.1>
 <service_bundle type=manifest name=export>
   <service name=application/database/postgresql_945 type=service version=0>
     <dependency name=network grouping=require_all restart_on=none type=service>
       <service_fmri value=svc:/milestone/network:default/>
     <dependency name=filesystem-local grouping=require_all restart_on=none type=service>
       <service_fmri value=svc:/system/filesystem/local:default/>
     <exec_method name=start type=method exec=/lib/svc/method/postgres_945 start timeout_seconds=60/>
     <exec_method name=stop type=method exec=/lib/svc/method/postgres_945 stop timeout_seconds=60/>
     <exec_method name=refresh type=method exec=/lib/svc/method/postgres_945 refresh timeout_seconds=60/>
     <property_group name=general type=framework>
       <propval name=action_authorization type=astring value=solaris.smf.manage.postgres/>
       <propval name=value_authorization type=astring value=solaris.smf.value.postgres/>
     <instance name=default_64bit enabled=true>
         <method_credential group=postgres user=postgres/>
       <property_group name=postgresql_945 type=application>
         <propval name=bin type=astring value=/usr/postgres/9.4.5/bin/>
         <propval name=data type=astring value=/var/postgres-94/data/>
         <propval name=log type=astring value=/var/postgres-94/logs/server.log/>
         <propval name=value_authorization type=astring value=solaris.smf.value.postgres/>
     <stability value=Evolving/>
         <loctext xml:lang=C>PostgreSQL RDBMS version postgresql_945</loctext>
         <manpage title=postgresql_945 section=5/>
         <doc_link uri=>

Arquivo de método:

 # Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
 # Use is subject to license terms.
 #ident     @(#)postgresql_945      1.1     08/04/30 SMI

 . /lib/svc/share/

 # SMF_FMRI is the name of the target service. This allows multiple instances
 # to use the same script.

 getproparg() {
         val='svcprop -p $1 $SMF_FMRI'
         [ -n $val ] && echo $val

 check_data_dir() {
    if [ ! -d $PGDATA ]; then
            echo Error: postgresql_945/data directory $PGDATA does not exist
            exit $SMF_EXIT_ERR_CONFIG

    if [ ! -w $PGDATA ]; then
            echo Error: postgresql_945/data directory $PGDATA is not writable by postgres
            exit $SMF_EXIT_ERR_CONFIG

    if [ ! -d $PGDATA/base -o ! -d $PGDATA/global -o ! -f $PGDATA/PG_VERSION ]; then
            # If the directory is empty we can create the database files
            # on behalf of the user using initdb
            if [ 'ls -a $PGDATA | wc -w' -le 2 ]; then
                    echo Notice: postgresql_945/data directory $PGDATA is empty
                    echo Calling '$PGBIN/initdb -D $PGDATA' to initialize

                    $PGBIN/initdb -D $PGDATA
                    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
                            echo Error: initdb failed
                            exit $SMF_EXIT_ERR
                    echo Error: postgresql_945/data directory $PGDATA is not empty, nor is it a valid PostgreSQL data directory
                    exit $SMF_EXIT_ERR_CONFIG

 PGBIN='getproparg postgresql_945/bin'
 PGDATA='getproparg postgresql_945/data'
 PGLOG='getproparg postgresql_945/log'

 if [ -z $SMF_FMRI ]; then
    echo Error: SMF framework variables are not initialized
    exit $SMF_EXIT_ERR

 if [ -z $PGDATA ]; then
         echo Error: postgresql_945/data property not set
         exit $SMF_EXIT_ERR_CONFIG

 if [ -z $PGLOG ]; then
         echo Error: postgresql_945/log property not set
         exit $SMF_EXIT_ERR_CONFIG

 case $1 in
         $PGBIN/pg_ctl -D $PGDATA -l $PGLOG start

         $PGBIN/pg_ctl -D $PGDATA stop -m fast

         $PGBIN/pg_ctl -D $PGDATA reload -m fast

         echo Usage: $0 {start|stop|refresh}
         exit 1

 exit $SMF_EXIT_OK

O que posso fazer para garantir que o postgres não informe on-line até que esteja aceitando conexões ou verifique se o postgres foi realmente iniciado a partir do meu serviço de servidor da web. Obrigado!

por Josh Barton 26.03.2016 / 21:46

1 resposta


De acordo com a pg_ctl documentação :



pg_ctl start [-w] [-t seconds] [-s] [-D datadir] [-l filename] [-o options] [-p path] [-c]





Wait for the startup or shutdown to complete. Waiting is the default option for shutdowns, but not startups. When waiting for startup, pg_ctl repeatedly attempts to connect to the server. When waiting for shutdown, pg_ctl waits for the server to remove its PID file. pg_ctl returns an exit code based on the success of the startup or shutdown.


Do not wait for startup or shutdown to complete. This is the default for start and restart modes.



Starting the Server


To start the server, waiting until the server is accepting connections:

$ pg_ctl -w start

Como o comando $PGBIN/pg_ctl -D $PGDATA -l $PGLOG start tem a opção -W implícita, adicionar a opção -w ao comando no arquivo de método de serviço PostgrSQL deve fazer o que você quiser, contanto que o serviço do servidor da Web seja dependente no serviço PostgreSQL :

$PGBIN/pg_ctl -D $PGDATA -l $PGLOG -w start

Lembre-se apenas de verificar se o arquivo é alterado se você corrigir / atualizar o servidor.

por 27.03.2016 / 16:12