Como fazer o Statsd falar com o Ganglia no EC2 (localhost)


Como por tópico, estou apenas tentando fazer essa configuração simples funcionar. Os serviços estão funcionando bem, mas até onde eu sei, o statsd não manda nada para os gânglios. O Ganglia está funcionando bem, eu acho que desde que eu tenho a interface web e as informações básicas do sistema lá.

Estou usando o plug-in de back-end da wikimedia , embora eu tenha usado esta anteriormente e eu tive o mesmo problema.

Aqui está a configuração do statsd:

 port: 8125,
 debug: true,
 dumpMessages: true,
 backends: [ "./backends/ganglia.js" ],
 gangliaHost: "", // Hostname of Ganglia server (required)
 gangliaPort: 8649         // UDP port of Ganglia server (default: 8649)

Usando este script de teste estou enviando mensagens que aparecem no statsd log:

root@ip-10-32-59-208:/opt/statsd# nodejs stats.js config.js
28 Nov 18:12:46 - reading config file: config.js
28 Nov 18:12:46 - server is up
28 Nov 18:12:46 - DEBUG: Loading backend: ./backends/ganglia.js
28 Nov 18:13:01 - DEBUG: ometria.test.test:1|c
28 Nov 18:13:01 - DEBUG: ometria.test.test:1|c
28 Nov 18:13:01 - DEBUG: ometria.test.test:1|c
28 Nov 18:13:01 - DEBUG: ometria.test.test:1|c
28 Nov 18:13:01 - DEBUG: ometria.test.test:1|c
28 Nov 18:13:01 - DEBUG: ometria.test.test:1|c
28 Nov 18:13:01 - DEBUG: ometria.test.test:1|c
28 Nov 18:13:01 - DEBUG: ometria.test.test:1|c
28 Nov 18:13:01 - DEBUG: ometria.test.test:1|c
28 Nov 18:13:01 - DEBUG: ometria.test.test:1|c

Mas, como eu disse, eles não aparecem na interface da web de gânglios. A saída de depuração do gânglio está cheia de várias coisas, mas não imprime nada vagamente relacionado no momento em que eu envio essas mensagens. Por último heres meu arquivo de configuração ganglia (é um padrão, não modificado), por favor, deixe-me saber se você pode ajudar:

/* This configuration is as close to 2.5.x default behavior as possible
   The values closely match ./gmond/metric.h definitions in 2.5.x */
globals {
  daemonize = yes
  setuid = yes
  user = ganglia
  debug_level = 0
  max_udp_msg_len = 1472
  mute = no
  deaf = no
  host_dmax = 0 /*secs */
  cleanup_threshold = 300 /*secs */
  gexec = no
  send_metadata_interval = 0

/* If a cluster attribute is specified, then all gmond hosts are wrapped inside
 * of a <CLUSTER> tag.  If you do not specify a cluster tag, then all <HOSTS> will
 * NOT be wrapped inside of a <CLUSTER> tag. */
cluster {
  name = "unspecified"
  owner = "unspecified"
  latlong = "unspecified"
  url = "unspecified"

/* The host section describes attributes of the host, like the location */
host {
  location = "unspecified"

/* Feel free to specify as many udp_send_channels as you like.  Gmond
   used to only support having a single channel */
udp_send_channel {
  mcast_join =
  port = 8649
  ttl = 1

/* You can specify as many udp_recv_channels as you like as well. */
udp_recv_channel {
  mcast_join =
  port = 8649
  bind =

/* You can specify as many tcp_accept_channels as you like to share
   an xml description of the state of the cluster */
tcp_accept_channel {
  port = 8649

/* Each metrics module that is referenced by gmond must be specified and
   loaded. If the module has been statically linked with gmond, it does not
   require a load path. However all dynamically loadable modules must include
   a load path. */
modules {
  module {
    name = "core_metrics"
  module {
    name = "cpu_module"
    path = "/usr/lib/ganglia/"
  module {
    name = "disk_module"
    path = "/usr/lib/ganglia/"
  module {
    name = "load_module"
    path = "/usr/lib/ganglia/"
  module {
    name = "mem_module"
    path = "/usr/lib/ganglia/"
  module {
    name = "net_module"
    path = "/usr/lib/ganglia/"
  module {
    name = "proc_module"
    path = "/usr/lib/ganglia/"
  module {
    name = "sys_module"
    path = "/usr/lib/ganglia/"

include ('/etc/ganglia/conf.d/*.conf')

/* The old internal 2.5.x metric array has been replaced by the following
   collection_group directives.  What follows is the default behavior for
   collecting and sending metrics that is as close to 2.5.x behavior as
   possible. */

/* This collection group will cause a heartbeat (or beacon) to be sent every
   20 seconds.  In the heartbeat is the GMOND_STARTED data which expresses
   the age of the running gmond. */
collection_group {
  collect_once = yes
  time_threshold = 20
  metric {
    name = "heartbeat"

/* This collection group will send general info about this host every 1200 secs.
   This information doesn't change between reboots and is only collected once. */
collection_group {
  collect_once = yes
  time_threshold = 1200
  metric {
    name = "cpu_num"
    title = "CPU Count"
  metric {
    name = "cpu_speed"
    title = "CPU Speed"
  metric {
    name = "mem_total"
    title = "Memory Total"
  /* Should this be here? Swap can be added/removed between reboots. */
  metric {
    name = "swap_total"
    title = "Swap Space Total"
  metric {
    name = "boottime"
    title = "Last Boot Time"
  metric {
    name = "machine_type"
    title = "Machine Type"
  metric {
    name = "os_name"
    title = "Operating System"
  metric {
    name = "os_release"
    title = "Operating System Release"
  metric {
    name = "location"
    title = "Location"

/* This collection group will send the status of gexecd for this host every 300 secs */
/* Unlike 2.5.x the default behavior is to report gexecd OFF.  */
collection_group {
  collect_once = yes
  time_threshold = 300
  metric {
    name = "gexec"
    title = "Gexec Status"

/* This collection group will collect the CPU status info every 20 secs.
   The time threshold is set to 90 seconds.  In honesty, this time_threshold could be
   set significantly higher to reduce unneccessary network chatter. */
collection_group {
  collect_every = 20
  time_threshold = 90
  /* CPU status */
  metric {
    name = "cpu_user"
    value_threshold = "1.0"
    title = "CPU User"
  metric {
    name = "cpu_system"
    value_threshold = "1.0"
    title = "CPU System"
  metric {
    name = "cpu_idle"
    value_threshold = "5.0"
    title = "CPU Idle"
  metric {
    name = "cpu_nice"
    value_threshold = "1.0"
    title = "CPU Nice"
  metric {
    name = "cpu_aidle"
    value_threshold = "5.0"
    title = "CPU aidle"
  metric {
    name = "cpu_wio"
    value_threshold = "1.0"
    title = "CPU wio"
  /* The next two metrics are optional if you want more detail...
     ... since they are accounted for in cpu_system.
  metric {
    name = "cpu_intr"
    value_threshold = "1.0"
    title = "CPU intr"
  metric {
    name = "cpu_sintr"
    value_threshold = "1.0"
    title = "CPU sintr"

collection_group {
  collect_every = 20
  time_threshold = 90
  /* Load Averages */
  metric {
    name = "load_one"
    value_threshold = "1.0"
    title = "One Minute Load Average"
  metric {
    name = "load_five"
    value_threshold = "1.0"
    title = "Five Minute Load Average"
  metric {
    name = "load_fifteen"
    value_threshold = "1.0"
    title = "Fifteen Minute Load Average"

/* This group collects the number of running and total processes */
collection_group {
  collect_every = 80
  time_threshold = 950
  metric {
    name = "proc_run"
    value_threshold = "1.0"
    title = "Total Running Processes"
  metric {
    name = "proc_total"
    value_threshold = "1.0"
    title = "Total Processes"

/* This collection group grabs the volatile memory metrics every 40 secs and
   sends them at least every 180 secs.  This time_threshold can be increased
   significantly to reduce unneeded network traffic. */
collection_group {
  collect_every = 40
  time_threshold = 180
  metric {
    name = "mem_free"
    value_threshold = "1024.0"
    title = "Free Memory"
  metric {
    name = "mem_shared"
    value_threshold = "1024.0"
    title = "Shared Memory"
  metric {
    name = "mem_buffers"
    value_threshold = "1024.0"
    title = "Memory Buffers"
  metric {
    name = "mem_cached"
    value_threshold = "1024.0"
    title = "Cached Memory"
  metric {
    name = "swap_free"
    value_threshold = "1024.0"
    title = "Free Swap Space"

collection_group {
  collect_every = 40
  time_threshold = 300
  metric {
    name = "bytes_out"
    value_threshold = 4096
    title = "Bytes Sent"
  metric {
    name = "bytes_in"
    value_threshold = 4096
    title = "Bytes Received"
  metric {
    name = "pkts_in"
    value_threshold = 256
    title = "Packets Received"
  metric {
    name = "pkts_out"
    value_threshold = 256
    title = "Packets Sent"

/* Different than 2.5.x default since the old config made no sense */
collection_group {
  collect_every = 1800
  time_threshold = 3600
  metric {
    name = "disk_total"
    value_threshold = 1.0
    title = "Total Disk Space"

collection_group {
  collect_every = 40
  time_threshold = 180
  metric {
    name = "disk_free"
    value_threshold = 1.0
    title = "Disk Space Available"
  metric {
    name = "part_max_used"
    value_threshold = 1.0
    title = "Maximum Disk Space Used"

BTW, eu abri todas as portas 1000-10000 para esta instância, mas todo o tráfego está no host local mesmo assim.

por Dreen 28.11.2013 / 19:35

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