Eu desisti: (
Dei a um colega de trabalho para descobrir o que acabamos descobrindo é que o problema estava relacionado à "replicação DFSR SYSVOL". Nós rebaixamos e promovemos novamente o novo servidor (B) para tentar limpar qualquer configuração inválida. Em seguida, seguimos a resolução para o problema que está detalhado no pós-postagem . Acontece que, depois de executar as etapas no Cenário 1 e 2, a chave de registro "SysvolReady" foi definida como zero no novo servidor (B).
(Em caso de apodrecimento do link)
To resolve the issue, perform all steps below in the order described, using an elevated CMD prompt while running as a Domain Admin:
Scenario 1:
Determine which security group policy is applying this setting to the DCs by running on the PDCE:
GPRESULT.EXE /H secpol.htm
Open secpol.htm in a web browser then click "Show All". Search for the entry "Manage Auditing and Security Log." It will list the group policy that is applying this setting.
Using GPMC.MSC, edit that group policy to include the group "Administrators".
Allow AD and SYSVOL replication to converge on all DCs. On the PDCE, run:
Log off the PDCE and log back on, in order to update your security token with the user right assignment.
Allow AD and SYSVOL replication to converge on all DCs. On the PDCE, run:
Validate that some or all of the DCs have reached the 'Prepared' state and are ready to redirect. At this point you can proceed with your migration normally. See the More Information section below migration best practices.
Scenario 2:
Determine which security group policy is applying this setting to the DCs by running on the PDCE:
GPRESULT.EXE /H secpol.htm
Open secpol.htm in a web browser then click "Show All". Search for the entry "Manage Auditing and Security Log." It will list the group policy that is applying this setting.
Using GPMC.MSC, edit that group policy to include the group "Administrators".
Allow AD and SYSVOL replication to converge on all DCs. On the affected DC, run:
Restart the DFSR service on that DC.
Validate that the DC now shares SYSVOL and NETLOGON, and replicates SYSVOL inbound.
"nota do warrenw 5/3/2013"
Manually share the sysvol - Edit this registry value - Key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Netlogon\parameters
Value SysvolReady = 1run net share to make sure the sysvol is shared out.
Open the policy and add the user or group to the ""manage auditing and security log" user right.
Run gpupdate force.
Achamos que a falha na replicação e na chave de registro de estado da netlogin foi o cerne da questão, mas houve um grande número de outras coisas menores que tentamos, que também poderiam ser um fator na resolução. Espero que este post seja útil para alguém no futuro.