O 1 > refere-se a como o padrão está sendo redirecionado dentro do arquivo bat.
Você tem dois canais, um para saída padrão (1 >) e um para saída de erro padrão (2 >). Eles usam 1 > ou 2 > para processamento e fornecer dois tipos diferentes de feedback de execução. Eu tenho essa lista para diferentes permutações de redirecionamento:
command > file Write standard output of command to file
command 1> file Write standard output of command to file (same as previous)
command 2> file Write standard error of command to file (OS/2 and NT)
command > file 2>&1 Write both standard output and standard error of command to file (OS/2 and NT)
command >> file Append standard output of command to file
command 1>> file Append standard output of command to file (same as previous)
command 2>> file Append standard error of command to file (OS/2 and NT)
command >> file 2>&1 Append both standard output and standard error of command to file (OS/2 and NT)
commandA | commandB Redirect standard output of commandA to standard input of commandB
commandA 2>&1 | commandB Redirect standard output and standard error of commandA to standard input of commandB (OS/2 and NT)
command < file command gets standard input from file
command 2>&1 command's standard error is redirected to standard output (OS/2 and NT)
command 1>&2 command's standard output is redirected to standard error (OS/2 and NT)
Este é o excelente site de Rob van der Woude sobre scripts Win32: link