VisualSVN no Windows 2012 - como executar o “svnadmin hotcopy” (obtendo acesso negado)


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Eu tentei os seguintes comandos:

svnadmin hotcopy "C:\Repositories" > "C:\BackupSVN"

svnadmin hotcopy "C:\Repositories\*" > "C:\BackupSVN"

svnadmin hotcopy "C:\Repositories\TestRepo1" > "C:\BackupSVN"

No entanto, todos os 3 comandos resultam em "Acesso negado"

Eu já os testei em um prompt de comando "Administrador", o mesmo erro.


Como posso executar corretamente um comando svnadmin hotcopy (ou mesmo svnadmin dump) em um servidor Windows 2012? O que estou perdendo?

por TheCleaner 11.02.2013 / 22:34

1 resposta


Grrr ... eu percebi isso. UAC padrão estúpido no Windows 2012.

Deactivating UAC in Windows 2008 R2 was possible via running msconfig (for example winkey+r -> msconfig), going to the Tools tab and launching "Change UAC settings". There, you select "Never notify" to disable UAC. The same approach is still available in Windows Server 2012, though UAC is still active after you selected "Never notify". You have the option to turn off UAC via registry by changing the DWORD "EnableLUA" from 1 to 0 in "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\system". You will get a notification that a reboot is required. After the reboot, UAC is disabled.


por 11.02.2013 / 23:31