Segurança do protocolo com PPTP


Eu acho essas palavras na fonte do cliente pptp:


                                                     by Peter Mueller

PPTP is known to be a faulty protocol. The designers of the protocol, Microsoft, recommend not to use it due to the inherent risks. Lots of people use PPTP anyway due to ease of use, but that doesn't mean it is any less hazardous. The maintainers of PPTP Client and Poptop recommend using OpenVPN (SSL based) or IPSec instead.

(Posted on [1]2005-08-10 to the [2]mailing list)

Mas, até onde eu sei, muitas pessoas usam o PPTP como VPN, porque não há necessidade de instalar o cliente no windows, o que você acha do pptp?

por larry 14.01.2011 / 08:58

1 resposta


até onde eu sei, os problemas foram principalmente devido a algoritmos de senha inseguros sendo usados. contanto que você fique longe de senhas fracas e algoritmos mais antigos, você deve estar bem.

como Bruce Schneier colocou em sua Análise :

Microsoft has improved PPTP to correct the major security weaknesses de- scribed in [SM98]. However, the fundamental weakness of the authentication and encryption protocol is that it is only as secure as the password chosen by the user.


it seems imprudent for Microsoft to continue to rely on the security of passwords. Our hope is that PPTP continues to see a decline in use as IPSec becomes more prevalent.

por 14.01.2011 / 09:58
