Eu não uso o procmail há algum tempo honestamente, então eu peço desculpas se isso não funcionar imediatamente.
Primeiro, o aninhamento no script que você tinha estava causando problemas porque praticamente cortava uma receita pela metade. Eles não são necessários de qualquer maneira, então eu os removi. Eu também simplifiquei a estrutura e a configurei para que nunca caísse na caixa de correio local.#Preliminaries
SHELL=/bin/sh #Use the Bourne shell (check your path!)
MAILDIR=${HOME} #First check what your mail directory is!
LOG="--- Logging ${LOGFILE} for ${LOGNAME}, "
### Trying to process using the rt-mailgate script
# the following line extracts the recipient from Received-headers.
# Simply using the To: does not work, as tickets are often created
# by sending a CC/BCC to RT
TO='formail -c -xReceived: |grep $MAILDOMAIN |sed -e 's/.*for *<*\(.*\)>* *;.*$//''
QUEUE='echo $TO| $HOME/'
ACTION='echo $TO| $HOME/'
|/usr/bin/perl $RT_MAILGATE --queue $QUEUE --action $ACTION --url $RT_URL
# the formail command below looks at the message sender and basically
# swallows the message if it's seen the sender before. The number
# is the size of the cache file of seen addresses. A lock file is
# used because multiple formail processes editing that cache will
# corrupt it.
| formail -rD 8192 no-queue.cache
### Upon failure, I want to send back an error message to the user, saying
### "Queue does not exist." I took this code from the procmailex manpage.
# Don't send if this was a bounce from a mailer, and don't send if this
# message contains the header put there to indicate a loop.
* !^X-Loop: [email protected]
|(formail -rI"Precedence: junk" -A"X-Loop: [email protected]" ; \
echo "The Queue or Action was invalid."; echo "--" \
) | $SENDMAIL -oi -t
# trash anything that falls all the way through. This should only ever
# happen if the message was a bounce or if it was a loop.
Espero que ajude. Por favor, comente se você tiver dúvidas sobre qualquer parte dela e eu vou tentar explicar. Ou descobrir como eu me diverti se não funcionar.