Recebi a seguinte resposta da IBM hoje:
None of the clearcase accounts requires admin privileges. There are some ClearCase commands that need admin privileges but they can be executed by any user that has both ClearCase admin privileges and OS admin privileges.
However there are cases where machines are setup in a way that it is much easier to give certain accounts admin privileges than making sure all directories they need to access have the correct ACLS.
So if your auditers don't like the fact that the ccadmin has OS admin privileges and is known to multiple people then you can make the individual accounts of those people OS administrator and ClearCase privileged user. Of course if these users are using ClearCase on a daily basis and not just for administrative tasks then I am not sure that solution is better from a security point of view compared to having a shared admin account. Any mistake they would make during their daily work would never be stopped based on permissions.
Então vou separar os dois, então.