3.7.8. ip_ct_tcp_timeout_established The ip_ct_tcp_timeout_established variable tells us the default timeout value for tracked connections in the ESTABLISHED state. All connections that has finished the initial 3-way handshake, and that has not seen any kind of FIN packets are considered as ESTABLISHED. This is in other words more or less the default state for a TCP connection.
Since we never want a connection to be lost on either side of the netfilter firewall, this timeout is set extremely high so we do not accidentally erase entries that are still used. Per default, the ip_ct_tcp_timeout_established variable is set to 432000 seconds, or 5 days.
Por isso, vou investigar outras opções, pois pode haver outro firewall no caminho causando o tempo limite.
Obrigado por aqueles que ajudaram mesmo assim!