AWS EC2 CentOS 7 com LibreSwan IPsec Tunnel UP (estabelecido), sem fluxo de tráfego, não é possível pingar criptografia ponto a ponto nós de domínio


Eu tenho a instalação LibreSwan na instância AWS EC2 CentOS7, o túnel IPsec é estabelecido com o peer (Cisco ASA). O túnel está em alta, mas eu não tenho tráfego. Eu não posso pingar os nós ao lado do peer. Aqui está minha configuração. na instância do AWS EC2

EC2 instance - running CentOS7 
Public IP: A.B.C.D
Private IP: E.F.G.H

[toor@ip-E-F-G-H ~]# lsb_release -a
LSB Version:    :core-4.1-amd64:core-4.1-noarch
Distributor ID: CentOS
Description:    CentOS Linux release 7.5.1804 (Core)
Release:    7.5.1804
Codename:   Core

[toor@ip-E-F-G-H ~]# ipsec version
Linux Libreswan 3.23 (netkey) on 3.10.0-862.3.2.el7.x86_64

[toor@ip-E-F-G-H ~]# ipsec version
Verifying installed system and configuration files

Version check and ipsec on-path                     [OK]
Libreswan 3.23 (netkey) on 3.10.0-862.3.2.el7.x86_64
Checking for IPsec support in kernel                [OK]
 NETKEY: Testing XFRM related proc values
         ICMP default/send_redirects                [OK]
         ICMP default/accept_redirects              [OK]
         XFRM larval drop                           [OK]
Pluto ipsec.conf syntax                             [OK]
Two or more interfaces found, checking IP forwarding    [OK]
Checking rp_filter                                  [OK]
Checking that pluto is running                      [OK]
 Pluto listening for IKE on udp 500                 [OK]
 Pluto listening for IKE/NAT-T on udp 4500          [OK]
 Pluto ipsec.secret syntax                          [OK]
Checking 'ip' command                               [OK]
Checking 'iptables' command                         [OK]
Checking 'prelink' command does not interfere with FIPS [OK]
Checking for obsolete ipsec.conf options            [OK]

Aqui está o meu ipsec.conf

config setup
        virtual_private=%v4:M.N.O.P/32,%v4:Q.R.S.T/32 #are encryption Domain of my peer

conn MyConnection
       ## phase1 ##
      ## phase2 ##
      leftid=A.B.C.D #MyPublic Ip on AWS EC2
      leftsourceip=E.F.G.H . #My private ip of my ec2 centos7 instance
      ## MyPeer ##
      right=I.J.K.L #Public ip of the peer - cisco asa device

my ipsec.secrets
A.B.C.D I.J.K.L: PSK "*&^%$3434"

aqui é o status do ipsec

[toor@ip-E-F-G-H ~]# ipsec auto --status

000 "MyConnection/0x2": IKE algorithms: AES_CBC_256-HMAC_SHA1-MODP1536
000 "MyConnection/0x2": IKE algorithm newest: AES_CBC_256-HMAC_SHA1-MODP1536
000 "MyConnection/0x2": ESP algorithms: AES_CBC_256-HMAC_SHA1_96-MODP1536
000 "MyConnection/0x2": ESP algorithm newest: AES_CBC_256-HMAC_SHA1_96; pfsgroup=MODP1536
000 Total IPsec connections: loaded 2, active 2
000 State Information: DDoS cookies not required, Accepting new IKE connections
000 IKE SAs: total(1), half-open(0), open(0), authenticated(1), anonymous(0)
000 IPsec SAs: total(2), authenticated(2), anonymous(0)
000 #2: "MyConnection/0x1":4500 STATE_QUICK_I2 (sent QI2, IPsec SA established); EVENT_SA_REPLACE in 734s; newest IPSEC; eroute owner; isakmp#1; idle; import:admin initiate
000 #2: "MyConnection/0x1" [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ref=0 refhim=0 Traffic: ESPin=0B ESPout=4KB! ESPmax=4194303B
000 #1: "MyConnection/0x2":4500 STATE_MAIN_I4 (ISAKMP SA established); EVENT_SA_REPLACE in 25692s; newest ISAKMP; lastdpd=0s(seq in:0 out:0); idle; import:admin initiate
000 #3: "MyConnection/0x2":4500 STATE_QUICK_I2 (sent QI2, IPsec SA established); EVENT_SA_REPLACE in 524s; newest IPSEC; eroute owner; isakmp#1; idle; import:admin initiate
000 #3: "MyConnection/0x2" [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ref=0 refhim=0 Traffic: ESPin=0B ESPout=1KB! ESPmax=4194303B
000 Bare Shunt list:

aqui está minha rota -n cmd e não é possível executar ping nesses nós no domínio de criptografia do meu par

[toor@ip-E-F-G-H ~]# route -n
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface E.F.0.1 UG 0 0 0 eth0
M.N.O.P E.F.0.1 UGH 0 0 0 eth0
Q.R.S.T E.F.0.1 UGH 0 0 0 eth0
E.F.0.0 U 0 0 0 eth0

[root@ip-E-F-G-H ~]#ping M.N.O.P
no reply

[root@ip-E-F-G-H ~]#ping Q.R.S.T
no reply

aqui está o meu iptables -L, não POSTROUTING

[root@ip-E-F-G-H ~]#iptables -L
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destination
ACCEPT     udp  --  anywhere             anywhere             udp dpt:isakmp
ACCEPT     tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere             tcp dpt:ipsec-nat-t
ACCEPT     udp  --  anywhere             anywhere             udp dpt:ipsec-nat-t
ACCEPT     esp  --  anywhere             anywhere
ACCEPT     ah   --  anywhere             anywhere

Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destination
ACCEPT     all  --  anywhere             anywhere
ACCEPT     all  --  anywhere             anywhere

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target     prot opt source               destination

[root@ip-E-F-G-H ~]#iptables -t nat -L -v -n
Chain PREROUTING (policy ACCEPT 19 packets, 1024 bytes)
 pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source               destination

Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT 19 packets, 1024 bytes)
 pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source               destination

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT 305 packets, 127K bytes)
 pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source               destination

Chain POSTROUTING (policy ACCEPT 305 packets, 127K bytes)
 pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source               destination

Na instância do AWS EC2, eu desabilitei a verificação de origem / destino. No grupo de segurança da instância do AWS EC2, eles foram adicionados na entrada

Type               Protocol    Port Range   Source           Description
All traffic        All         All          M.N.O.P/32
All traffic        All         All          Q.R.S.T/32
SSH                TCP         22 
Custom Protocol    AH (51)     All
Custom Protocol    ESP (50)    All
Custom UDP Rule    UDP         4500
Custom UDP Rule    UDP         500
All ICMP - IPv4    All         N/A

No grupo de segurança da instância do AWS EC2, eles foram adicionados no envio de saída

Type               Protocol    Port Range   Source           Description
All traffic        All         All
All traffic        All         All          M.N.O.P/32
All traffic        All         All          Q.R.S.T/32

Na seção VPC, região para minha instância ec2 .. Adicionada na tabela de roteamento

Destination      Target              Status     Propagated
E.F.0.0/16       local               Active     No        igw-747d3673hsd     Active     No
M.N.O.P/32       eni-0fec2be5-on-ec2 Active     No
Q.R.S.T/32       eni-0fec2be5-on-ec2 Active     No

Adicione também algumas ACLs de rede - entrada

Rule #   Type        Protocol   Port Range   Source     Allow / Deny
100      ALL Traffic ALL        ALL  ALLOW
200      ALL Traffic ALL        ALL          M.N.O.P/32 ALLOW
300      ALL Traffic ALL        ALL          Q.R.S.T/32 ALLOW
*        ALL Traffic ALL        ALL  DENY

Adicione também algumas ACLs de rede - saída

Rule #   Type        Protocol   Port Range   Source     Allow / Deny
100      ALL Traffic ALL        ALL  ALLOW
200      ALL Traffic ALL        ALL          M.N.O.P/32 ALLOW
300      ALL Traffic ALL        ALL          Q.R.S.T/32 ALLOW
*        ALL Traffic ALL        ALL  DENY

Isso é tudo - o túnel está em alta, com ecs centos7 com o Libreswan para o Cisco ASA. Mas sem tráfego, eu não posso pingar ou rastrear os nós atrás do firewall cisco asa. Qualquer ponteiros no lado aws é muito apreciado. obrigado

Eu tenho o cisco Admin para me mostrar o seu lado

aqui está a saída sh do crypto ipsec sa peer A.B.C.D

sh crypto ipsec sa peer A.B.C.D
peer address: A.B.C.D
    Crypto map tag: TELCOCryptoMap, seq num: 690, local addr: I.J.K.L

      access-list CRYPTO-NETXCELL-VPN extended permit ip host M.N.O.P host E.F.G.H 
      local ident (addr/mask/prot/port): (M.N.O.P/
      remote ident (addr/mask/prot/port): (E.F.G.H/
      current_peer: A.B.C.D

      #pkts encaps: 0, #pkts encrypt: 0, #pkts digest: 0
      #pkts decaps: 0, #pkts decrypt: 0, #pkts verify: 0
      #pkts compressed: 0, #pkts decompressed: 0
      #pkts not compressed: 0, #pkts comp failed: 0, #pkts decomp failed: 0
      #pre-frag successes: 0, #pre-frag failures: 0, #fragments created: 0
      #PMTUs sent: 0, #PMTUs rcvd: 0, #decapsulated frgs needing reassembly: 0
      #TFC rcvd: 0, #TFC sent: 0
      #Valid ICMP Errors rcvd: 0, #Invalid ICMP Errors rcvd: 0
      #send errors: 0, #recv errors: 0

      local crypto endpt.: I.J.K.L/4500, remote crypto endpt.: A.B.C.D/4500
      path mtu 1500, ipsec overhead 82(52), media mtu 1500
      PMTU time remaining (sec): 0, DF policy: copy-df
      ICMP error validation: disabled, TFC packets: disabled
      current outbound spi: 3F59926A
      current inbound spi : D8CD619E

    inbound esp sas:
      spi: 0xD8CD619E (3637338526)
         SA State: active
         transform: esp-aes-256 esp-sha-hmac no compression 
         in use settings ={L2L, Tunnel,  NAT-T-Encaps, PFS Group 5, IKEv1, }
         slot: 0, conn_id: 266432512, crypto-map: TELCOCryptoMap
         sa timing: remaining key lifetime (kB/sec): (4374000/3438)
         IV size: 16 bytes
         replay detection support: Y
         Anti replay bitmap: 
          0x00000000 0x00000001
    outbound esp sas:
      spi: 0x3F59926A (1062834794)
         SA State: active
         transform: esp-aes-256 esp-sha-hmac no compression 
         in use settings ={L2L, Tunnel,  NAT-T-Encaps, PFS Group 5, IKEv1, }
         slot: 0, conn_id: 266432512, crypto-map: TELCOCryptoMap
         sa timing: remaining key lifetime (kB/sec): (4374000/3438)
         IV size: 16 bytes
         replay detection support: Y
         Anti replay bitmap: 
          0x00000000 0x00000001

    Crypto map tag: TELCOCryptoMap, seq num: 690, local addr: I.J.K.L

      access-list CRYPTO-NETXCELL-VPN extended permit ip host Q.R.S.T host E.F.G.H 
      local ident (addr/mask/prot/port): (Q.R.S.T/
      remote ident (addr/mask/prot/port): (E.F.G.H/
      current_peer: A.B.C.D

      #pkts encaps: 0, #pkts encrypt: 0, #pkts digest: 0
      #pkts decaps: 0, #pkts decrypt: 0, #pkts verify: 0
      #pkts compressed: 0, #pkts decompressed: 0
      #pkts not compressed: 0, #pkts comp failed: 0, #pkts decomp failed: 0
      #pre-frag successes: 0, #pre-frag failures: 0, #fragments created: 0
      #PMTUs sent: 0, #PMTUs rcvd: 0, #decapsulated frgs needing reassembly: 0
      #TFC rcvd: 0, #TFC sent: 0
      #Valid ICMP Errors rcvd: 0, #Invalid ICMP Errors rcvd: 0
      #send errors: 0, #recv errors: 0

      local crypto endpt.: I.J.K.L/4500, remote crypto endpt.: A.B.C.D/4500
      path mtu 1500, ipsec overhead 82(52), media mtu 1500
      PMTU time remaining (sec): 0, DF policy: copy-df
      ICMP error validation: disabled, TFC packets: disabled
      current outbound spi: 01DCEC29
      current inbound spi : D9735EB5

    inbound esp sas:
      spi: 0xD9735EB5 (3648216757)
         SA State: active
         transform: esp-aes-256 esp-sha-hmac no compression 
         in use settings ={L2L, Tunnel,  NAT-T-Encaps, PFS Group 5, IKEv1, }
         slot: 0, conn_id: 266432512, crypto-map: TELCOCryptoMap
         sa timing: remaining key lifetime (kB/sec): (4374000/3438)
         IV size: 16 bytes
         replay detection support: Y
         Anti replay bitmap: 
          0x00000000 0x00000001
    outbound esp sas:
      spi: 0x01DCEC29 (31255593)
         SA State: active
         transform: esp-aes-256 esp-sha-hmac no compression 
         in use settings ={L2L, Tunnel,  NAT-T-Encaps, PFS Group 5, IKEv1, }
         slot: 0, conn_id: 266432512, crypto-map: TELCOCryptoMap
         sa timing: remaining key lifetime (kB/sec): (4374000/3438)
         IV size: 16 bytes
         replay detection support: Y
         Anti replay bitmap: 
          0x00000000 0x00000001

Com isso, o dispositivo cisco parece não ter nenhum pacote esp recebido. Qualquer ponteiros, como eu acredito que pode estar em algum lugar no nível aws .. obrigado

aqui é o tcpdump

[toor@ip-E-F-G-H ~]# tcpdump esp
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
listening on eth0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 262144 bytes
0 packets captured
0 packets received by filter
0 packets dropped by kernel

[toor@ip-E-F-G-H ~]# tcpdump port 4500
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
listening on eth0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 262144 bytes
13:39:28.382551 IP > I.J.K.L.ipsec-nat-t: isakmp-nat-keep-alive
13:39:28.382575 IP > I.J.K.L.ipsec-nat-t: isakmp-nat-keep-alive
13:39:28.382580 IP > I.J.K.L.ipsec-nat-t: isakmp-nat-keep-alive
13:39:29.222092 IP I.J.K.L.ipsec-nat-t > NONESP-encap: isakmp: phase 2/others ? inf[E]
13:39:29.222277 IP > I.J.K.L.ipsec-nat-t: NONESP-encap: isakmp: phase 2/others ? inf[E]
5 packets captured
5 packets received by filter
0 packets dropped by kernel

[toor@ip-E-F-G-H ~]# tcpdump port 500
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
listening on eth0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 262144 bytes
0 packets captured
0 packets received by filter
0 packets dropped by kernel

aqui ip xfrm state

[toor@ip-E-F-G-H ~]# ip xfrm state
src I.J.K.L dst E.F.G.H
    proto esp spi 0xe603c44c reqid 16389 mode tunnel
    replay-window 32 flag af-unspec
    auth-trunc hmac(sha1) 0x53c09c699e580292be07d7159ec6b7bee6767310 96
    enc cbc(aes) 0x1e6fdc95ab9e02d1cbb690f89cca6528ff73e65696528b9615a5b09cd310cd2a
    encap type espinudp sport 4500 dport 4500 addr
    anti-replay context: seq 0x0, oseq 0x0, bitmap 0x00000000
src E.F.G.H dst I.J.K.L
    proto esp spi 0x386e8731 reqid 16389 mode tunnel
    replay-window 32 flag af-unspec
    auth-trunc hmac(sha1) 0xec8ed07c653732ffba1d9b63929ac6211005dbee 96
    enc cbc(aes) 0xe046bd204feb33e44b24bf1c1476a7425c8ef3318ab705feb2761ae471823d5a
    encap type espinudp sport 4500 dport 4500 addr
    anti-replay context: seq 0x0, oseq 0x3, bitmap 0x00000000
src I.J.K.L dst E.F.G.H
    proto esp spi 0x17676d9a reqid 16393 mode tunnel
    replay-window 32 flag af-unspec
    auth-trunc hmac(sha1) 0x79ab780421c9e079c122006499f9d034ba4ef961 96
    enc cbc(aes) 0xde3c9b22338e09c885d9dae4bc93c99fc650a41aa3a7cc8a6ac07affe72f5bd3
    encap type espinudp sport 4500 dport 4500 addr
    anti-replay context: seq 0x0, oseq 0x0, bitmap 0x00000000
src E.F.G.H dst I.J.K.L
    proto esp spi 0x3cfbd571 reqid 16393 mode tunnel
    replay-window 32 flag af-unspec
    auth-trunc hmac(sha1) 0x4163513e0f66ac3656dd18569be72b51b60a3b9e 96
    enc cbc(aes) 0xf4c5b790d4d509daef59c7ab50b6620230113c7d21eeaaff48e5a589733636ea
    encap type espinudp sport 4500 dport 4500 addr
    anti-replay context: seq 0x0, oseq 0x5, bitmap 0x00000000

aqui está a política ip xfrm

[toor@ip-E-F-G-H ~]# ip xfrm policy
src E.F.0.0/20 dst M.N.O.P/32
    dir out priority 2464 ptype main
    tmpl src E.F.G.H dst I.J.K.L
        proto esp reqid 16389 mode tunnel
src M.N.O.P/32 dst E.F.0.0/20
    dir fwd priority 2464 ptype main
    tmpl src I.J.K.L dst E.F.G.H
        proto esp reqid 16389 mode tunnel
--- omitted output -- but u get the gist --
por sekayasin 30.10.2018 / 13:57

1 resposta


  • Você pode verificar AWS VPC Flow Logs para verificar se há algum tráfego de entrada bloqueado. Mas as listagens SG e NACL que você postou parecem estar abertas o suficiente para que isso funcione.
  • Quando você tenta fazer o ping da outra extremidade do seu lado, você vê os pacotes ESP de saída ? Você pode verificar através dos Flux Logs ou usar tcpdump em sua instância do EC2.
  • A Cisco vê seus pacotes ESP chegando?
  • O outro lado pode iniciar a conexão até o seu fim?

Você provavelmente precisará trabalhar com o administrador do dispositivo Cisco para rastrear o que realmente acontece.

por 30.10.2018 / 22:20