Problema ao instalar o Windows Admin Center 1809 no servidor 1803 via erro de linha de comando 1603


Estou tentando instalar o Windows Admin Center 1809 no Servidor 1803. Eu corri sob o contexto do administrador:

msiexec /I windowsAdminCenter1809.msi /qn /L*v log.txt SSL_CERTIFICATE_OPTION=generate

O erro registrado no arquivo de log foi:

SFXCA: Binding to CLR version v4.0.30319
Calling custom action Microsoft.ManagementExperience.Setup.CustomActions!Microsoft.ManagementExperience.Setup.CustomActions.CustomAction.GenerateSslCertificate
Custom action data improperly initialized
Parameter name: session 
at Microsoft.ManagementExperience.Setup.CustomActions.CustomAction.<>c__DisplayClass13_0.<GenerateSslCertificate>b__0()
at Microsoft.ManagementExperience.Setup.CustomActions.CustomAction.RunInstallerAction(Session session, Func'1 action)
MSI (s) (1C!B8) [16:24:06:470]: Product: Windows Admin Center -- 1: Unhandled Exception: System.ArgumentException Custom action data improperly initialized
Parameter name: session 

1: Unhandled Exception: System.ArgumentException Custom action data improperly initialized
Parameter name: session 
CustomAction GenerateSslCertificate returned actual error code 1603 (note this may not be 100% accurate if translation happened inside sandbox)

Em seguida, executei o msi interactive, selecionando a mesma geração de SSL e funcionou. Alguma pista do que eu fiz de errado?

por jafin 29.09.2018 / 08:37

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