A interface da web do Dell OpenManage não inicia, o serviço retorna o erro de sintaxe


Instalei o pacote Ubuntu OpenManage 7.4.0 da Dell em um Dell PowerEdge 2850 com o Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. No entanto, não consigo iniciar a interface da Web.

Todas as outras ferramentas funcionam conforme o esperado, incluindo omreport , omconfig e omhelp .

$ sudo service dsm_om_connsvc start
Starting DSM SA Connection Service:  *

$ sudo service dsm_om_connsvc status
dsm_om_connsvcd is stopped

Verificar o log mostra claramente que o processo não foi iniciado corretamente.

$ tail -n 100 /opt/dell/srvadmin/var/log/openmanage/dsm_om_connsvcdIO.log

status(-3) 38:32 2016] (1504) RunServer:daemon worker forked
[Jul  7 18:38:32 2016] (1505) RunServer:worker process entry
[Jul  7 18:38:32 2016] (1504) RunServer:daemon waiting for worker init status
[Jul  7 18:38:32 2016] (1505) ModuleAttach: entry 0
[Jul  7 18:38:32 2016] (1505) ModuleAttach: starting the startserver thread
[Jul  7 18:38:32 2016] (1505) ModuleAttach(ERROR): startserver thread exited prematurely, aborting!
[Jul  7 18:38:32 2016] (1505) ModuleAttach: exit with errors!
[Jul  7 18:38:32 2016] (1505) RunServer: ModuleAttach failed
[Jul  7 18:38:32 2016] (1505) RunServer:worker process EXIT status(-3)
[Jul  7 18:38:32 2016] (1504) RunServer:daemon process EXIT status(-3)
[Jul  7 18:38:32 2016] (1505) RunServer exit with status(-3)
[Jul  7 18:38:32 2016] (1502) RunServer:parent process EXIT status(-3)

De acordo com este tópico , um JRE desatualizado é às vezes um culpado, mas eu verifiquei e está atualizado.

A execução do serviço de shell /opt/dell/srvadmin/sbin/srvadmin-services.sh com sh /opt/dell/srvadmin/sbin/srvadmin-services.sh start e sh /opt/dell/srvadmin/sbin/srvadmin-services.sh stop produz estranhamente erros de sintaxe na mesma linha: /opt/dell/srvadmin/sbin/srvadmin-services.sh: 26: /opt/dell/srvadmin/sbin/srvadmin-services.sh: Syntax error: "(" unexpected . No entanto, a visualização do arquivo não mostra nada que pareça fora do comum.

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# This software is supplied under the terms of a license agreement or
# nondisclosure agreement with Dell Inc. and may not
# be copied or disclosed except in accordance with the terms of that
# agreement.
# Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Dell Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Abstract/Purpose:
#   This Script will start/stop/restart/status all the services installed
#   by Systems Management.

# ensure sbin utilities are available in path, so that su will also work
export PATH=/usr/kerberos/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:$PATH

# Server Administrator package prefix
SRVADMIN_STR="Server Administrator"


# list of services start
arrayStart=(racsvc instsvcdrv dataeng dsm_om_connsvc racser racvnc racsrvc)

# list of services to stop
arrayStop=(racsvc dsm_om_connsvc racser racvnc racsrvc dataeng instsvcdrv)

# list of services to find status
arrayStatus=(racsvc instsvcdrv dataeng dsm_om_connsvc racser racvnc racsrvc)

# start/stop/status for multiple services
serviceAction() {
    for svc in $services; do
        if [ -e /etc/init.d/$svc ]; then
            /etc/init.d/$svc $action
    return $RET

# enable/disable multiple services
serviceCtl () {
    for svc in $services
        chkconfig --list $svc 2>/dev/null || continue
        chkconfig $svc $ctl

## Usage
function Usage {
    cat <<EOF
Usage: srvadmin-services.sh {start|stop|status|restart|enable|disable|help}
  start  : starts ${SRVADMIN_STR} services
  stop   : stops ${SRVADMIN_STR} services
  status : display status of ${SRVADMIN_STR} services
  restart: restart ${SRVADMIN_STR} services
  enable : Enable ${SRVADMIN_STR} services in runlevels 2, 3, 4, and 5
  disable: Disable ${SRVADMIN_STR} services in runlevels 2, 3, 4, and 5
  help   : Displays this help text
    exit 1

# make sure services dont busy out any mountpoints
cd /

# check for root privileges
if [ "${UID}" != "0" ]; then
    echo "This utility requires root privileges"
    exit 1


# Note the ${@:- ... } set up this way so that we either stop/start/etc full
# set of services, or specific service if passed. ${@} is set to cmdline
# params. If these are not set, then the stuff after :- is used as a default.
if [ "${action}" == "start" ]; then
    serviceAction start ${@:-${startDeps[*]} ${arrayStart[*]}}

elif [ "${action}" == "stop" ]; then
    serviceAction stop ${@:-${arrayStop[*]}}

elif [ "${action}" == "status" ]; then
    serviceAction status ${@:-${arrayStatus[*]}}

elif [ "${action}" == "restart" ]; then
    serviceAction stop ${@:-${arrayStop[*]}}
    serviceAction start ${@:-${startDeps[*]} ${arrayStart[*]}}

elif [ "${action}" == "freeze" ]; then
    for service in ${@:-${startDeps[*]} ${arrayStart[*]}}; do
        if serviceAction status $service; then
                touch /opt/dell/srvadmin/var/run/freeze-$service
                serviceAction stop $service

elif [ "${action}" == "thaw" ]; then
    for service in ${@:-${startDeps[*]} ${arrayStart[*]}}; do
        if [ -e /opt/dell/srvadmin/var/run/freeze-$service ]; then
                rm -f /opt/dell/srvadmin/var/run/freeze-$service
                serviceAction start $service

elif [ "${action}" == "condrestart" ]; then
    # condrestart will restart a service if it is running, else noop
    # used in rpm %post
    for service in ${@:-${startDeps[*]} ${arrayStart[*]}}; do
        if serviceAction status $service; then
                serviceAction stop $service
                serviceAction start $service

elif [ "${action}" == "enable" ]; then
    serviceCtl on ${@:-${arrayStatus[*]} ipmi}

elif [ "${action}" == "disable" ]; then
    serviceCtl off ${@:-${arrayStatus[*]} ipmi}

    [ -z "${action}" ] || echo -e "Invalid option '${action}', please see the usage below\n"

Estou ciente de que existe uma pergunta muito semelhante aqui : no entanto, é bastante velho, não tem resposta, e o dono não tem mais acesso à máquina para trabalhar, enquanto eu posso facilmente experimentar o meu . Assim, decidi criar uma nova pergunta com minhas descobertas adicionais

por JMY1000 08.07.2016 / 04:05

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