Como é a arquitetura do Azure Web Apps?


Eu tive algumas interrupções de 10 a 15 minutos, porque aparentemente a Microsoft tinha um 'blip' em seus estoques. Eles me disseram que é por causa de um sistema de arquivos compartilhado entre as instâncias (tornando-se um único ponto de falha?)

Eu não entendi e perguntei como o compartilhamento de arquivos está envolvido , porque eu diria que um aplicativo do IIS stateless que se comunica com o SQL Azure para seus dados.

Eu assumirei a situação abaixo:

Esta é a sua resposta à minha pergunta (não incluí o desenho)

The file shares are not necessarily for your web app to communicate to another resources but they are on our end where the app content resides on. That is what we meant when we suggested that about storage being unavailable on our file servers. The reason the restarts would be triggered for your app that is on both the instances is because the resources are shared, the underlying storage would be the same for both the instances. That’s the reason if it goes down on one, the other would also follow eventually. If you really want the availability of the app to be improved, you can always use a traffic manager. However, there is no guarantee that even with traffic manager in place, the app doesn’t go down but it improves overall availability of your app. Also we have recently rolled out an update to production that should take care of restarts caused by storage blips ideally, but for this feature to be kicked it you need to make sure that there is ample amount of memory needs to be available in the cases where this feature needs to kick in. We have couple of options that you can have set up in order to avoid any unexpected restarts of the app because of a storage blip on our end:

  • You can evaluate if you want to move to a bigger instance so that we might have enough memory for the overlap recycling feature to be kicked in.

  • If you don’t want to move to a bigger instance, you can always use local cache feature as outlined by us in our earlier email.

Por causa das diferenças de tempo, a comunicação leva séculos. Alguém pode me dizer o que está errado no meu pensamento?

A única coisa que penso é que, quando você habilitou duas instâncias, elas são executadas no mesmo servidor físico. Mas isso faz pouco sentido para mim.

Eu tenho duas instâncias um núcleo, 1,75 GB de memória .

por Dirk Boer 07.02.2016 / 19:22

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