Os cookies TCP Syn estão sempre ligados quando ativados?


Para o kernel 2.6.32 do Linux, se eu definir net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies = 1 , isso será sempre usado ou somente durante um ataque de inundação SYN?

Eu encontrei 2 fontes que dizem o contrário.


"There are, however, two caveats that take effect when SYN cookies are in use. Firstly, the server is limited to only 8 unique MSS values, as that is all that can be encoded in 3 bits. Secondly, the server must reject all TCP options (such as large windows or timestamps), because the server discards the SYN queue entry where that information would otherwise be stored. [1]

While these restrictions necessarily lead to a sub-optimal experience, their effect is rarely noticed by clients because they are only applied when under attack. In such a situation, the loss of the TCP options in order to save the connection is usually considered to be a reasonable compromise."


"The downside is that not all TCP data can fit into the 32-bit Sequence Number field, so some TCP options required for high performance might be disabled." This means that options such as selective ACKs and TCP Window Scaling won't work if you turn on SYN Cookies, even if your server isn't currently under attack."

por defiler 30.09.2015 / 12:27

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