Usando DeamonPortOptions para corrigir assinatura DKIM com masquerading genericstable


Estou enviando e-mails do meu servidor debian com o sendmail. Eu quero ser capaz de enviar e-mail com vários domínios usando o mascaramento com genericstable. Estou assinando os e-mails com o OpenDKIM, mas como o OpenDKIM assina o e-mail antes do mascaramento, as chaves não coincidem.

O OpenDKIM resolve este problema na sua página README

Due to the way the milter protocol is incorporated into the MTA, opendkim sees the headers before they are modified as required by those two features. This means the DKIM signature is generated based on the headers originally injected by the mail client and not on the headers which are actually sent out by the MTA. As a result, the verifying agent at the receiver's side will be unable to verify the signature as the signed data and the received data don't match.

The suggested solutions to this problem are:

(1) Send mail with the headers already written as needed, obviating the need for these features (or just turn them off).

(2) Have two MTAs set up, either on separate boxes or on the same box. The first MTA should do all of the rewriting (i.e. use these two features) and the second one should use opendkim to add the signature and do no rewriting at all.

(3) Have multiple DaemonPortOptions lines in your configuration file. The first daemon port (port 25) does the header rewriting and then routes the message to the second port; the latter does no rewriting but does the signing and then sends the message on its way.

Eu quero usar as soluções 3 para corrigir o problema, mas não consigo descobrir como começar. Por razões, não quero usar a primeira solução.

Meu DeamonPortOptions atual no meu arquivo é

DAEMON_OPTIONS('Family=inet,  Name=MTA-v4, Port=smtp')dnl
DAEMON_OPTIONS('Family=inet,  Name=MSP-v4, Port=submission, M=Ea')dnl

É possível configurar meu sendmail para usar 1 porta para o mascaramento e outra para adicionar DKIM e enviar como o README sugere?

Qualquer ajuda seria muito apreciada!

por Sandman 25.02.2015 / 08:16

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