Em qual banco de dados eu estou semeando em um DAG esticado?


Eu tenho um DAG estendido em dois sites, com quatro cópias. Uma das cópias remotas falhou e eu emiti uma operação de reinserção com a cópia de trabalho remota como uma fonte.

Sabendo disso, tentei trabalhar para trás e ver se o Powershell é capaz de me dizer de onde os dados estão vindo e para onde estão indo. Isso será útil em futuros esforços de solução de problemas.

Eu executei os comandos típicos e não pude fazer o Exchange me informar para onde os dados estão indo / de / para.


  • Como um administrador pode determinar qual é a origem e o destino é quando um banco de dados é propagado?


[PS] C:\Scripts\Scripts\Windows>Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus db18\txexmb02 -ConnectionStatus | fl

RunspaceId                       : cf5dfdca-0148-44c7-bea1-63c29e6c6eb4
Identity                         : DB18\TXEXMB02
Name                             : DB18\TXEXMB02
DatabaseName                     : DB18
Status                           : SeedingSource
MailboxServer                    : TXEXMB02
ActiveDatabaseCopy               : nycexmb02
ActivationSuspended              : False
ActionInitiator                  : Administrator
ErrorMessage                     :
ErrorEventId                     :
ExtendedErrorInfo                :
SuspendComment                   :
SinglePageRestore                : 0
ContentIndexState                : Healthy
ContentIndexErrorMessage         :
CopyQueueLength                  : 0
ReplayQueueLength                : 97
LatestAvailableLogTime           : 7/7/2014 8:28:18 AM
LastCopyNotificationedLogTime    : 7/7/2014 8:28:18 AM
LastCopiedLogTime                : 7/7/2014 8:28:18 AM
LastInspectedLogTime             : 7/7/2014 8:28:18 AM
LastReplayedLogTime              : 7/7/2014 7:40:44 AM
LastLogGenerated                 : 1073244
LastLogCopyNotified              : 1073244
LastLogCopied                    : 1073244
LastLogInspected                 : 1073244
LastLogReplayed                  : 1073147
LogsReplayedSinceInstanceStart   : 144932
LogsCopiedSinceInstanceStart     : 124270
LatestFullBackupTime             : 7/6/2014 7:38:00 PM
LatestIncrementalBackupTime      :
LatestDifferentialBackupTime     :
LatestCopyBackupTime             : 4/8/2014 2:47:40 AM
SnapshotBackup                   : True
SnapshotLatestFullBackup         : True
SnapshotLatestIncrementalBackup  :
SnapshotLatestDifferentialBackup :
SnapshotLatestCopyBackup         : True
LogReplayQueueIncreasing         : False
LogCopyQueueIncreasing           : False
OutstandingDumpsterRequests      : {}
OutgoingConnections              :
IncomingLogCopyingNetwork        : {NYCEXMB02,Replication Network Segment}
SeedingNetwork                   :
ActiveCopy                       : False

[PS] C:\Scripts\Scripts\Windows>Get-MailboxDatabaseCopyStatus db18\txexmb01 -ConnectionStatus | fl

RunspaceId                       : cf5dfdca-0148-44c7-bea1-63c29e6c6eb4
Identity                         : DB18\TXEXMB01
Name                             : DB18\TXEXMB01
DatabaseName                     : DB18
Status                           : Seeding
MailboxServer                    : TXEXMB01
ActiveDatabaseCopy               : nycexmb02
ActivationSuspended              : True
ActionInitiator                  : Service
ErrorMessage                     :
ErrorEventId                     :
ExtendedErrorInfo                :
SuspendComment                   : The database copy was automatically suspended due to failure item processing. At '7/
                                   6/2014 7:25:53 PM' the copy of 'DB18' on this server experienced an error that requi
                                   res it be reseeded. For more detail about this failure, consult the Event log on the
                                    server for other storage and "ExchangeStoreDb" events. The passive database copy ha
                                   s been suspended.

SinglePageRestore                : 0
ContentIndexState                : Failed
ContentIndexErrorMessage         : Catalog is dismounted externally for database {cb626758-e781-456e-85a3-ead9d2e87544}
CopyQueueLength                  : 1073244
ReplayQueueLength                : 0
LatestAvailableLogTime           :
LastCopyNotificationedLogTime    :
LastCopiedLogTime                :
LastInspectedLogTime             :
LastReplayedLogTime              :
LastLogGenerated                 : 1073244
LastLogCopyNotified              : 0
LastLogCopied                    : 0
LastLogInspected                 : 0
LastLogReplayed                  : 0
LogsReplayedSinceInstanceStart   : 0
LogsCopiedSinceInstanceStart     : 0
LatestFullBackupTime             : 5/18/2014 6:26:07 AM
LatestIncrementalBackupTime      :
LatestDifferentialBackupTime     : 5/22/2014 3:01:46 AM
LatestCopyBackupTime             : 4/8/2014 2:47:40 AM
SnapshotBackup                   : True
SnapshotLatestFullBackup         : True
SnapshotLatestIncrementalBackup  :
SnapshotLatestDifferentialBackup : True
SnapshotLatestCopyBackup         : True
LogReplayQueueIncreasing         : False
LogCopyQueueIncreasing           : False
OutstandingDumpsterRequests      : {}
OutgoingConnections              :
IncomingLogCopyingNetwork        :
SeedingNetwork                   :
ActiveCopy                       : False
por random65537 07.07.2014 / 14:36

0 respostas