vagrant parar pendurado ao tentar detectar o sistema operacional convidado

Eu estou tentando parar um vm vagrant usando 'vagrant halt' e parece estar desligando a detecção do sistema operacional convidado. (vagabundo 1.5.1, centos 6.5 vm). Isso é um bug no vagabundo ou algo de errado com a nossa caixa de base?

Log de depuração para parada do vagrant:

DEBUG ssh: Re-using SSH connection. INFO ssh: Execute: grep 'Fedora release [12][67890]' /etc/redhat-release (sudo=false) DEBUG ssh: Sending SSH keep-alive... ...snip DEBUG guest: Trying: ubuntu DEBUG ssh: Re-using SSH connection. INFO ssh: Execute: cat /etc/issue | grep 'Ubuntu' (sudo=false) DEBUG ssh: Sending SSH keep-alive... ... DEBUG guest: Trying: suse DEBUG ssh: Re-using SSH connection. INFO ssh: Execute: cat /etc/SuSE-release (sudo=false) DEBUG ssh: Sending SSH keep-alive... ... DEBUG guest: Trying: pld DEBUG ssh: Re-using SSH connection. INFO ssh: Execute: cat /etc/pld-release (sudo=false) DEBUG ssh: Sending SSH keep-alive... DEBUG ssh: Sending SSH keep-alive... ... DEBUG guest: Trying: arch

No ponto em que o vagrant está tentando detectar o sistema operacional, eu começo a ver os segfaults em / var / log / messages

May 1 11:52:19 localhost kernel: bash[21880]: segfault at 7ffff4db3e64 ip 0000000000424add sp 00007ffff4db3e30 error 6 in bash[400000+d4000] May 1 11:52:20 localhost abrtd: Directory 'ccpp-2014-05-01-11:52:19-21880' creation detected May 1 11:52:20 localhost abrt[21881]: Saved core dump of pid 21880 (/bin/bash) to /var/spool/abrt/ccpp-2014-05-01-11:52:19-21880 (65454080 bytes) May 1 11:52:20 localhost kernel: bash[21883]: segfault at 7ffff4db3e64 ip 0000000000424add sp 00007ffff4db3e30 error 6 in bash[400000+d4000] May 1 11:52:20 localhost abrt[21884]: Not saving repeating crash in '/bin/bash' May 1 11:52:20 localhost kernel: bash[7759]: segfault at 7ffff4db3f98 ip 0000000000422105 sp 00007ffff4db3fa0 error 6 in bash[400000+d4000] May 1 11:52:20 localhost abrt[21886]: Not saving repeating crash in '/bin/bash' May 1 11:52:24 localhost kernel: Bridge firewalling registered May 1 11:53:51 localhost kernel: bash[3725]: segfault at 7fffd5939da4 ip 0000000000424add sp 00007fffd5939d70 error 6 in bash[400000+d4000] May 1 11:53:51 localhost abrt[3726]: Saved core dump of pid 3725 (/bin/bash) to /var/spool/abrt/ccpp-2014-05-01-11:53:51-3725 (65454080 bytes) May 1 11:53:51 localhost abrtd: Directory 'ccpp-2014-05-01-11:53:51-3725' creation detected May 1 11:53:51 localhost kernel: bash[3727]: segfault at 7fffd5939da4 ip 0000000000424add sp 00007fffd5939d70 error 6 in bash[400000+d4000] May 1 11:53:51 localhost abrt[3728]: Not saving repeating crash in '/bin/bash' May 1 11:53:51 localhost kernel: bash[21887]: segfault at 7fffd5939fb4 ip 0000000000424add sp 00007fffd5939f80 error 6 in bash[400000+d4000] May 1 11:53:51 localhost abrt[3729]: Not saving repeating crash in '/bin/bash' May 1 11:54:15 localhost abrtd: Sending an email... May 1 11:54:15 localhost abrtd: Email was sent to: root@localhost May 1 11:54:15 localhost abrtd: New problem directory /var/spool/abrt/ccpp-2014-05-01-11:52:19-21880, processing


Eu tentei configurar o config.vm.guest =: linux (eu não sei se há uma opção para o centos especificamente) e ele não vai nem inicializar dando outro erro:

Vagrant attempted to execute the capability 'change_host_name' on the detect guest OS 'linux', but the guest doesn't support that capability. This capability is required for your configuration of Vagrant. Please either reconfigure Vagrant to avoid this capability or fix the issue by creating the capability.

por pdizz 01.05.2014 / 20:11

1 resposta


Acho que isso está sendo corrigido pela versão 1.6:


por 02.05.2014 / 23:28