Algo está quebrado
Kubuntu 11.10 / KDE 4.7 / Amarok 2.4.3 - 2.5.0
Eu não consigo fazer o Amarok tocar o CD. E a mesma coisa parece ser com outros usuários: link .
Com o Bangarang (2.1), o CD toca se eu usar o backend do Xine Phonon. O backend do Xine foi descontinuado e removido dos repositórios do Ubuntu. Estou usando o backend do Xine Phonon do Natty - phonon-backend-xine_4.7.0really4.4.4-0ubuntu3_i386.deb.
Como eu reproduzo o CD
Estou usando o cdtool.
:~$ apt-cache show cdtool
Description: text-based audio CD player and CD-ROM control commands
cdtool contains cdplay, cdeject, cdstop, cdpause, and several other
programs for playing audio CDs and controlling a CD-ROM drive from
the command line and in a quick and scriptable way.
cdown reads track info and queries a CDDB database for info on
the current CD. cdctrl is a command line utility for controlling a
CD-ROM drive interactively and from scripts. cdir keeps track of the
contents of different CDs using a workman-compatible database.
man cdtool
cdtool - play and catalog audio CDROMs on CDROM drive(s)
cdeject [-[0..9]|-d device] [-V|-?|-h]
cdclose [-[0..9]|-d device] [-V|-?|-h]
cdir -n [-[0..9]|-d device] [-r|-s|-t|-V|-?|-h]
cdinfo [-[0..9]|-d device] [-a|-r|-s|-t|-v|-V|-?|-h]
cdpause [-[0..9]|-d device] [-V|-?|-h]
cdplay [-[0..9]|-d device] [start [stop]
cdplay [-[0..9]|-d device] [+|- number]
cdplay [-[0..9]|-d device] [start|stop|resume|eject|close|info|dir]
cdplay [-[0..9]|-d device] [-V|-?|-h]
cdstop [-[0..9]|-d device] [-V|-?|-h]
cdvolume [-[0..9]|-d device] [-V|-?|-h|level]
cdshuffle [-[0..9]|-d device] [-V|-?|-h]
The cdeject command ejects the current compact disc.
The cdclose command closes the CDROM tray.
The cdir command lists information about the currently loaded audio
compact disc. In particular, it lists the lengths of all tracks...
Ou seja: Alt + F2 e cdplay, cdstop, ...