Aqui estão alguns recursos para implantações do Linux. O melhor recurso provavelmente será artigos.
- Tópico da Wikipédia intitulado: Compartilhamento de uso de sistemas operacionais
- Linux lidera o crescimento de servidores -
Se você pesquisar por "participação de mercado do servidor Linux" ou "servidores Linux em todo o mundo", provavelmente encontrará mais se precisar deles.
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varrendo a internet
Server market share can be measured with statistical surveys of publicly accessible servers, such as web servers, mail servers or DNS servers on the Internet: the operating system powering such servers is found by inspecting raw response messages. This method gives insight only into market share of operating systems that are publicly accessible on the Internet. There will be differences in the result depending on how the sample is done and observations weighted. Usually the surveys are not based on a random sample of all ip numbers, domain names, hosts or organisations, but on servers found by some other method. Additionally many domains and ip numbers may be served by one host and some domains may be served by several hosts or by one host with several ip numbers.
- W3TechssurveyinJanuary2013checkedthetop1millionWebservers(accordingtoAlexa).
- SecuritySpacesurveyinAugust2009checked38,549,333publiclyaccessibleWebservers.
- NetcraftSSLsurveyinJanuary2009alsochecked1,014,301publiclyaccessibleWebservers,butthesurveyisonlyvalidforSSLWebserversanditisnotagoodmeasureforourpurpose.