De acordo com o Wiki do Gentoo , é possível em certas circunstâncias, mas provavelmente não é desejável:
It is not possible to RAID10 an existing volume, nor reshape the RAID10 across more/less PVs, nor to convert to a different RAID level/linear volume, It is possible to extend a RAID10 across additional PVs, but they must be added in multiples of the original RAID10 (which will effectively linearly append a new RAID10), or --alloc anywhere must be specified (which can hurt performance). In the above example, 4 additional PVs would be required without --alloc anywhere.
Além disso, o LVM RAID10 é mais restrito que o md RAID10 (por exemplo, requer um número par de drives):
LVM syntax requires the number of PV be multiple of the numbers stripes and mirror, even though RAID10 format does not