Quais são as arquiteturas equivalentes de números alfanuméricos no Debian?


No Debian site , encontrei uma lista dos lançamentos do Debian associado com arquiteturas alfanuméricas. Você sabe o que significam essas arquiteturas números e letras?

por Vladimir Leiv 18.02.2014 / 10:13

1 resposta


Eu perguntei sobre # debian-mentors, e Paul Wise me indicou um relatório de bug. As entradas que você vê são causadas por um bug. Veja o link do relatório de erros do Debian.

07:05 < pabs> faheem: https://bugs.debian.org/610222
07:06 < pabs> faheem: I guess patches would be welcome
07:15 < ats> faheem: so my first guess was that it was a Plan 9-style code,   
             but no, it's just a bug
07:16 < ats> I think what's happening is that it's taking a list of          
             architectures along the lines of "i386,armhf,kfreebsd-i386" and   
             splitting it by characters rather than on ,
07:16 < ats> so that's actually a list of all the characters that are used in 
             Debian architecture names ;-)
07:17 < ats> line 407-ish in http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/secure-
             testing/lib/python/security_db.py?view=markup suggests that it        
             does split on , first, though, so presumably that's not getting 
             used properly when fetching the arch field from the database...

Nota. Patches são bem vindos. : -)

por 18.02.2014 / 13:24