O timeslice depende da prioridade do processo ou não sob o Agendamento Completamente Justo?


Estou tentando entender o Completely Fair Scheduler (CFS). De acordo com Robert Love em Linux Kernel Development , 3ª edição (itálico dele, negrito meu):

Rather than assign each process a timeslice, CFS calculates how long a process should run as a function of the total number of runnable processes. Instead of using the nice value to calculate a timeslice, CFS uses the nice value to weight the proportion of processor a process is to receive: Higher valued (lower priority) processes receive a fractional weight relative to the default nice value, whereas lower valued (higher priority) processes receive a larger weight.

Each process then runs for a “timeslice” proportional to its weight divided by the total weight of all runnable threads. To calculate the actual timeslice, CFS sets a target for its approximation of the “infinitely small” scheduling duration in perfect multitasking. This target is called the targeted latency....Let’s assume the targeted latency is 20 milliseconds and we have two runnable tasks at the same priority. Regardless of those task’s priority, each will run for 10 milliseconds before preempting in favor of the other. If we have four tasks at the same priority, each will run for 5 milliseconds. If there are 20 tasks, each will run for 1 millisecond....

Now, let’s again consider the case of two runnable processes, except with dissimilar nice values—say, one with the default nice value (zero) and one with a nice value of 5. These nice values have dissimilar weights and thus our two processes receive different proportions of the processor’s time. In this case, the weights work out to about a 1/3 penalty for the nice-5 process. If our target latency is again 20 milliseconds, our two processes will receive 15 milliseconds and 5 milliseconds each of processor time, respectively.

A primeira frase em negrito diz que as tarefas têm a mesma timeslice, independentemente da prioridade, enquanto a segunda diz que a fatia do tempo depende de um bom valor. O que está correto ou o que estou perdendo?

por Ellen Spertus 21.09.2014 / 21:14

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