Equivalente a estes comandos nas seguintes distros [closed]


Estes comandos:

dpkg -i
apt-get install
apt-get update
apt-get remove
apt-get dist-upgrade
apt-get purge

nessas distros: Opensuse, Fedora, Gentoo, Arco, Slackware.

por WinMacLinUser 27.06.2013 / 08:30

1 resposta


Verifique se esta página, você obterá todos os detalhes.

Fedora / RHEL / CentOS:

yum install/remove/search/update  package


yast2 --install/--remove <package_name>


zypper                 # to print the list of available global options and commands
zypper help search     # to print help for the search command
zypper lp              # to see what patch updates are needed
zypper patch           # to apply the needed patches
zypper se sqlite       # to search for sqlite
zypper rm sqlite2      # to remove sqlite2
zypper in sqlite3      # to install sqlite3
zypper in yast*        # to install all packages matching 'yast*'
zypper up              # to update all installed packages with newer versions, where possible


emerge package    # Install
emerge -C package # Remove a package
emerge -s keyword # Search for packages (package names only)
emerge -u package # update the package 


pacman -U package.pkg.tar.xz # Local package install
pacman -Syy                  # Refresh package databases
pacman -Syu                  # Update installed packages
pacman -S package            # Install package
pacman -R package            # Remove package


Verifique as man pages do Pkgtools / Slackpkg

por 27.06.2013 / 09:19